Friday, November 18, 2011

Invisible Footprints

From Poliahu and Ancestors,

We walk with sacredness. Each step in gentleness and peace. So soft we do not even touch the ground. Each footstep is invisible and silent, our presence unknown to most, until time when you become still and silent, like the snow falling, when the wind stops and there is only the faint and slight dusting of white light blessing the Mauna, purifying, protecting and sanctifying God's and Goddess' sacred space, preserved for all to remember their true self, their divinity, their sacred spirit and connection to all that is. When you reach such silence within, only then will you hear us, hear yourself and hear your divine calling. We call you to protect and serve your sacred sites not for us, but for your own race, for you own souls, for your own remembrance, so all who walk after you may also remember. May you walk without stepping. May you fly without landing. May you dance and sing endlessly and may you realize the blessings and gratitude that we, your ancestors have for you, for you are the hope of these generations to come.

Your time, your service, and your hearts re-create the ways which all came to remember and follow. We honor your divinity. You are sacred beings following God's call, for that we bless you. Receive this abundance. Know your prayers are answered. Trust with complete faith that God's will is done through you now and know that your decisions and actions are blessed and carried forth guided by the holy councils of Great Ones who have walked and served since the creation of this great planet. You are no small being. Know your greatness. For in that realization all doubt will be erased. Your success in ceremony and prayer is already given. Step forward, pray, come together, continue and know we are guiding you each moment, with each word and each step, and trust that all who follow will do so in silence and with reverent footsteps.

Only love exists.
Only love prevails.
Truth, love and peace is all there is.
This is what we create.
This is what we praise.
This is what we teach.

Goddess hears each word, spoken or unspoken. You are heard, continue praying.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Divine Earth Messages

Around Midnight on 11/16/11

The guardians of the Earth, of her inhabitants and of the star family are urging all humans to stop all harmful actions on the planet. All actions that are affecting Mother Earth such as pollution, driving large vehicles when unnecessary, overusing Earth’s resources, buying foods in too much packaging, eating toxins, growing foods with toxins, thinking toxic thoughts and feeling negatively as well as putting garbage into the rivers and oceans will no longer be tolerated. Mother Earth begins a new cycle of cleansing and a large wave is coming to shore to cleanse areas of mass population and mass toxicity. We are standing firm next to you and next to our family as we watch you make the necessary changes, while you move, while you go through job changes, while you try to courageously alter your lives with the intention of coming into better alignment with the principles of peace and non-violence.

Violence will no longer be tolerated on this plane of existence, much protection of those in need has been put in place. Peace is of the utmost importance on all levels. No violence of thought, inner peace must take place first. This will to create peace in your lives is the first step. The realization of Earth’s urgent need for peace so her waters may calm, so her children may calm, so the air may clean itself, so freedom of all Earth’s children will come to pass. The freedom to exist without fear of harm, the freedom to exist in peace, in silence, in harmony, with all that is. This includes animals, how we treat animals, overeat animals or harm animals is justly no longer being tolerated. We have no right to take lives of others. Peace is now the only way. Peace, peace, peace. Do not harm another. Do not take from another. Love and bless each other. Now, now, now. We cannot wait longer. The time is now for action. Mother Earth has said enough. We urge you to examine all actions. We urge you to change all of your ways of interacting with nature and others. Become peace. Be still. Be silent. Be watchful. Be attentive. Await further directions. Peace, peace, peace. Shanti, shanti, shanti. Shalom, shalom, shalom.


From the Big Island, Hawai’I

Source of information: with Kuthumi, Archangel Ariel, the Arcturians, Whales and Dolphins, a collective of beings concerned for Mother Earth and all of her children.

Collective Galactic Earth Messages will continue with varied frequency in the coming week and you will see why.

The dolphins and whales are urging more messages be sent out into the world.

The message continues:

Every war must cease.
Every act of violence towards children must cease.
Exploitation of children must cease.
All violence and exploitation of women must cease.
All violence and exploitation of children must cease.

All must be done to create this cessation. All will be done to create peace. All awaken, all change. We are one family.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Transmutation of Old Energies

As we begin to enter the portal date of 11/11/11, Spirit is guiding us to transmute old (negative) residual energies in the body. These are for example, stored emotions, past-lives we haven't healed, this life's traumas, old relationships that need healing or clearing and also relationships with our parents.

After you surround yourself with a pillar of white light, asking the protection of Archangel Michael, ask Spirit to show you where in your body you are still storing this energy and then invoke The Violet Flame to transmute and clear all energy that is no longer serving you. You may recite the decree, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires." This decree is powerful when chanted rhythmically for 7 minutes.
Call on the assistance of Master St. Germain to assist you with any messages, guidance or the use of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is simple, however using it will intensify rapid growth in all areas of your life.

Now is a time to let go of everything that has ever held you back in your life. Re-examine, once again, where you are holding back. Where are you not yet taking risks? Where are you repeating old patterns you thought you let go of? Where is there not love in your body, being, or mind? Uproot it all with the Violet Flame.

Breathe deeply while you do this healing.

Pray to your Spirit Guides to assist you with transmuting any other toxic energies you are still holding onto.

Say, "I forgive myself for......" and list all of the things you know you need to still forgive yourself for. Repeat this list, with feeling, and with the knowing that it is being lifted from you. Spend at least 10 minutes on this.

Next, go look in a mirror for five minutes and say aloud, "I love you."

Repeat, "I am full of love" 11 times aloud.




Force laughter if laughter is not coming, make yourself laugh. If you can't do this, go back to the beginning of this blog post and start the process again. :-)

This process will help you get squeaky clean to receive new energies on 11/11/11.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Friday, November 4, 2011

On the Divine Feminine

There are many perspectives of the Divine Feminine which circulate through the airwaves, media and writings of many teachers.

There are many missing truths to these materials, holes and gaps of knowledge, coming from a lack of personal experience, rather, these are channels speaking of what they hear, not of what has been for certain, real or experienced.

We, the collective feminine are not an outside entity. We are the ALL of creation. This ALL that we are, that we have always been is being resurrected each day and in that resurrection, we erupt like volcanoes, burning around us that which is no longer sufficient, kind, peaceful, loving or balanced. The way of the Mother, the way of the Divine Feminine is to create love and harmony and to transform that which is out of balance. This is the way of the great feminine energies who many speak of today. So without naming those divine energies, we simply will call the ALL who they are, which is that of the Feminine nature and the virtues of the Goddess that all women possess whether they know it or not.

The Goddess who has long been abused, desecrated, dis-empowered, oppressed and shamed is coming into the light. This resurrection of the Goddess is not being spoken of. The women who have sacrificed their bodies, silently, many lifetimes over, while no one paid attention, while most turned their heads and for what glory? Certainly, no glory came of these sacrifices. But this is the nature of women, we offer ourselves with no need for fame or glory. This is the way of women. We teach in silence. And that silence was abused for thousands of years. God and Goddess watched as the masculine abused their power, and women were time after time, brought to their knees. What women have taken on collectively is paramount to their strength. If you don’t understand a woman’s strength all you need to do is look at what women have historically endured for thousands of years. And women are wounded. Yes. Women are wounded, angry, guilty, dis-empowered and much more. Yet, the feminine is being resurrected today which is why we have a new wave of women who are coming into their right power.

However, there is a need for instruction. There is a need for forgiveness. There is a need for balancing the new feminine. So women take heed, there is more work to do in order to forgive and balance our energies so that our full expression of divine power may surface and flow through our hearts to the entire world for the healing of humanity. There are several divine feminine entities who I need not mention who are embodiments of this energy. Women who were desecrated who became nonetheless all-loving, all-forgiving creators on Earth. This is our gift as women, the gift of empathy, understanding and compassion are our gifts from God which will re-balance all of humanity for when we forgive the wrongs of others, we are able to return to peace with everyone we know. When we forgive the masculine who took advantage of their power again and again, we understand today why things are the way they are. We understand why men and women are to this day still angry at each other, and not angry at what is happening in the moment, but understand the anger is old, very very old. Most do not realize the words they speak, where they come from, and that the emotions being expressed are a part of the old, collective feminine who feels helpless and afraid still.

The greatest teaching one can offer here is that there is no blame, dear God, there is no blame. There today can be no blame, for if we blame, we miss the point altogether. What is occurring today is old news. These are old feelings, no matter what the circumstances, so if we are to step back, step away from the current situation completely and begin to read backwards in time to feel and see where the emotions and thoughts are coming from we find that they are indeed from childhood or past lives. Most certainly we as women need healing and when we heal ourselves of our anger and hurt, men will do the same, and in fact, we can help the men with this once we have healed ourselves. Women will then heal the entire family. Women will open their hearts and keep them open, holding the hearth of every home together again, taking the role of holding this heart open for all to love and heal despite what anger and hurts have transpired throughout the ages.

Women have this great power to love and to forgive. Yet, how many do? How many women are still in an imbalanced state of anger or abuse of power themselves? How many women learned to act like men, to be strong, dominate, be providers in the home and do it all? Women went from one extreme to another in the past five hundred years. We went from slaves and prostitutes to dominatrixes and business executives. We switched roles completely in order to claim power. However, the power we claimed was not our own innate power of love, forgiveness and harmony. What women claimed was men’s power. And this is a grave mistake on the part of women, nonetheless it is a part of our evolution back to our right power. It is understandable to go from one extreme to the other and then to find balance.

