Thursday, August 23, 2012

Abraham Hicks -- Unconditional Love Process.

These are so good!  These are good lines to teach children.  Imagine if we heard this stuff growing up?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday's Mommy Wisdom

Sometimes, you can't type, or if you can type, you can only type a little. On those days, find more one-handed activities, you will feel better about yourself. Watching my newborn checking out my crown chakra activity is way more interesting than writing my next book. I decided to let the baby write the next thing. He just says, "I want to nurse." Perhaps I could write my next book on Nurturing. Baby said, "We should go outside." Ok, enough typing this time. Love, Wait, and the better part to all of this, that I'm not going to edit, is that it's Wednesday, not Tuesday....LOL!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Prayer for Love

I was discussing with someone earlier today, about remembering who we are, how important Self-Love is.

Self-love is key to remembering.  Without it, the heart cannot hold the truth of the depth of the love.

Then I saw this video.  Perfection.

Deva Premal - 38 min - Moola Mantra Part I II III

Love is eternal and unchanging.
There is no other choice.
There is only love.
It was chosen before a choice was given.
Any other choice is illusion and is not real.

  • Om Satchitananda Parabrahma
    Purushothama Paramatama
    Sri Bhagavati Sametha
    Sri Bhagavate Namaha
    Hari om tat sat
    Hari om tat sat
    Hari om tat sat
    Hari om tat sat
  • Language: Sanskrit
  • Translation:
    Oh Divine Force, Spirit of All
    Creation, Highest Personality,
    Divine Presence, manifest in
    every living being.
    Supreme Soul manifested as the
    Divine Mother and as the Divine

    I bow in deepest reverence.

    I bow in deepest reverence.