Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kids are smart! Yes, we knew that already....

Tonight during the Single Parent Support Group that I run, I was waiting for the right time to start meditation. After we finished our discussion, we had about 10 minutes left to meditate. For the first hour plus of group, all the kids were playing in the other room while the parents were talking. The instant I began the breathing meditation, we closed our eyes, began to breathe, I started speaking, the energy of the group settled and all of our children walked into the room and stood next to their parents. I talked the parents through the rest of the closed-eye meditation with their children standing next to them. The energy was instantly amazing. The kids were pulled in by our energy shifting literally the second it shifted. I felt the shift and the kids walked in the room. It was amazing. And all the adults noticed it too.

I started off by saying how children often act out our energy. If we're stressed or upset, they often act it out to mirror to us what's wrong with ourselves. What I learned tonight is that kids really like to be near their parents when their parents meditate. This exhibited the essence of the Law of Attraction. This was certainly the first time I have ever noticed this degree of response in children. I am grateful the parents were able to see this. And it shows how much a part of us our children are, how tuned into us they are, and how responsive to us they are when we are calm.

I think we will definitely start off with a meditation next time. It never ceases to amaze me how much we accomplish when we get quiet and meditate. It's so much more effective than talking.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

On healing

Over the past 12 years, I have embarked on a massive Self-healing journey. It is coming to mind to mention a few well-practiced tips for you.

1)Heal thyself - As much as we can seek healer after healer to work on us, most of this work is an inside job. Keep seeking healers as guided, but just know that if you're seeking healer after healer and you're still in pain, this is a sign that it's good to try something else. It may be time to go about things differently. It may be time to get very honest about why you are resisting healing. And go after that on a mental/emotional level. Resistance to healing is fear. Where is the fear stored in your body? Where is the fear stored in your energy body and emotional body? Track that, find it, and find someone who can help you remove it.

2)Physical pain and ailments are the result of suppressed/repressed emotions. If you are in pain or are ill in some way, you have stored toxic emotions. There is no way around this truth. You can treat the physical body as much as you want, but the pain will stay. Yes, if there's a tumor, it's good to have the tumor removed, but the cancer will grow back if the emotions aren't treated. In order to release emotions completely, one needs to be physically cleansed of all toxins. This means all smoking, drinking, drugs, sex, entertainment and excess heavy foods have to go. I am generally guided to fast on raw juices to help the body purge stored emotions. If I eat or engage in emotion-suppressing actions, the emotions stay buried. The emotions stay numb. When all vices are removed, you should see the emotions that surface...holy cow! It's good to have a bodyworker and a healer around to help you process and remove large amounts of emotions from the body and energy body.

If you want to give this a try, stop smoking, drinking, eating, watching tv and having sex for a week and see what happens to you. Again, it's wise to know some yogic breathing and know a good massage therapist/energy healer before starting this.

3)For those who have undergone trauma, especially physical trauma, the energy is stored in the body such that it requires physical release, such as bodywork (energy healing with massage), cranio-sacral work, and physically moving the body. So many times, I experience amazing releases (ie crying) after running, doing yoga or dancing. I will experience back pain for example and after some yoga and crying, it leaves the body. When I notice pain, I know I have emotions to release. It truly is quite simple. But most do not want to feel the emotions, so they continue treating the physical body alone. When you receive a combination of energy healing and bodywork (massage) stored memories and pain will surface. You may cry during the session or after, you will have visions of your trauma perhaps, or just feel sensations. This is all normal and healthy. In my experience, trauma will not release without it physically being brought to the surface. Some can be removed by healers, but a portion needs to be felt, and then released.

4)People who don't heal: We know these types of seekers who look and look, they go to healer after healer, seeking, and they don't heal. And why is that? They're not being honest with themselves about something. They're still refusing to look at an aspect of the self. The ego is still successfully blocking their success, healing, happiness, and ascension. Some people like to Master the healing arts by not healing, what better way to learn than by staying stuck in healing the old. But after time, you are hanging on to the old, not healing when you could be out serving humanity, which is why many of us are here. We didn't really come here to dwell on our personal needs. We came as servants. When we forget who we are, we stay wrapped up in the ego, mind, and the self. Self-knowledge and awareness are goals, but it also can become a trap. If you are a Master and you came here to serve humanity, staying wrapped up in your past and in your trauma is not God's idea of self-mastery and service. That's simply re-living your trauma and pain day after day. That is your ego and fear of living in joy and fear of living an empowered life. At some point, our job is to choose joy and transcend the past. We each decide when we are ready to do that. And then we commit to that decision and to path of love and joy. We confront our emotions and we no longer suppress them. We move through the pain, and beyond it is a magical place that we knew existed, but for a long time resisted. Continuing to engage in actions which suppress the emotions is akin to saying, "I like my pain and I want to keep creating more of it." So if you have an addiction and are truly seeking to release all of your pain, you need to release all of your addiction. If you rely on a vice for calming the emotions, you are still storing toxic emotions, your pain will not release this way. Completely detox and you will see a shift.