Today on Earth, most women are still embodying an imbalanced state of power, acting like men, removed from their home and children, trying to fill too many roles at once, and not succeeding as we see the divorce rate at plus 60%. Women know this is not okay. Women know that this way is not working. There is no harmony and balance in the home and in the lives of most women living on Mother Earth and the reason for that is that women have been removed and have removed themselves from the cradle of Mother Earth herself. Women have removed themselves from Nature, from the Goddess, from their own creative power and life force. Women continue to give their creative and divine life force to men, to anger, to power, to money, to Western ways and culture which harm themselves, their children and the planet. Sacrifice is not that. Sacrifice is not giving your power away. Sacrifice is choosing to live the Ancient Ways that women know how to live but are often too afraid to make the change to return to. Women, your role and your hearts are simple. Your desires are simple. You desire connection to Spirit, to land, to children and to men. Yet your actions, your egoic desires to continue living in a material world are killing you and your families. Your souls die, each day you remain living in an old masculine way which is removed from the land, and the Goddess. Your power is lying with the Earth herself, and when you walk outside, plant a garden, swim in the ocean, connect with animals and nature, you remember why you are here, you remember what you were meant to do here. Yet what do women today do? They stay busy, working, raising children, entertaining others rather than building their own communities from the ground up. We cannot build on top of what exists. We must go around to the side and build anew. There is a new creation that wants to take place. There is a new humanity which wishes to surface and in that new humanity are souls willing to take their place and their roles in love next to one another to give and receive new (yet Ancient) ways of living together.

We are in a turnover period of time right now. We are in the time between the beginning of the crumbling of the old world and the emergence of the new world. In this time, some of us feel lost and unsure. We want the new, but experience resistance in building it because the old is still coming down. We ask you for your patience. As women, your hearts can be filled with love, and your eyes can be filled with hope and vision for what is coming into creation is what we have dreamt of since Eve left the garden of Eden. This is a part of our power we wish to reclaim. Our power of the Goddess and all that she is, without apology. Our beauty and our sacred sexuality is a part of our divine essence and creative life force which shall be the energy we use to re-create a new world. So as women, we are called to protect and harness our sacred energies for ourselves and for our creations and become extremely discerning of how we choose to use that power and those energies. More often than not, we are to guard those energies for ourselves. Protect what you have, because this is what the Earth needs from us in order to rebuild ourselves, our families, our communities, our schools, and our land.

More to come...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mother Earth and Higher Consciousness = Responsibility

The land is sacred.
The trees are sacred.
The animals are sacred.
What we take must be returned.

If we are to eat animals, we must pray and do ceremony.

The Ancient Ways of this land were about respect of life and each living creature and plant.

What we take is sacred and therefore out of respect we must give back.

If we cut one tree, we must plant another.

If we eat one fruit, we must plant the seeds.

If we take the life of a creature, we must have its permission.

Yet, is this what is done?

Is the collective consumption sacred?

We know it is not.

We know we consume more than we need to survive. We know we consume things that not only make us sick and kill us, but which also kills others and depletes the land, polluting the air and water. We must examine how our actions not only affect our local surroundings, but how they impact the whole world. Our daily actions have a much greater impact than we realize. It is imperative that everyone awakens to this reality and the truth of the consequences to those actions be they tomorrow, twenty years from now or two-hundred years from now.

We have taken too much from the land. Where is our reverence for all of life? Where is our conscience? When does greed and gluttony end? We pray that love, light and peace prevail so all of life is honored and respected. This begins with our own actions. This begins with our own beliefs. Why is one form of life more important than another? Who decided that a human is more sacred than an animal? Animals live in balance with nature. Humans do not.

In this day and age of technology and resources, we have the knowledge to understand that it takes very little to sustain a human body naturally. Yet human consumption of everything including animals is beyond excessive. Even the ancestors of this land watch the rampant growth of disease during the past century and are deeply concerned for the people. Abundance is the way of life. Yet what we consume in abundance matters. It matters to our bodies and to our land. It's important for each one to pray and examine their habits, their ways, their body, their diet and decide to wholeheartedly learn, grow and change. This change is what the Goddess is calling for. This change is what Mother Earth is asking of us.

Therefore, we examine our Self honestly in all ways and learn new ways of being and sustaining ourselves. These ways are the ancient ways of nature and natural abundance which is so prevalent here. The land and animals ask me to speak on their behalf. Give back to the Earth more than you consume. For each thing you consume, give back. Pray before you choose what to consume. Ask if it is right or necessary. Then pray again for deeper clarity and gratitude. Conscious action is now the way of being. All unconscious action must cease, we have no excuse. There is no excuse for our irreverent actions.

With each breath we ask forgiveness. With each breath we ask permission. with each breath we ask for a balanced and loving action to follow. From there we proceed in love and in consciousness. From there we remain keepers of this sacred and beautiful land. She sustains us and gives us all. Therefore we pray and give back. We pray to protect what has been given. We take our vows to this land seriously and we honor our own divine presence when we remember our sacred vows to this land.

When we realize the union between our Self, the land and animals, our actions will change. This is inevitable. Our responsibility is to awaken and sustain all life with love and respect. Anything less is not enough.

Look around at what we have been given; the beauty, abundance, life, air, wind, soil, water, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, and animals. Nature is our family. Nature is in each one of us. There is no separation. How do we treat our Self, our family and our land? Let us examine our Self first, with non-judgment, with open eyes and hearts, truth, and discernment. Finally, we observe and shift all of our actions towards love and higher consciousness.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


With each breath, I bless you.

With each embrace, I bless you.

With each word, I bless you.

With each feeling of love, I bless you.

With each action I take, I bless you.

We watch the world struggle in turmoil. This struggle is a choice.

We watch the so-called problems of the world each day. Our view of them as such is a choice.

We can choose to buy into each negative perspective, or we can choose the higher road above of love, where we simply turn our eyes to what we wish to create.

What do we wish to create except for love?

This is the only thing we came to do. we came to be love. We came to speak love. The battle is not ours, yours or mine. The battle is what we are trying to transmute. Lightworkers are here to step beyond the struggle, battle and conflict. If we continue creating conflict in our lives we are holding ourselves back from the greater work of love and service.

For each time you anger, say, "I'm sorry."

For each time you forget to love, say, "Please forgive me."

For each time you get wrapped up in the petty things people say or do, remember, "I love you."

And each time we nitpick or get annoyed, we call forth gratitude and say, "Thank you."

I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. These blessed words of Ho'oponopono are all we have and need sometimes. We offer ourselves forgiveness first. If conflict is still finding you, you are still hanging on to your past. Let your past go, and step into your full expression of love.

I love you,

Monday, October 24, 2011

Snatam Kaur - Manish Vyas - Servant of Peace - Anandamayi Ma

This is a long time favorite. Truth, truth and more truth. Love.

The children

My children are your children.
Your children are my children.
We are all one under God.

Pray for each other. Love each other.

Pray for all of the children.
The children are crying. God help them.

God-dess to the soul of the whales, I call, please help the children.

To the ALL of creation, please help the children. If we all breathe in at once and breathe out love together, may it heal ALL.

Please light a candle and pray for the children.

In gratitude.

Thank you

Thank God for our blogs. I am so grateful we have at least that much.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Peace reminders...

As so many are going through times of intense change, financial strife, relationship changes, job loss, etc. many find this to be a challenging time.

We are asked to remember some very simple things in order to move through it.

First, breathe. Develop and practice breathing as a constant minute to minute habit.

Second, pray and meditate. Develop and practice your solitary prayer and meditation time to strengthen your connection to God and to your soul. This will steady you to bring you through the difficult moments.

Third, smile and be happy. Despite what appears to be strife, this is simply God and Goddess' way of creating long-lasting change on planet Earth, something which we have all been praying for.

Fourth, be in nature as much as you can. Nature will absorb and support much of the stress we feel as humans. Nature reminds us of the simplicity of life and how we can find beauty everywhere. We see it in the trees, the flowers, insects, the sky, absolutely every precious part of nature we touch brings us more peace.

Fifth, create. Create anything new for yourself. This could be a new project, hobby, career, or any creative art such as singing or dancing.

Sixth, play. Make time to do fun things and laugh. Laugh as much as you breathe. Find absolutely nothing to laugh about and laugh. It works! :-)

Seventh, rest. When we get stressed, we tend to push ourselves harder, drink more caffeine and eat unhealthy foods. Stay on top of this by resting when you feel stressed.

Eighth, exercise. Same as rest, it gets out the tension. Simply put, endorphins are very very good.

Don't forget your flower essences, essential oils, herbal teas, etc... all the little things you can do to stay balanced during the day.

I can't get through these days myself without singing all day. This is my main form of prayer, devotional chanting. We each have our own way of staying in peace.

What is yours?

Wishing you blessings of love. Remember miracles happen easily every day. Unlimited possibilities are there for everyone.

Om shanti,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kabir's song by Snatam Kaur

Love, be, breathe, I love you

Kabir's Song by Snatam Kaur

Oh My Soul
Oh my Soul, you come and you go
Through the paths of time and space.
In useless play you’ll not find the way
So set your goals and go.
Sing such a song with all your life
You will never have to sing again.
Love such a one with all your heart
You will never need to love again.
Oh my Soul you come and you go (etc) ...
Walk such a path with all your faith
You will never have to wander again.
Give yourself to such a Guru
You will never have to seek again.
Oh my Soul ... (etc)
Pray such a prayer with all your soul
You will never have to pray again.
Die such a death at the feet of God
You will never have to die again.
Oh my Soul ... (etc)
Breathe my Love
Breathe my Love
Breathe in the quiet centre.

