Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why we need kids....

This week has been intense. Kids on vacation, summer buzz is very active. But the upside of the busy-ness is that now that the kids are around more, we get to hear all the cool things they say. Now, I'd love to share them all here, the wise things my six year old is saying to me this week, but they're too personal. So I will try to explain this without details and share the beauty of having wise and awake children and why the star children are hoping to explain through me the importance of waking up the adults on the planet so more of these baby masters can be born.

Our children take everything in, even when we think they're too busy playing. This week my son repeated phrases back to me, paraphrased in his own language, with his own wise spin, and used language I have never heard him use. He spoke to me like a 15 year-old. He showed me that a)he listens to me even when I think he doesn't, b) that his ability to process and comprehend what I say and what is really happening even without explanation is above and beyond his real age, and c)his ability to express himself is very evolved for a six year old. This child could hold very involved conversations with adults. It makes me want to spend more time with him, because if he can do this with no effort on my part, meaning this is just who he is, it means that the more time he spends around people who are awake, the more he will start sharing these words of wisdom with us.

There's a lot to be said for letting children spend a lot of time with adults. Years ago when I researched home schooling, I found that most kids who are home schooled are calmer, more mature, better spoken and have greater emotional intelligence. I can see why this is the case after spending one week with my children after they got out of school. Our children need time around adults, being made part of our lives, not segregated into specific age groups. Kids do often learn best in mixed age groups, so they can teach things to younger children and so they can learn from older children. This often mimics what children receive when they are born into large families where the children stay at home more or are home schooled or in cultures where the women and children in general spend more time together. This leads to a greater sense of personal security, trust, confidence and emotional intelligence which is very beneficial for children.

The truth is that adults today need children to tell them what's happening. The children know the truth and they speak it, especially when the adults around them are receptive. The children have the answers to the problems we adults face and the problems which our ancestors have created and gifted to us, the problems we are still perpetuating in the world with our ignorance and unwillingness to awaken and change. The children want to be a part of our circle. The children want to show us how life is supposed to be. The children have the keys and solutions if only we would pay attention. Listen to your children carefully. They will likely help you figure out what you need to do next in your life.

In love,

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