Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heart Opening Wider

Some quotes really just bring the Beloved into the heart...this was one tonight: One taste of the medicine And you will realize just how sick you have been. And to that court, May your heart fly… - Hafez ♥

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gentleness and Vulnerability

Sometimes holding your own vulnerability with gentleness and love is the greatest act of strength. Parenting the Self, with love and tenderness is a great act of courage. Allowing grace to hold you, not fighting the ego fears, and not letting them take over, instead letting yourself be wrapped in a blanket of loving peace while the waves wash through you, this is self-acceptance. A heart-centered person, an empathic person, a sensitive person must honor their sensitivities, emotions and vulnerabilities with self-nurturing and self-loving acts of kindness. If you are having a sensitive moment, it is okay to stop and nurture yourself. Make time to do this, it is part of the process of taking responsibility for your sensitive soul and nature. Honoring and respecting that part of you is a deep part of your soul lessons, to treat yourself with great love and compassion. This way we can fill our chalices and return to service deeply confident with our own needs having been met. If you have ever felt abused, abandoned, mistreated in any way, it is very important to make self-love, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and self-nurturing a part of each day. Sometimes we feel this drive to serve others, yet sometimes we have to stop for a moment and serve our own needs so we can return with a full cup. Be good to yourself. With love,

Friday, May 4, 2012


I was sitting here contemplating mundane life, pregnancy heartburn and spending the Wesak full moon appreciating Lord Buddha with my two sons this coming Saturday, and suddenly the word Gratitude came to mind and a wind blew through my bedroom, making all kinds of noise. Being peace on a full moon with two little boys is almost an oxymoron...I wrote a blog post called Tests and Triggers earlier today which I haven't published, maybe I will at some point. I had immense gratitude for Braco on Wednesday being in DC where my friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer is living. She got to meet two of my three favorite west coast Braco volunteers and servants of God. The love is spreading around the country. It's so amazing how this network of light is moving about the country, little by little. I'm going to make a public list of praise for meeting some of these great guys who serve Braco, not just for their service, but in honor of their own healing abilities, their smiles, pure hearts and the awesome hugs they give. I have immense gratitude for food and water. Blueberries and figs, even the idea of them, before I even make it to the Farmer's Market to buy them, whenever that will be, just makes me happy. The telepathic communication I have with my loved ones, and even the cat here in the house, I have to admit, this is my favorite form of communication these days, to the point where I even wonder why I have to write a blog post, except I know God likes it when I write and he sent me here in part to be a writer and communicate messages to people. I'm grateful for a fabulous lady named Margaret Ruby who did an amazing throat chakra healing on me this past Monday night, which is bringing out a whole new side to my personality and communication with so much more freedom. And I'm half-chuckling cause I know a lot of people aren't going to appreciate it, and my inner teenager is smiling at this thought. I'm grateful for midwives, women who support home birth, and women who do things that heal the planet. I will be blunt here: hospitals are toxic environments to birth in. When women wake up collectively, we will see way more home births. This will be a blessed time for humanity. I'm grateful for contemplating Elimination Communication. I'm gonna let you Google that one! :-) I really didn't have the guts to try this with my second son, we'll see if I do it with my third. I'm grateful for astral travel. Spirit has me grounded in one place, travel has become a thing of the past. So for now, I have wings, vision and dreamtime. I'm grateful for sage and palo explanation needed. If I'm loud and verbose telepathically it's cause I shut off my phone service. I'm testing my friends. We're preparing for Earth changes and spiritual community, and I'd rather stick to whale/dolphin speak for the most part. Ok, I'm kind of joking here and kind of not joking. You can decide which. I mean, if there's ever really floods here like most of us psychics have seen in our dreams/visions, then telepathic communication might be of use, yes? I'm grateful when the words stop, like right now...and there's total silence. Perfect...


What was the last thing you held conviction in your heart and mind for? What does conviction mean to you? In this world of flux, change and impermanence, what human on Earth can sustain conviction? Certainly we have Jesus and Mother Theresa as examples, thank God. Conviction means to hold a firm belief. The French verb Convaincre means to convince, to make someone believe. What a powerful word, eh? We have so many words in our English language and even in other languages, we have many more words and definitions for those words. I absolutely love language. To convince, to believe, to hold a strong belief, to have conviction. This begs the question? Who are we convincing? Why do we need conviction? For ourselves alone perhaps. Perhaps I am the only one I need to believe or convince, yes? If we have conviction about self-healing, self-knowledge, etc, who is there to convince, but ourselves? I need conviction for myself alone. For me holding conviction is an act of self-love and self-respect, not so much about making someone else believe what I believe. The joy of believing comes from the inside feeling of believing in oneself and being joyous when you are so honest with yourself that a smile comes to your face and just for you. The only act of self-love is to love greater, love more, and love more fearlessly. Fear = questions Trust = knowing Questions = Self-Inquiry, yes to an extent. For me, conviction is holding my ground despite what others do,say, think or feel. This makes me smile these days. Can conviction be hard? Yes, at times. Ask me how many people I have had to let go of in the name of holding my ground because of my beliefs? This includes facing a death of any kind, even physical. It is true, that when you have God, and when you know God has you, there is nothing to fear. You let go. And in that letting you, you hold on to your conviction. What a strange dichotomy, that holding on to my conviction, requires me to let go in other ways. Fearless is never easy my friend. But what else is there? Step deeper into that heart of yours, in that place where you melt into limitless space, love and soul. And stay when the fire is bringing tears to your eyes. That's a state of conviction we know well, don't we? We know how to let our tears stain our faces, with joy, and we do not flinch or blink. This is self-knowledge. This is conviction. Joan of Arc knew that kind of conviction. Archangel Michael walked that road with her to her death in that lifetime. Magdalene knows that fire, watching her Beloved go through the same death, for love. We have seen it all. We have plenty of examples. So why is it so hard in this life? To have enough conviction to let that ego die? To let go. We didn't pay all of those prices, in all of those lifetimes, to resist those lessons in this lifetime. Watch your own history. Remember what you already know how to do. Doing it again is a choice. Make the choice. When you reach this state of remembrance of Self, conviction is the essence of what we have left. God, love, peace, and conviction. Nothing can move your conviction if it is real. Only love is real, right? Then love is my only conviction. Test away.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Aloha ka manini by Israel Kamakaiwo`ole

Some love, soft voice, ocean, fish, ahhh......