Friday, September 23, 2011

More on Spiritual Warriors

So it seems a few good folks have decided to protest in NYC. This makes me happy.

I hope you will support them in your prayers at least. And pray for their protection.

Also consider writing to Mayor Bloomberg to stop his police officers from arresting and brutalizing innocent peaceful children.

Thank you so much,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spiritual Warrior Lover

I was going to ask, "Spiritual Lover" or "Spiritual Warrior?" This question comes following a conversation I had tonight with a woman about whether the world needs lovers or fighters? Let's take for example some of the world's greatest leaders. Some were fighters. Some were not. Some were simply lovers. At one point this woman said to me that I need to prepare to fight in order to accomplish here on Earth what I am meant to. And to that I wondered if indeed she was right. So many of you have opinions to how these messages of peace are to be spread. Of course, love is the foundation of all we are and all we do. Yet the greatest leaders who created movements were most definitely warriors who weren't afraid to speak the truth in the face of opposition. So we speak truth, with love, without reservation and we walk forward with our purpose guiding us. And of course the old favorite bumper sticker, "Well behaved women rarely make history." Why this blog? Perhaps a warning. Don't like what I say or do. It's likely to stir minds and egos. It's okay. I don't speak my truth to be liked. I don't give messages to make people happy. I'm here to speak what is necessary, in any way guided by my soul and by all of Spirit.

If all of the new children speak their truth with complete candor and honesty, the shift will happen more quickly.

This is coming.

And thank God, it's time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Presence and Patience

Writing about Presence and Patience is like writing about Silence and Stillness.

Presence is found through silence. Patience is found in quiet meditation, or presence.

Presence and Patience feed off of each other, when we cultivate one, we cultivate the other.

Divine words flow easily while present to higher energies wishing to speak through us.

As we delve deeper within we find a deeper stillness, presence and then patience becomes the result or the gift of having created such stillness.

The breath is always a major vehicle for achieving this level of presence and patience.

Are you willing to sit and watch? Are you willing to sit and wait?

Watching and Waiting is Presence and Patience.

We be. We do not simply do. We be. Being within, being present, being patient, watching and waiting for truth, learning and gifts to be revealed.

Revelation will not often arrive in chaos. It arrives in the silence following chaos. There we are in our breath and settled enough to receive the gifts of silence.

Breathing in, breathing out. We do this again and again. What more can we do?

Loving and hoping is also on today's program. Spirit guides us all to these simple understandings of what is in each moment. We often overlook them because we are mentally stretching and looking for complex solutions when God's version of truth is simplicity.

We need much less than we realize and we are all seeking something more. What you are seeking is found in your own heart. What you are seeking is found in silence and simple presence. What you are seeking is found in God's heart. Seek no more.

Breathing in Presence. Breathing out patience. We breathe and wait. We breathe and be peace.

Revel in God's simple answers. We can accept simplicity. We can become simple humans again. Then peace on Earth will flourish.

Cheers to all of God's servants on Earth. Thank you for being here with me.

Love, Andria

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why we need kids....

This week has been intense. Kids on vacation, summer buzz is very active. But the upside of the busy-ness is that now that the kids are around more, we get to hear all the cool things they say. Now, I'd love to share them all here, the wise things my six year old is saying to me this week, but they're too personal. So I will try to explain this without details and share the beauty of having wise and awake children and why the star children are hoping to explain through me the importance of waking up the adults on the planet so more of these baby masters can be born.

Our children take everything in, even when we think they're too busy playing. This week my son repeated phrases back to me, paraphrased in his own language, with his own wise spin, and used language I have never heard him use. He spoke to me like a 15 year-old. He showed me that a)he listens to me even when I think he doesn't, b) that his ability to process and comprehend what I say and what is really happening even without explanation is above and beyond his real age, and c)his ability to express himself is very evolved for a six year old. This child could hold very involved conversations with adults. It makes me want to spend more time with him, because if he can do this with no effort on my part, meaning this is just who he is, it means that the more time he spends around people who are awake, the more he will start sharing these words of wisdom with us.

There's a lot to be said for letting children spend a lot of time with adults. Years ago when I researched home schooling, I found that most kids who are home schooled are calmer, more mature, better spoken and have greater emotional intelligence. I can see why this is the case after spending one week with my children after they got out of school. Our children need time around adults, being made part of our lives, not segregated into specific age groups. Kids do often learn best in mixed age groups, so they can teach things to younger children and so they can learn from older children. This often mimics what children receive when they are born into large families where the children stay at home more or are home schooled or in cultures where the women and children in general spend more time together. This leads to a greater sense of personal security, trust, confidence and emotional intelligence which is very beneficial for children.

The truth is that adults today need children to tell them what's happening. The children know the truth and they speak it, especially when the adults around them are receptive. The children have the answers to the problems we adults face and the problems which our ancestors have created and gifted to us, the problems we are still perpetuating in the world with our ignorance and unwillingness to awaken and change. The children want to be a part of our circle. The children want to show us how life is supposed to be. The children have the keys and solutions if only we would pay attention. Listen to your children carefully. They will likely help you figure out what you need to do next in your life.

In love,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Sacred Art of Mothering

Why these words came as a post title, I do not know. I only know the topic of mothering is up for discussion as I continue writing about the new children, as the newborn baby is crying next door, as I hold crying women each day - mothers who are weeping to help their children and as I continue mothering my two sons and myself from day to day. Mothering is not exclusive to children, we do mother ourselves and others quite often. Mothering as in holding, nurturing, caring and loving, as a practice and a way of being. Mothers often have this way of being that never changes. It's kind of how once you've had a newborn and rocked it to sleep a million times, how you can find yourself for the rest of your life rocking back and forth for no apparent reason no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, the motion just becomes so ingrained in your muscle memory. Mothering is this calling that women have, that some women listen to more than others. Mothering in the modern world is sort of a lost art for many women. Women have grown accustomed to birthing in hospitals, bottle feeding, and going back to work. Women have grown accustomed to making certain kinds of sacrifices, this is the nature of being a woman. And I know many modern mothers who are not in that space of welcoming motherhood, of sacrificing the material to raise their children, or who give their power away to others as they go through the many initiations of mothering.

As a woman, I can understand why this is the case. We have very few female role models who are great mothers to learn from. Since the Women's Lib movement, women became determined to become like men. Women chose to give up their art of mothering to learn how to live in a man's world rather than insisting that men adjust back to a woman's world. Today, we are seeing a re-balance and shift beginning. More and more women are wanting to stay home, birth at home, home school and return to more natural ways of living and being. While this represents a small minority of women in the westernized world, at least we see a popular culture move in this direction.

For a woman, there is something sacred about the simplicity of motherhood. When I look at natural pregnancy and childbirth practices, breastfeeding, and raising my own children, I forget all the uninterrupted minutes of every day I spent with my young children. Those first few years go by so quickly, it's so cliche and so true. There is nothing better than knowing I was at home with my boys those first few years uninterrupted no matter how hard it was. As a woman, I would never sacrifice that time for anything or anyone else. I would never give my power away and choose to leave mothering in the early years of my child's life. I say this because it is a choice all women make. And many of us might say that we don't have a choice, but is that really true? Don't we all have a choice all the time? I know myself, and I know I would sacrifice anything to spend this time with my children. This isn't me saying do what I do. This is me saying it's not easy and yet I am determined no matter what, that it is what I want and therefore what will be. And for all women, I want to see them understand this truth. That if it is willed, desired and intended, that it can be, therefore make a decision for yourself and stick to it. Don't let anyone else convince you of what you do not want. Do not let anyone guilt you into making choices you will regret. The future generations depend on our choices. What we choose will affect many generations to come. As women and as mothers, our choices will affect the entire planet. There is no avoiding this truth. So my call to women is that before you choose to become a mother, consider all of this. Consider that who you choose to mate with, how you choose to be pregnant, birth and go through those first few years will greatly impact your life, your child's life, and all of humanity. The ripple effect has no end. To choose mothering above all is the beginning of the return of a sane and balanced planet. Then life becomes sacred again and others know how to respond when a woman makes her choices based on the knowledge and understanding that what she chooses will affect all those that know her. She can inspire or disappoint. She can choose the easy path or the difficult path. Without judgment, without right or wrong, she can simply choose what her heart tells her to do, without fear. When women follow their hearts, humanity will heal.
When women choose to honor their sacred contracts as mothers, humanity will heal. When family is once again sacred and honored, humanity will heal. This was our original commitment to ourselves as women. When we dis-honor that commitment to our families, we dis-honor ourselves, and only pain can follow. Women must continuously evaluate and examine their commitment to themselves, mothering and to their families. This is our sacred contract with God and Self.