I have great compassion for those healing their traumas. I have been there. I am still there healing much. If I have learned one thing this year, it's that I didn't come here to keep reliving my pain. And the other is that the pain that is stored in the body needs to be treated on an emotional level, not just a physical level. If you need recommendations of bodyworkers, send me a message. I know several good ones in the Bay Area.

I personally work with clients on releasing trauma on an emotional level and energy level. I help people see what is there, what needs to be realized, and can release it. However, for deeply stored traumas in the physical body, you will need various types of bodywork over a period of time until the bulk of the traumas are released. Once you find the right person to work with, I recommend at least 12 weeks of weekly 90-minute sessions to clear the body.

I am reminded that in Ancient times, dancing was a major form of healing the Self and others. Dancing is a high form of prayer. Dancing moves suppressed emotions out of the body, it moves stagnant energy from the body and it calls forth new energy and divine light in a physical manner and many of us "lightworkers" forget that we are here in a PHYSICAL embodiment. We must treat the physical body, not just the energy or spiritual body. If we all danced with our tribe, the way we used to, illness and depression would not be so rampant. We wouldn't need healers and therapists so much. We would be in alignment, in ecstatic joy for no reason at all except that we are in a physical body to experience God. When we dance, we are taken into the depth of our Self and our soul to experience God, we do not depend on another. All of humanity can be healed through dance and tribe. Dancing alone will create the inspiration needed to figure out the rest of the problems. Dancing, drumming, singing, and being with our soul friends: There is no higher form of healing.

You can see doctor after doctor, or healer after healer and read book after book, but nothing can replace bringing that love and joy down into the heart through dance and music.

Praying we all dance, sing, drum and be together again. This is what our souls wanted to do here. To dance with our soul family is the best gift of love we can give each other.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Full moon, wolves, and wild women

Ever read the book, Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes? Great book, I've written on this before.

It's a full moon on Tuesday and I'm already noticing a wild, wacky, wolfy, Wesak full moon and it's only Sunday.

I pet a wolf-mix hybrid in Kona a few days ago.

The main point of this book for women is for women to act however they want. That the nature of the wolf is to act instinctually, creatively and wildly and in this expression, one finds love, peace and joy. It is truly the old energies that tell us women how we should behave.

This is actually recommended for men and women.

Ahoy! Let's give ourselves permissions to be our Wolf selves.

Howling is desired. Running with a pack is also recommended.

More later.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Laughter and tears.

Who is laughter and tears?

Truth and love.

A joke (PS - Andria does not know jokes)

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Truth and love.

Truth and love who?

OMG ROFL....if SG has a reply...would love to hear. I think he may have a rhyming end to this joke? Oh wait, that's called a punchline?

I better ask my comedienne friend Sandy Stec for this punchline. :-)

To be continued.

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Ruh-Roh" Says Scooby Doo

Hang in there folks. Breathe. Keep it simple. Easy does it. Slow down. Stop. Breathe. You're not alone. Patience. Love.

Chaotic energies are a little high today. If you feel great, thank God, good work! If not, you're not alone...hearing a lot of this today.

You are sensitive...you are picking up on collective energies and you yourself are making major shifts in vibration during your ascension process. Don't freak out. This is not the usual lingo. I'm straight-shooting tonight. Take a deep breath, have a good grounding meal, drink some chamomile tea, clear yourself and keep clearing yourself.

Sometimes when we feel chaos in our emotions, mind, or body, we can find relief in exercise, yoga, body movement or in getting very still and cocooning ourselves in bed while we pray or meditate. Try both today. Take a bath. Lavendar oil.

We're saying, sit back, keep it simple. Breathe.

It is that simple.

Wishing you love tonight and tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to go with the flow, there's bounds of creative energies here for us, so ride the waves, get on top of the wave and surf, float and glide your way to where you want to be. Don't get wrapped up in the ego's confusion or chaos or fear.

Angels are guiding. No need to worry.
