Friday, June 10, 2011

Schools, Un-Schools....?

Your perception of your child may be negative or fearful. This is because your perception of your true self is negative and fearful. This is because your parents perception of you as your true self as a child and as an adult is negative and fear-based. There is little appreciation for who we really are. There are only attempts to change who we are, to control our behavior and this is made manifest in schools, in the workplace, in our social systems, etc. In schools today for example, children are allowed very little freedom of expression. This says to me that even at home, children are allowed very little freedom of expression, otherwise there is no way their parents would allow their children to attend schools where their spirits and creativity are destroyed and dismembered by federal and state standards which are based on funding. It’s like saying to your child, “I’m sorry honey, but even though I know this is wrong, I’m going to send you to this school, because I have to work and make money, so you’re going to have to waste your childhood sitting at a desk being forced to learn things that you neither need or want to learn, and things which even I know are not going to truly benefit you in the long run. I’m sorry, I had to do it too, so I’m going to make you do it, because I can’t figure out another way. And besides, I go to work and if I had to admit that I was wrong, I would have to change many things about our lives and I don’t know how I could do that. That really freaks me out.” Isn’t this the truth of what most Americans are doing? Isn’t this how most people are living today?

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