In love,

Service versus Lip Service

In the world of the New Age, Metaphysics and Lightworkers, there are two types of people: Those who serve and those who do lip service. I'm laughing out loud as I type this. You know which category you fall into. If you do the latter, it might be a good time to jump into the first category of know, into the pool of Mother Theresas and Amma-jis who shut up and serve. We just shut up and serve...and we stop talking about love and light. We stop talking about ourselves and we just get to work. We really didn't come here to obsess over ourselves and our traumas and dramas did we? Nope. Sorry friends, truth requires this of me right now. We have to get to the grit work now...there's a lot to do on the planet. The call has been made. Active duty awaits. No time to talk, just time to act. We can sit at home and pretend like that is enough. We can meditate in our cozy groups and act like that is enough. We can work one on one and pretend like that is enough. But it's not. There are too many people suffering, too many children suffering, to sit at home and pretend like we have it bad. If you are a lightworker and you are still complaining, please stop and start doing what you came here to do. You're not a victim and you're not helpless. You have skills and gifts that are designed to serve large quantities of people. Share your love with the world and get out there.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Schools, Un-Schools....?

Your perception of your child may be negative or fearful. This is because your perception of your true self is negative and fearful. This is because your parents perception of you as your true self as a child and as an adult is negative and fear-based. There is little appreciation for who we really are. There are only attempts to change who we are, to control our behavior and this is made manifest in schools, in the workplace, in our social systems, etc. In schools today for example, children are allowed very little freedom of expression. This says to me that even at home, children are allowed very little freedom of expression, otherwise there is no way their parents would allow their children to attend schools where their spirits and creativity are destroyed and dismembered by federal and state standards which are based on funding. It’s like saying to your child, “I’m sorry honey, but even though I know this is wrong, I’m going to send you to this school, because I have to work and make money, so you’re going to have to waste your childhood sitting at a desk being forced to learn things that you neither need or want to learn, and things which even I know are not going to truly benefit you in the long run. I’m sorry, I had to do it too, so I’m going to make you do it, because I can’t figure out another way. And besides, I go to work and if I had to admit that I was wrong, I would have to change many things about our lives and I don’t know how I could do that. That really freaks me out.” Isn’t this the truth of what most Americans are doing? Isn’t this how most people are living today?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kids are smart! Yes, we knew that already....

Tonight during the Single Parent Support Group that I run, I was waiting for the right time to start meditation. After we finished our discussion, we had about 10 minutes left to meditate. For the first hour plus of group, all the kids were playing in the other room while the parents were talking. The instant I began the breathing meditation, we closed our eyes, began to breathe, I started speaking, the energy of the group settled and all of our children walked into the room and stood next to their parents. I talked the parents through the rest of the closed-eye meditation with their children standing next to them. The energy was instantly amazing. The kids were pulled in by our energy shifting literally the second it shifted. I felt the shift and the kids walked in the room. It was amazing. And all the adults noticed it too.

I started off by saying how children often act out our energy. If we're stressed or upset, they often act it out to mirror to us what's wrong with ourselves. What I learned tonight is that kids really like to be near their parents when their parents meditate. This exhibited the essence of the Law of Attraction. This was certainly the first time I have ever noticed this degree of response in children. I am grateful the parents were able to see this. And it shows how much a part of us our children are, how tuned into us they are, and how responsive to us they are when we are calm.

I think we will definitely start off with a meditation next time. It never ceases to amaze me how much we accomplish when we get quiet and meditate. It's so much more effective than talking.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

On healing

Over the past 12 years, I have embarked on a massive Self-healing journey. It is coming to mind to mention a few well-practiced tips for you.

1)Heal thyself - As much as we can seek healer after healer to work on us, most of this work is an inside job. Keep seeking healers as guided, but just know that if you're seeking healer after healer and you're still in pain, this is a sign that it's good to try something else. It may be time to go about things differently. It may be time to get very honest about why you are resisting healing. And go after that on a mental/emotional level. Resistance to healing is fear. Where is the fear stored in your body? Where is the fear stored in your energy body and emotional body? Track that, find it, and find someone who can help you remove it.

2)Physical pain and ailments are the result of suppressed/repressed emotions. If you are in pain or are ill in some way, you have stored toxic emotions. There is no way around this truth. You can treat the physical body as much as you want, but the pain will stay. Yes, if there's a tumor, it's good to have the tumor removed, but the cancer will grow back if the emotions aren't treated. In order to release emotions completely, one needs to be physically cleansed of all toxins. This means all smoking, drinking, drugs, sex, entertainment and excess heavy foods have to go. I am generally guided to fast on raw juices to help the body purge stored emotions. If I eat or engage in emotion-suppressing actions, the emotions stay buried. The emotions stay numb. When all vices are removed, you should see the emotions that surface...holy cow! It's good to have a bodyworker and a healer around to help you process and remove large amounts of emotions from the body and energy body.

If you want to give this a try, stop smoking, drinking, eating, watching tv and having sex for a week and see what happens to you. Again, it's wise to know some yogic breathing and know a good massage therapist/energy healer before starting this.

3)For those who have undergone trauma, especially physical trauma, the energy is stored in the body such that it requires physical release, such as bodywork (energy healing with massage), cranio-sacral work, and physically moving the body. So many times, I experience amazing releases (ie crying) after running, doing yoga or dancing. I will experience back pain for example and after some yoga and crying, it leaves the body. When I notice pain, I know I have emotions to release. It truly is quite simple. But most do not want to feel the emotions, so they continue treating the physical body alone. When you receive a combination of energy healing and bodywork (massage) stored memories and pain will surface. You may cry during the session or after, you will have visions of your trauma perhaps, or just feel sensations. This is all normal and healthy. In my experience, trauma will not release without it physically being brought to the surface. Some can be removed by healers, but a portion needs to be felt, and then released.

4)People who don't heal: We know these types of seekers who look and look, they go to healer after healer, seeking, and they don't heal. And why is that? They're not being honest with themselves about something. They're still refusing to look at an aspect of the self. The ego is still successfully blocking their success, healing, happiness, and ascension. Some people like to Master the healing arts by not healing, what better way to learn than by staying stuck in healing the old. But after time, you are hanging on to the old, not healing when you could be out serving humanity, which is why many of us are here. We didn't really come here to dwell on our personal needs. We came as servants. When we forget who we are, we stay wrapped up in the ego, mind, and the self. Self-knowledge and awareness are goals, but it also can become a trap. If you are a Master and you came here to serve humanity, staying wrapped up in your past and in your trauma is not God's idea of self-mastery and service. That's simply re-living your trauma and pain day after day. That is your ego and fear of living in joy and fear of living an empowered life. At some point, our job is to choose joy and transcend the past. We each decide when we are ready to do that. And then we commit to that decision and to path of love and joy. We confront our emotions and we no longer suppress them. We move through the pain, and beyond it is a magical place that we knew existed, but for a long time resisted. Continuing to engage in actions which suppress the emotions is akin to saying, "I like my pain and I want to keep creating more of it." So if you have an addiction and are truly seeking to release all of your pain, you need to release all of your addiction. If you rely on a vice for calming the emotions, you are still storing toxic emotions, your pain will not release this way. Completely detox and you will see a shift.

I have great compassion for those healing their traumas. I have been there. I am still there healing much. If I have learned one thing this year, it's that I didn't come here to keep reliving my pain. And the other is that the pain that is stored in the body needs to be treated on an emotional level, not just a physical level. If you need recommendations of bodyworkers, send me a message. I know several good ones in the Bay Area.

I personally work with clients on releasing trauma on an emotional level and energy level. I help people see what is there, what needs to be realized, and can release it. However, for deeply stored traumas in the physical body, you will need various types of bodywork over a period of time until the bulk of the traumas are released. Once you find the right person to work with, I recommend at least 12 weeks of weekly 90-minute sessions to clear the body.

I am reminded that in Ancient times, dancing was a major form of healing the Self and others. Dancing is a high form of prayer. Dancing moves suppressed emotions out of the body, it moves stagnant energy from the body and it calls forth new energy and divine light in a physical manner and many of us "lightworkers" forget that we are here in a PHYSICAL embodiment. We must treat the physical body, not just the energy or spiritual body. If we all danced with our tribe, the way we used to, illness and depression would not be so rampant. We wouldn't need healers and therapists so much. We would be in alignment, in ecstatic joy for no reason at all except that we are in a physical body to experience God. When we dance, we are taken into the depth of our Self and our soul to experience God, we do not depend on another. All of humanity can be healed through dance and tribe. Dancing alone will create the inspiration needed to figure out the rest of the problems. Dancing, drumming, singing, and being with our soul friends: There is no higher form of healing.

You can see doctor after doctor, or healer after healer and read book after book, but nothing can replace bringing that love and joy down into the heart through dance and music.

Praying we all dance, sing, drum and be together again. This is what our souls wanted to do here. To dance with our soul family is the best gift of love we can give each other.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Full moon, wolves, and wild women

Ever read the book, Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes? Great book, I've written on this before.

It's a full moon on Tuesday and I'm already noticing a wild, wacky, wolfy, Wesak full moon and it's only Sunday.

I pet a wolf-mix hybrid in Kona a few days ago.

The main point of this book for women is for women to act however they want. That the nature of the wolf is to act instinctually, creatively and wildly and in this expression, one finds love, peace and joy. It is truly the old energies that tell us women how we should behave.

This is actually recommended for men and women.

Ahoy! Let's give ourselves permissions to be our Wolf selves.

Howling is desired. Running with a pack is also recommended.

More later.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Laughter and tears.

Who is laughter and tears?

Truth and love.

A joke (PS - Andria does not know jokes)

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Truth and love.

Truth and love who?

OMG ROFL....if SG has a reply...would love to hear. I think he may have a rhyming end to this joke? Oh wait, that's called a punchline?

I better ask my comedienne friend Sandy Stec for this punchline. :-)

To be continued.

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Ruh-Roh" Says Scooby Doo

Hang in there folks. Breathe. Keep it simple. Easy does it. Slow down. Stop. Breathe. You're not alone. Patience. Love.

Chaotic energies are a little high today. If you feel great, thank God, good work! If not, you're not alone...hearing a lot of this today.

You are are picking up on collective energies and you yourself are making major shifts in vibration during your ascension process. Don't freak out. This is not the usual lingo. I'm straight-shooting tonight. Take a deep breath, have a good grounding meal, drink some chamomile tea, clear yourself and keep clearing yourself.

Sometimes when we feel chaos in our emotions, mind, or body, we can find relief in exercise, yoga, body movement or in getting very still and cocooning ourselves in bed while we pray or meditate. Try both today. Take a bath. Lavendar oil.

We're saying, sit back, keep it simple. Breathe.

It is that simple.

Wishing you love tonight and tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to go with the flow, there's bounds of creative energies here for us, so ride the waves, get on top of the wave and surf, float and glide your way to where you want to be. Don't get wrapped up in the ego's confusion or chaos or fear.

Angels are guiding. No need to worry.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unplugging the Patriarchy by Lucia Rene

If you have not read this book, please do. For many reasons, this book is a must-read for especially women and also for men. However, I stress that women in particular read this. While female lightworkers are already coming more into their power, there is a picture created in the weaving of this book that is beneficial to take in all at once. Perhaps it's a collective remembering of who we are as a circle of women, or a collective remembering of when we gave up our power and why and as such we can play a role in bringing ourselves back together as women, as allies, instead of jealous rivals. Women are meant to form circles of unity, to build communities, to pray, dance and birth together. Women are the inner circle of humanity. When they come together, ALL will come together. Women must lead the way back to the circle. Then we all have a place to be embraced. Men need this sacred circle as much as women do, but women have to re-create it themselves, within their own hearts, for themselves and then on the outer, in community, for each other.

Create a sacred circle of love in your own body, in your own home and guard it. This is where the power is re-kindled. Feed it there and it will grow outside of the home again.

Lucia Rene is on Facebook. Unplugging the Patriarchy is a daring portrayal of reality.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Narrowing things down a little

Today has been about streamlining and choice. Where there were two paths, now there is only one. Where there were two of anything, one is chosen. This is not Noah's Ark. The truth is evident. God's will is evident. The right choice is the sane choice. The right choice is the self-loving choice. If it involves struggle, it is likely not the right choice. One path can be closed for good. It is sealed now.

So many people come to me asking for clarity, for answers about what to do, and to be cleared of the past. One of the most important keys to getting clear is to seal yourself off from your past. If you want to effectively invoke the power of Archangel Michael, and benefit from the lasting effects of what his power can do, then allow the work to be done, and leave it that way. Don't re-open the door. Keep the door closed. The past is the past. Re-opening the past is like re-opening a really bad present you received as a kid. Why invite the joker or the devil back in? Keep the door closed and keep walking forward.

If something has been removed from your life, or if you yourself have chosen to remove it, your Angels are clearly stating that it is wise to leave it as it was. Leave the closed door closed. Walk forward where the beauty is. Close the old books, the old chapters, the old hurts and embrace what lies ahead. God didn't bring us here for another incarnation of suffering. God didn't bring us here to keep crying. I assure you there is a loving embrace just beyond you, just a few steps ahead. Go to that one. The new is what is willed for you. The old is finished now. Let it be.

Praying for us all...for comfort, peace, closure, serenity and love.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stepping up through Transition

Transition is amongst us all. And as I do more private sessions and teach more classes, this truth is evident, many of us are going through major changes: job loss, career transition, relationship loss, new relationships forming, childbirth, illness, natural disasters and death of loved ones. As the world turns, as life intensifies during these times, we are called back to a few important points of study. First, our breath. Our breath is our anchor and will continue to be. If you haven't found your breath, please do, a yoga class is one way to find peace during transitional times.

Secondly, make time to communicate with Spirit alone. You can call this quiet time, meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, whatever words suit your feelings the best.
This time with God builds strength.

Third, make a conscious decision to step up throughout the storm. During these times, we have two choices, hide and go back to old patterns or break through them and step up to the next platform, into the light, taller, stronger, with more conviction, with more confidence in who we are and what we are here to do. This choice is less of a choice these days. Many of us do not have a choice in this matter, even though our egos like to convince us that we do. Should we choose to stay down, we will experience challenge. Should we choose to step up, there may be some preliminary angst and fear, however the joy of freedom that Spirit intended us to feel will soon follow. Be patient. Breathe. Be present.

My pulse is on the pulse of the Mother right now and she is supporting our transition. I've made many references to this stage being much like transition during child birth. When a woman has fully dilated and the pushing is about to begin, right before labor gets tough, is transition. This is the moment a woman says, "I can't do this" and she freaks out a little bit. The truth is, it's too late. You're going to have the baby now (rather birthing your new self). There's no going back. And that reality is scary to many. No, we're not going back. Be now, be here, be present with what is. Breathe and relax into where you are. As you do this, allow the Angels to continue healing you through your period of letting go and surrendering. For many people, there is much to surrender and release right now. We are honoring that phase for you and there is so much compassion for you during this process.

Move with the times, they are changing ever so quickly. If you would like a private session with Kuthumi to allow for some support during your transition please know this is being made available to you. Kuthumi is the Ascended Master teaching through me, informing you of your Ascension process, providing you with wisdom for your growth and learning as your soul evolves. In short, if you are in the midst of a major change in life and find yourself at a loss, unsure of what you're doing and in need a few pointers, this is why I was placed here. Visit my website at

With love,

Friday, April 8, 2011

Finding Warmth Within

Today is the perfect opportunity to stay in, cuddle up (with a laptop :-) and something warm to eat or drink. Mother Earth shifts fast, it was very warm, now it's very cool outside. It's lovely how Mother teaches us to go with the flow when we stay tuned into her. Are you stressed by the Friday hustle and bustle? Did you stay too busy today? Or did you listen to your body and rest? Funny how our choices create our emotions and reality. The common excuse is, "I have to work." For some, yes, I see this is true. For many of us however, Mother Earth is making it quite clear that we are to change our ways and listen to our bodies, our hearts and to the gentle, loving, nurturing feminine within and without that is asking you to honor stillness, gentleness and peace and take good care of yourself.

What makes you feel good? What brings you comfort? Now, I don't mean hedonism so don't go crazy here everyone. But I'm talking about soul food, and not just food. Although, if you know me, you know I often talk about food. What is your soul food? What feeds your heart and soul? We often look to others for this food, kind of like a baby looks to its mother. But as adults, who do we look to for this soul food?

One simple solution is to sit quietly, light a candle and ask God or Goddess what your soul food in this moment would look like. I won't type what vision I just had :-) but after spending a day with some soup, heat, and writing, I'm ready for more movement, a little yoga dance perhaps. Listen to your body. We get sick when we don't listen to our bodies. And yes, this is Raphael piping in before Saturday's class at Firefly. We will be nurturing ourselves and each other at 7pm in Los Altos if you are able to join.

Until then, peace, nurturing, love, beauty, all that is Archangel Raphael, may it be yours. Inhale, and so it is.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


There is so much happening now on the planet in regards to us wielding and coming into our full power. The correct embodiment of feminine power is in process of discovering itself, balancing itself and re-claiming a very old inner knowing and trust of who we are as women and how we wish to be living. There is a complete re-creation taking place within and without on the planet. As Mother Earth continues to shift herself, as the plates of the Earth continue to shift, much will be shuffled. The children and their lives will be thrust into their proper place. As we go through this shift, there are few a tips on how to proceed peacefully.

First, remember to breathe. When we are in labor, with the baby in the birth canal and we are nearing transition, this is the time to breathe. Emotions can get heated very quickly at this time. Finding a yoga practice and breathing is essential to making it through this current cycle we are in.

Second, let go. Let go of everything you have and know. We don't know what things will look like in 3 days let alone 3 months or 3 years. So be flexible, release your tight grip on things and relax with your breath teaching you how to let go. You will receive what you need when you let go. We cannot be given a new life until we completely let go of the old one. Many people are asking for change, they are asking for a new way to emerge, especially children and women have been pleading to God for this shift to take place and now it is. As it takes place, we are guided to let go, so the old can fall away.

Thirdly, stay grounded and connected to the earth. Dance, sing, paint, garden, grow your own food, use essential oils, flower essences, herbs, etc. Stay tapped into the earth and animals. This will help us connect to a deeper source of calm, of power and of strength during these times. We need to find a well deeper than our own to pull energy and strength from. This is the womb of Divine Mother of Mother Earth, and as we learn to go there to draw from her, we will find protection, comfort and nurturing. This is also a message to stay close to your loved ones, the mother, the center of the household. Protect and nurture her, this is her time.

As we learn to embrace the changes, we are embracing Mother Earth again. We are learning again to embrace Natural Law and Order on the planet. This is a massive shift taking place and we are supported by all of Heaven and Earth. Go within and center yourself as often as needed throughout the day. Receive assistance, it is being brought to you after you pray. Pay attention to your answered prayers coming your way. Give thanks and return the love when you can.

Many Blessings to you,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Maybe I'll blog....meanderings, musings and more...

I'm sitting here, writing to Spirit, talking to Spirit and had a revelation of, "Maybe I'll blog..." That's a bright idea, eh? I'm joking with Kuthumi tonight. And writing to him and about him, speaking about him and we're in a funny space together and are going to share that with you. The Master/Disciple relationship is a funny one sometimes, and a serious one too. But for the moment, I'm enjoying him and his humor. And the words are far and few between, but the love is very strong. He's attuning me briefly to his love and says, "If you sit back, breathe, relax and allow the love will deepen and flow more strongly, even as it is already flowing quite well as you can feel."

I'm listening to Twameva with Deva Premal again and ooohhhh....the love is just flowing and then another guide comes sweeping in, we'll call this the love guide. I have a love guide who is one of my favorites...and one is Kuthumi not my favorite? Well, he is of course, but the love guide is something else altogether which I cannot explain in words to you, at least not right now.

This love guide is a Master at making us feel in love. He oozes a warm fuzzy heart feeling in a way to me that other energies do not. This being who we'll just call the "love guide" for now is familiar to many on the path. If you're reading my blog, you likely know who he is. I actually don't write about him much and this is the first time that I've openly discussed these two guides in this way publicly.

We had a beautiful time at East/West bookstore this weekend. For any readers who attended, thank you for coming and taking part in the magical alchemy of what took place. Today we had a very sacred session with a Master, for which I am very grateful and so much love and peace was served. As the day and evening has progressed and as the energy has shifted, I am able to better perceive what took place today and can feel the Masters' presence and appreciation streaming through for what we humans do with our "free" time.

I am blissed to spend my "free" time with them. It is what I do. It is my favorite thing to do. They are my family and have always been.

I keep getting reminders today of the book I recommended last night during class, Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. She's a Vipassana and Insight meditation teacher and I first read this book many years ago at the Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox, MA. When I was a middle school French teacher, this was my favorite place to spend free time; in the Berkshire Mountains, overlooking a beautiful lake, rolling hills, mountains, and sleeping at Kripalu a former Jesuit monastery. This scene is so fresh in my mind and it makes me want to return even though Kripalu has become a bit more of a zoo since I first began going there 10 years ago. So I am asking myself what from this book I need to remember, and I'm wondering where my copy of it is. :-) I moved recently so I'm not quite sure where I put it.

Radical Acceptance solidified for me this practice of moving through deep emotions and healing from the inside out. In silence, breathing, as you tune into what is happening in the emotional body or in the energy body, noticing how do we really feel underneath the masks, the distractions, the vices, etc? Sometimes we need to feel for a few minutes and just breathe to sense what is there. Sometimes we need to exercise or do yoga to break up the stored energy or emotions to release them. I am known by my closest friends for feeling deeply and for being able to cry with great ease. Curse or blessing, you can decide, but tonight, as I watch my emotions, as I examine myself, and inquire within, with the presence of my guides, the guides who led class this weekend, I am told to drink more water. Haha! See, just when you think you are going to get great guidance, you get told to drink more water. Love that!!

So the profound instant message here is to drink more water. It's great simple advice for us all really. I see a mountain and I know which energy is stepping forward. And sense that drinking water in silence is tonight's meditation. Sit in silence and drink more water. Breathe. Sit in silence and drink more water. And with the repetition and the goofy simplicity, I laugh and appreciate the simple messages the guides give. Just when we think something sorely profound is about to happen, we get told to be quiet and hydrate. For me, this is really great news because this means all is very well. No lecture right now, at least for the moment. And that's true, this one doesn't lecture. That's the other one. :-) I feel like I'm watching a show of Sesame Street, as I observe all the characters interact and it is like watching a cartoon. Somewhat more serious than that, but as playful as that at the same time.

I am remembering some experiences of the past three years of post-service symptoms that us who do this service experience and I am grateful for the lessons. So as I breathe and drink my water, then I feel the feelings about that. And then we're back to embracing those feelings, with the heart of the Buddha, as Tara Brach wrote in her book. As we examine the past, and feel the feelings of the past, to heal them, we breathe into them, embracing them like children, and step deeper into the water of emotional healing, to honor the sensitivity, opening the heart and feeling the gratitude and the pain all at the same time. We can feel love, gratitude and pain simultaneously. The human emotional body is pretty miraculous. This is the essence of emotional releasement and processing. Feeling greater love, be it self-love or love for others, requires feeling, opening the heart, and to feel love more deeply, we have to first learn to feel it ALL. And as our hearts open to it ALL, the pain can release and create more space for love. And with great love, can come joy, but at times, it can bring tears. I have this sense right now of viewing all of the past pain, with a relative sense of detachment, while feeling a mild sense of grief, but it's a light feeling, because we are in the presence of so much great love. And my heart gets cracked open wider and wider as I type to share this experience of moving deeply into the heart space with you.

This is what divine mother does. She holds her heart open so we can all heal and be loved inside of it. She embraces us for as long as we want or need. And that is what Radical Acceptance can do for us. I'm reminded of the mantra given to me by Ammaji in Castro Valley last June. I asked for a mantra to cultivate acceptance. So the mantra is to deepen contentment and acceptance of what is.

When we can embrace all of our Self and all of life with this heart of the Buddha, we find greater peace and love. We settle into acceptance, even amidst pain or grief. It reminds me of when someone crosses over, how we feel grief, but as we feel the grace and presence of God, there is this comfort and relief which can bring peace at the same time. So we feel love, peace and grief all at once. And as I type, I feel everyone in Japan. And with this as I type, I feel the presence of Quan Yin. And what she is offering tonight is a reminder of our heart's ability to hold love and compassion as we accept our own life and pain and then can offer the same love and compassion to those who are in even greater suffering than our own.

So for anyone in pain tonight or in grief, wherever in the world you may be, this heart is open to you for healing and love. You can step inside for as long as you'd like. And with that will come the love of many Masters and Angels who will shower so much love on you that when you do feel and open to it, you will cry, or maybe laugh too. That is the heart of God. I pray we all open to that and feel tonight, so we can grow this collective heart of the planet and come together. I love you. I love you. I love you.

When we allow that presence to sink in, all will be healed. I see my friend Brad who passed away a while ago, and so I share this for those of you that know him. He's smiling at this blog post, he's loving it, he's loving watching us all from where he stands today, rather where he floats and flies around. Brad is a sweet soul, I'm grateful to share his presence with you. You haven't left, you're right here. In fact, you're closer than you were when you were in form. It serves as a reminder that when our loved ones change form, they often are closer to us from the other side and all it takes is an openness in perception, a shift in the body or mind so we can allow ourselves to feel them. For some, the grief is so dense, they cannot feel. But with healing assistance, everyone can learn to feel this presence of a loved one. It's so beautiful when they heal and cross over. They are angels to us. It is a happy awareness. Brad is so supportive to those of us he knew, I am thinking of many of us who knew him and can see their grief still, and he wants to tell us to be happy here and know he's happy and watching us.

Enjoying the silence, stillness and simplicity while watching a mild-tempered egoic resistance to it at the same time...this is the equivalent to about a 90% state of surrender. :-) What happens when you give yourself over to the entire 100%?

This makes for a fun evening practice, no?

Love and blessings to all,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Water Snake and Seaweed

Today I am eating seaweed and drinking coconut water. Not sure why I'm writing this, except to share that coconut water is yummy and I know my body needed seaweed.

Last night I experienced a very powerful healing and recognized the need for snake medicine. Following this invocation, and fast-forwarding to today, during my walk in Foster City by the lagoon, I noticed a black and orange water snake on the path, with a yellow stripe running down the middle. The snake was about a foot long and about an inch wide. I rarely encounter snakes in California so this was a nice treat and confirmation of what was happening last night for me.

It's always amazing to me to work with animals along with the angels and masters because as you study animal medicine and learn what each animal can provide, connecting with them will really help you move through something that you may not otherwise know how to move through.

Often during the years of self-healing that I have done, I have said, "I'm stuck." So what I have learned is to ask this question, "Which animal can get me out of this? Which animal do I need right now?" Prior to asking that, you may need to ask, "Where am I? Who am I?"

So for example last night, I felt like a sewer rat. And I thought, "God, okay, what animal can I transform myself into to get out of the sewer?" And what came to me is that the snake can come and eat the rat and transform that energy and get itself back up into the sunlight. So, this was a part of the healing I was working through last night.

Shape-shifting is a great tool and I highly recommend reading Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It's a nice animal medicine bible to keep handy.

Snake is about healing. Water snake for me was about healing the emotions. Snake has many meanings of course, and there is more to this story, but hey, I have to keep some things private!!

Love, blessings, and thank God it's sunny and warm finally!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mother Earth Message

As you breathe, love the mother. Honor her. Touch her and speak to her gently. Do not over-burden her, she can hold much, but yes, even Mother Earth has her limits. Show appreciation. Create beauty around her. Protect her. Understand her power and strength. Tread lightly. Feed her, water her. Plant seeds in her. Tend to them. Pray to the mother. Pray for her. Praise her and lavish love on her. A woman is a mother, just as the Earth is our mother. They are the same. Treat them as such, with great respect and kindness. The Mother is teaching humanity great lessons at this time. As this re-balancing occurs, you will find your own inner balance and inner peace through silent prayer, meditaiton, dance, chant and purification. This is what Mother Earth is doing. She is purifiying and moving. We honor and love the re-balancing. We respect this opportunity to learn new ways, which are indeed the old ways. May the old ways feed us like roots feed the trees. If we call on them, they will come to us again. Call the roots, the old ways to your feet again and breathe in. Breathe love, breathe the ancient ways.

Deva Premal , Miten, Manose and Friends "Twameva"

This is SOOOO.......... beautiful!

Twa meva Mata Cha pita Twe meva
Twa meva Bandhus cha-sa-kah Twa meva
Twa meva Vidya Dravinam Twa meva
Twa meva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva

"You are my Mother, you are my Father
You are Relative and Friend
You are Wisdom and Wealth
You are everything, Oh God Supreme."

Eagle and Thunderbird Teaching

Dear Thunderbird made his re-entry a few weeks ago, and after another vision of him this past week, touching the water of San Andreas Lake, as well as a friend's dream, more eagle visions, and visions of Chief Golden Light Eagle who visited us with Chief Two-Legged Bear two weeks ago at Firefly Willows, we are in a time of great power.

Thunderbird does not visit often. The messages come clear and fast, and the results are often quickly realized.

However, the Eagle, such as the Golden Eagle, or the Bald Eagle, contain different medicines for each individual. We are being called to GREATNESS. This has been a message for some time, but this time, it is a louder call. Your greatness, in that place where you soar above it all, your greatness, of your God-self, that greatness, of every power you have ever known, from every time and place you have ever existed to be brought to Earth now to show others, to rise above the wake of Thunderbird and great changes. Great changes are taking place. Thunderbird and Eagle are power totems, a reminder to stay very close to God and to the Great Spirit of all, and especially the Ancestors of this land we call our home.

There are great beings to help us; the Star Beings, the Ancestors, and our many Masters and Angels. As you attune your third eye and heart to these wise, knowing sources of energy and love, you will feel supported and protected. This is why spiritual communication has become essential to our way of life. This is why remembering the old ways has become essential to us. As our senses, our instincts and our vision re-connect, we are told to trust that we are guided and protected.

Thunderbird brings change, but brings protection. Eagle brings a reminder of our greatness, but with that greatness comes expectations of what a great soul is capable of. Your great soul will bear much. This is what the Eagle teaches: You will be scorched by the sun, but you will survive. Undergo these transformations and changes within as well as on the planet and your Spirit will thrive. The Ancestors will greet us time and time again on the other side of each initiation.

Gayatri Mantra

This version is so sweet and happy, may you experience great bliss and blessings while listening and chanting.

Gayatri Mantra Meditation (Deva Premal)

Chanting this will bring great power during challenging times. This is the version I have been chanting for 11 years. I will post another version which is more traditional next.

With love and great blessings,

Post Karunamayi Homa Ceremony

This morning I attended a Homa Ceremony with Karunamayi in Sunnyvale, CA. I left with a refreshed connection to Lord Ganesha through Karunamayi and to the Gayatri Mantra, which I began chanting as I learned Kripalu Yoga 11 years ago. As we chanted various mantras during the fire ceremony, we were reminded that today is Divine Mother day. And with that awareness I noticed the vast bowl of womanhood and divinity that Karunamayi and Ammaji both embody and this one-pointed focus on service that Mother Theresa was well known for. I am reminded of what it means to be in service to God and the power that comes from this one-pointed focus on God alone, dis-allowing the distractions of the ego, the mental body, the emotional body, human desires, and the like. The purity of the heart that serves God alone, not the ego, is the purity that many wish to create within, but this purity is found alone, not through the constant seeking of comfort, craving, and instant gratification of the senses. So with the Gayatri Mantra, we go deep within the heart, to joy, to God, to ego-less formlessness and peace.

Om Shanti,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happiness Angels

Last week, I realized we have Happiness Angels, a whole group or legion of Angels whose purpose is to help us stay happy when life gets us down.

So as I invoked the happiness Angels, I started laughing. We could also call them Laughter Angels or Tickle-Me Elmo Angels, I see them coming to tickle our cheeks, our tummies and anywhere that will make us laugh. They help us see the sunlight when the world is feeling a little too insane for us.

So as we approach this week's full moon, and continue as sensitives to notice the energies out there, I offer you this invocation of these Happiness and Laughter Angels, which by the way, could also include your fairy and elemental friends.

Dear God, I ask that you please send me extra happiness and laughter Angels along with extra fairy and elemental friends to help me lighten up, laugh more, play more, and enjoy life more.

Here's my personal prayer: Dear God, please help me remember to laugh when my son is throwing his next temper tantrum. :-)

This works! Try it.

Much love, and a sense of French purple man humor to go along with it, a breath full of divine love and trust that you are all where you're supposed to be, all is well.

Hugs and kisses, and fairy tickles all over.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nature and Love

Archangel Ariel and the Animals are delivering some important messages for us right now.

With earth changes, come a greater need to stay peaceful and in love or loving. In order to do this, we can all benefit from doing things we enjoy. We can all do things that bring us peace and calm. Resting, walking, running, yoga, reading a book, singing, painting, spending time with family and most of all spending time in nature is very important right now.

As we stay close to the earth, the ground, literally by gardening, walking barefoot, lying on the ground or touching the ground, putting our ears like beetles to the earth, feeling the vibrations of the earth like snakes, rolling and slithering, moving on the earth like snakes and crocodiles we can touch primal instinctual forces which not only heal and ground us, but also keep us in tune with any messages we need for our survival as humans. The natives of this land knew how to do this and spent a great deal of time outdoors.

What is sorely lacking in our culture is this connection to nature. We are urged to shift this reality and make time for family and nature, whatever that looks like and means to you.

Archangel Ariel comes with great love, pink quartz energy and a reminder, to stay close to the cradle of Mother Earth and the animal kingdom. All is well. All is very well.

With love,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Uptight? Emotional?

Today, I had a moment where I said to someone as she was complaining about how uptight everyone else was today, that when people are uptight it's because they are not being honest with how they are feeling, they are bottling up their emotions and they need to burst a bit so they can relax.

A little loving words for March/Pisces energies: Emotional roller coasters and volcanoes are okay. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just say to each other as needed, "Hey, I need to cry for a minute, I'll be right back." Then we could just stop, honor our emotions and get real, instead of spreading more frustration and tension, and then go back to what we need to be doing.

Most people don't know how to cry at the drop of a hat when needed. This is a learned practice. I once read the book Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. This book taught me to delve into deep emotions, feel them and move through them. So I do this now with greater and greater ease and while some people are surprised by how much emotional release I have to do, I find that it's nice to not get so stuck in one feeling, but to recognize that they are all passing.

I have been blessed to be a highly sensitive and emotional creature, this is what makes me who I am, to do what I am here to do, it also means that I am sometimes emotional in a way that few people understand. So if you are in need of emotional guidance or support, I can likely assist you in this area.

A few easy tips just in case you want to create a space for healing your emotions and help yourself move through them more easily...

1)take a sea salt bath
2)use essential oils to calm down
3)use flower essences, these all can go in the bath too
4)have a cup of chamomile tea
5)get some bodywork done, a massage with a good healer works wonders
7)call a friend
8)write, paint, sing, draw
9)each large quantities of raw mint chocolate ice cream, comfort food without the guilt...LOL!

Much love....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hahahahahahaha!!! The She-Wolf is Hungry!!!

I awoke abruptly this morning to a very clear dream message from my visitor the gray wolf. She is usually white, but today my wolf was gray and she was quite angry that I have been feeding her orange juice and garlic. I guess the beetle cycle is over!! So my wolf wanted turkey, I guess it's what's available in the fridge, the dream was very clear.

So friends, sometimes (and well often for people like me) our dreams and guides tell us EXACTLY what we need to eat. And while I love raw foods and love being squeaky clean in and out, sometimes, guidance says, EAT MEAT! And well, they are right, who am I to argue with my She-Wolf, she was so hungry she was about to tear me to shreds and eat me for lunch if I hadn't fed her the proper food.

My raw foods disclaimer: While I teach cleansing and detoxification, I would never attempt to tell a person to eat a certain way. However, having lost 100 pounds, having healed myself through many conditions, I am certain of how others can be helped in a similar fashion, but I will always guide a person to first listen to their own guides about what to eat before listening to me.

With love always,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Self Love, Nurturing and Healing

Tonight on this new moon, I was guided to take a break from everything and just focus on myself. So, with that, I grabbed 3 angel card decks, a massive piece of paper, my kids scented markers and some ocean music. What began as nothing, with no plan, with no ideas, became fertile ground for the next month ahead, not to mention, the true foundation of all that is to be built in the future....right on top of the title of this thread, Self-Love, Nurturing and Healing. Without those three things, nothing else can happen.

As I have written on self-love for many years, I am still re-learning what it is, perhaps integrating it more fully into daily life, into each minute rather, instead of just sparsely here or there throughout the week or month.

Self-Love minutes would be something such as: Lighting a candle, taking a short walk, a minute of deep breathing, drinking a tall glass of water, laying down for a minute, calling a friend, reading a page from a favorite book, etc.

I love very simple, quiet, alone time, whether it's resting, running, drawing, anything....

So on that note, I'm off to read for a bit....will maybe add more later.

In love,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Super Orange Drink

Juice 2-3 oranges
juice 1 lemon (you can add 1 lime if you like)

add juice to blender
add 4-5 garlic cloves
add 1-2 inch chuck of ginger
add 4-5T cold-pressed olive oil

Blend and drink

Note: This is a liver/gall bladder flush drink. It is advised to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning upon waking. Juice or have smoothies a few hours later.

I did these for a week during a 5 day liver cleanse, but liked it so much, am finding it continuously energizing and clearing. The orange juice has lots of nutrients. The olive oil is good for us lightworkers who burn our nervous systems. And the garlic and ginger is good for the immune system after all this rain and cool weather.

A great Spring Time cleanse!!

If you'd like more info. on cleansing, send me a message.

With love,

Monday, February 28, 2011

Palo Santo

My son and I are cleansing and purifying the home this morning with Palo Santo. Love this smell, if you aren't sure where to get it locally, Firefly Willows in Los Altos has some great large sticks of it for sale individually.

This is great stuff. I find it works differently than sage, and it's purpose is highly beneficial for post-healing clearing of released energies from your aura and space.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The King's Speech

Today, my Father guided me to a movie through a series of synchronistic events, my day shifted from one path to another, and I was guided to this movie, The King's Speech. I don't want to share the point of the movie, as the reason why I was guided to it is personal, but it's ironic sometimes, how much power my Father has, and how he never fails at making sure that I'm at the right place at the right time. I always say to him, "You have me where you want me." It's kind of a personal inside joke, the level of surrender and commitment it takes to stay there is quite baffling to me tonight.

Anyhow, I do recommend the movie, that is perhaps my only point in writing this.

With love,


I just had an epiphany. My nails are drastically growing faster. This is said to be a side effect of taking E3 LIVE. I was told by my spirit guide that I could fast easily on E3 LIVE and water. I believe this is true. E3 Live contains 63 important and powerful nutrients. I've actually noticed that I've adjusted to the E3 Live and it's effects are not as noticeable now that I've been taking it for 10 days. I do crave it when I forget to take it several times a day. So I feel it is working, but when you start to eat a certain way, your body adjusts and you don't notice the energetic boost as much as you did when you first started taking it. What I do notice however, is how much solid foods are not processing well and my body seems to be adjusting more and more to liquids. I say this only because raw foodists often report a progression in shifting of foods they can tolerate the longer they are raw. They often go from eating heavy elaborate raw food meals to eating single foods or juices only. This appears to be happening and while a large meal of rice, lentils and tofu tastes really good, it seems to throw an energetic wrench into my system, whereas drinking a green juice keeps my body humming along at a faster rate. Now someone should tell my ego to adjust... :-) All in time...I should add I'm incredibly emotionally attached to food. My guide makes fun of me in this way. I'm sure he'll be telling me to eat fish tomorrow, or something unpredictable to throw me off my rocker. Divine guidance and diet is an interesting topic to discuss, this will probably be in discussion more in the coming weeks as I prepare to teach my class at East/West on April first and second on Spiritual Cleansing and Detoxification.

Tune In Tuesday

This Tuesday morning I will be on the Seeing Beyond radio program speaking with Bonnie Colleen at 8am on 1450AM. This show will feature John Carosella, owner and shaman at Firefly Willows in Los Altos, California. Also appearing will be Hi-C Luttmers, a gifted fellow intuitive from Firefly Willows. The topic of this program will surely be varied and lots of fun, we hope you will tune in and share with others.


Quan Yin

Tonight, I had a pronounced and long visit with Quan Yin in my living room while in the company of a very gifted soul friend. While we spent time clearing and working on various "things," Quan Yin's presence came very close and reminded me of the lesson of mercy. Mercy, granting mercy. Sometimes in life, those closest to us, such as our children or loved ones do things that are outrageously and seemingly unforgivable or inexcusable. So tonight, as I experienced a quality of correction occurring in the ethers, I was guided into granting mercy. The essence of mercy, as felt through Quan Yin's presence was beyond words. In that presence, no amount of discord could exist. And whatever seemed to be beyond acceptable was somehow instantly showered with mercy.

So my experiences with Quan Yin up to this point have been mostly regarding forgiveness, love and compassion, but tonight, I was shown a level of mercy that I had yet to experience and it reminds me of how we are often guided to show compassion and unconditional love to others, not to excuse or condone misguided behaviors or lack of integrity, but simply to rise above the wrongs of the ego and transform them with love, compassion and mercy. Actions are not forgotten, but forgiveness comes and so does mercy. Erasing the memory is not as easy and simple as embodying love, forgiveness and mercy. We can breathe, allow, let be, but actions do continue to speak louder than words, and while all the mercy in the world is beautiful, actions do continue to speak louder. We can grant mercy and forgiveness, but people's actions may remain the same, this is true. So mercy isn't necessarily offered to change the outcome, but to simply shift one's own perception of such actions. This brings a deeper level of peace within one's own being. The opportunity to spend that amount of time with the energy of divine mercy was unexpected and very very comforting.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On Sweetness

On Divine Presence and the sweetness that unfolds.

With great ease and simplicity we create peace and love in this moment, as the pink and green fills and completes the space between. As the loads of laundry get done in between, as the Angels fill the space, healing and guiding us back to love with each breath, each song, each word shared, we breathe, give, receive, love and share more of this pink and green color. And as we breathe, the orange fills the space with His presence, His presence which can remain nameless for now, but His presence that fills my body, my life, my work, all of that which I do, speak and share. His presence is the one you meet in me. His presence is the one you think is me. His presence is the one you seek in me. His presence is the one allowed to spread across all of time and space to create peace and harmony here on Earth. I am His portal, through me you will find this presence, not me. The "I" that was, has become His. The "I" that you knew, has been hi-jacked by love. The "I" that remains is the "I" that serves His cause, which is love and truth. This "I" is very clear on that mission. This "I" is blessed.

Snatam Kaur Suni-ai

Suniai sidh peer sur naath
Suniai dharat dhaval aakaas
Suniai deep loa paataal
Suniai pohe na sakay kaal
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap ka naas (8)

Listening, the siddhas (beings of spiritual perfection),
The spiritual teachers, the heroic warriors, the Yogic Masters.
Listening, the earth, it's support, and the akaashic ethers.
Listening, the oceans, lands, and peoples of the world,
And the nether regions of the underworld.
Listening, death cannot touch you.
O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.
Listening, pain and sin are erased. (8)

Andria Wagner Interview by Lynetta

Thursday, February 17, 2011


With the energies of purification and cleansing around us, we are reminded that what we consume, ingest, think, feel becomes a part of our creations.

Toxins ingested become part of our new creations.

Clarity, purity, and harmony in the body and mind begin with how we treat the body.

Finding steadiness and peace in the emotional body is helped by ingesting peace and steadiness.

Essentially, we know when we are supposed to stop ingesting something in particular. Most of us know, we want to stop eating this, stop drinking that, stop smoking this and that, etc. Our thoughts and feelings too need correction.

However, most of us cannot control thoughts and emotions by relying on addictions for very long. Eventually our tolerance increases and we begin to need more of this or that to create the same calming effect we used to once get.

Now, to create peace in the mind and body, we are guided to detoxify as completely as we can.

Examine your habits. Examine what you use to numb your feelings. Examine and study your actions. Then ask for guidance about how to quit your addiction or habit.

The result after a 5 day detox will be great clarity and peace you have not seen in a long time. Then you will have achieved a level of purity of thought, action and emotions that you have perhaps been seeking for quite some time.

We all have vices. We all have unhealthy habits to heal. Call on the assistance of Archangel Michael and Raphael to cut all cords to all negative habits and addictions so you may experience more energy, more freedom and more love in your heart.


Archangel Michael

Dear Michael has been making his presence very known the past week. He always makes his presence known, but I would liken this to a trumpet alarm constant flow of messages for the past week. He has appeared to me through many friends to assist me with my protection this past week, and he visited me in a dream last night to do the same. He appeared as a well known actor, though ironically I don't know the actor's name, but I've seen him in many movies.

Michael came and talked about many things with me.

The gist of them is healing, cutting cords and protection.

Michael's main interest is in my peace of mind, and therefore your peace of mind. His interest is to protect a path of service. At this point in life, our path of service is very important and Michael serves as a guide, coach, friend and warrior, fiercely standing guard against any energy which impedes my service and yours.

If you are noticing a block, a disturbance, a pain, a negative emotion or thought, call on Michael. Assistance is swift and effective.

So I offer this prayer, to honor his presence and service to us all.

Dear Archangel Michael,

Thank you for your commitment to serving me and those I serve. Thank you for your power, healing, clearing and removal of all harmful and unwanted energies in and around my field and spaces where I live and work. Thank you for bringing to me those in need of my service and those who are here to assist my higher calling. Thank you for removing all obstacles to my perfect path of service to humanity and helping me to create a clear road to and from heaven in all that I do today and everyday. Thank you for removing all of the past, assisting us all in healing and clearing all of which no longer serves our best and highest good. May the clarity of this full moon illuminate all which needs to be seen and healed, and may the energy of this full moon draw from us all impurity that may be impeding us from our higher calling. This power, this light, your sword and all of your might will see to our protection and assure us our success as God's servants. We thank you for your devotion to us and attentive care and assistance when we call upon your presence. We honor your strength and allow it to become our own. With many of God's blessings, we carry on in service, following direction, with purpose and clarity, with love and joy, to do all that we agreed to do in this lifetime.

And so it is.

Thank you and love, love, love.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
