Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Water Snake and Seaweed

Today I am eating seaweed and drinking coconut water. Not sure why I'm writing this, except to share that coconut water is yummy and I know my body needed seaweed.

Last night I experienced a very powerful healing and recognized the need for snake medicine. Following this invocation, and fast-forwarding to today, during my walk in Foster City by the lagoon, I noticed a black and orange water snake on the path, with a yellow stripe running down the middle. The snake was about a foot long and about an inch wide. I rarely encounter snakes in California so this was a nice treat and confirmation of what was happening last night for me.

It's always amazing to me to work with animals along with the angels and masters because as you study animal medicine and learn what each animal can provide, connecting with them will really help you move through something that you may not otherwise know how to move through.

Often during the years of self-healing that I have done, I have said, "I'm stuck." So what I have learned is to ask this question, "Which animal can get me out of this? Which animal do I need right now?" Prior to asking that, you may need to ask, "Where am I? Who am I?"

So for example last night, I felt like a sewer rat. And I thought, "God, okay, what animal can I transform myself into to get out of the sewer?" And what came to me is that the snake can come and eat the rat and transform that energy and get itself back up into the sunlight. So, this was a part of the healing I was working through last night.

Shape-shifting is a great tool and I highly recommend reading Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It's a nice animal medicine bible to keep handy.

Snake is about healing. Water snake for me was about healing the emotions. Snake has many meanings of course, and there is more to this story, but hey, I have to keep some things private!!

Love, blessings, and thank God it's sunny and warm finally!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mother Earth Message

As you breathe, love the mother. Honor her. Touch her and speak to her gently. Do not over-burden her, she can hold much, but yes, even Mother Earth has her limits. Show appreciation. Create beauty around her. Protect her. Understand her power and strength. Tread lightly. Feed her, water her. Plant seeds in her. Tend to them. Pray to the mother. Pray for her. Praise her and lavish love on her. A woman is a mother, just as the Earth is our mother. They are the same. Treat them as such, with great respect and kindness. The Mother is teaching humanity great lessons at this time. As this re-balancing occurs, you will find your own inner balance and inner peace through silent prayer, meditaiton, dance, chant and purification. This is what Mother Earth is doing. She is purifiying and moving. We honor and love the re-balancing. We respect this opportunity to learn new ways, which are indeed the old ways. May the old ways feed us like roots feed the trees. If we call on them, they will come to us again. Call the roots, the old ways to your feet again and breathe in. Breathe love, breathe the ancient ways.

Deva Premal , Miten, Manose and Friends "Twameva"

This is SOOOO.......... beautiful!

Twa meva Mata Cha pita Twe meva
Twa meva Bandhus cha-sa-kah Twa meva
Twa meva Vidya Dravinam Twa meva
Twa meva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva

"You are my Mother, you are my Father
You are Relative and Friend
You are Wisdom and Wealth
You are everything, Oh God Supreme."

Eagle and Thunderbird Teaching

Dear Thunderbird made his re-entry a few weeks ago, and after another vision of him this past week, touching the water of San Andreas Lake, as well as a friend's dream, more eagle visions, and visions of Chief Golden Light Eagle who visited us with Chief Two-Legged Bear two weeks ago at Firefly Willows, we are in a time of great power.

Thunderbird does not visit often. The messages come clear and fast, and the results are often quickly realized.

However, the Eagle, such as the Golden Eagle, or the Bald Eagle, contain different medicines for each individual. We are being called to GREATNESS. This has been a message for some time, but this time, it is a louder call. Your greatness, in that place where you soar above it all, your greatness, of your God-self, that greatness, of every power you have ever known, from every time and place you have ever existed to be brought to Earth now to show others, to rise above the wake of Thunderbird and great changes. Great changes are taking place. Thunderbird and Eagle are power totems, a reminder to stay very close to God and to the Great Spirit of all, and especially the Ancestors of this land we call our home.

There are great beings to help us; the Star Beings, the Ancestors, and our many Masters and Angels. As you attune your third eye and heart to these wise, knowing sources of energy and love, you will feel supported and protected. This is why spiritual communication has become essential to our way of life. This is why remembering the old ways has become essential to us. As our senses, our instincts and our vision re-connect, we are told to trust that we are guided and protected.

Thunderbird brings change, but brings protection. Eagle brings a reminder of our greatness, but with that greatness comes expectations of what a great soul is capable of. Your great soul will bear much. This is what the Eagle teaches: You will be scorched by the sun, but you will survive. Undergo these transformations and changes within as well as on the planet and your Spirit will thrive. The Ancestors will greet us time and time again on the other side of each initiation.

Gayatri Mantra

This version is so sweet and happy, may you experience great bliss and blessings while listening and chanting.

Gayatri Mantra Meditation (Deva Premal)

Chanting this will bring great power during challenging times. This is the version I have been chanting for 11 years. I will post another version which is more traditional next.

With love and great blessings,

Post Karunamayi Homa Ceremony

This morning I attended a Homa Ceremony with Karunamayi in Sunnyvale, CA. I left with a refreshed connection to Lord Ganesha through Karunamayi and to the Gayatri Mantra, which I began chanting as I learned Kripalu Yoga 11 years ago. As we chanted various mantras during the fire ceremony, we were reminded that today is Divine Mother day. And with that awareness I noticed the vast bowl of womanhood and divinity that Karunamayi and Ammaji both embody and this one-pointed focus on service that Mother Theresa was well known for. I am reminded of what it means to be in service to God and the power that comes from this one-pointed focus on God alone, dis-allowing the distractions of the ego, the mental body, the emotional body, human desires, and the like. The purity of the heart that serves God alone, not the ego, is the purity that many wish to create within, but this purity is found alone, not through the constant seeking of comfort, craving, and instant gratification of the senses. So with the Gayatri Mantra, we go deep within the heart, to joy, to God, to ego-less formlessness and peace.

Om Shanti,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happiness Angels

Last week, I realized we have Happiness Angels, a whole group or legion of Angels whose purpose is to help us stay happy when life gets us down.

So as I invoked the happiness Angels, I started laughing. We could also call them Laughter Angels or Tickle-Me Elmo Angels, I see them coming to tickle our cheeks, our tummies and anywhere that will make us laugh. They help us see the sunlight when the world is feeling a little too insane for us.

So as we approach this week's full moon, and continue as sensitives to notice the energies out there, I offer you this invocation of these Happiness and Laughter Angels, which by the way, could also include your fairy and elemental friends.

Dear God, I ask that you please send me extra happiness and laughter Angels along with extra fairy and elemental friends to help me lighten up, laugh more, play more, and enjoy life more.

Here's my personal prayer: Dear God, please help me remember to laugh when my son is throwing his next temper tantrum. :-)

This works! Try it.

Much love, and a sense of French purple man humor to go along with it, a breath full of divine love and trust that you are all where you're supposed to be, all is well.

Hugs and kisses, and fairy tickles all over.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nature and Love

Archangel Ariel and the Animals are delivering some important messages for us right now.

With earth changes, come a greater need to stay peaceful and in love or loving. In order to do this, we can all benefit from doing things we enjoy. We can all do things that bring us peace and calm. Resting, walking, running, yoga, reading a book, singing, painting, spending time with family and most of all spending time in nature is very important right now.

As we stay close to the earth, the ground, literally by gardening, walking barefoot, lying on the ground or touching the ground, putting our ears like beetles to the earth, feeling the vibrations of the earth like snakes, rolling and slithering, moving on the earth like snakes and crocodiles we can touch primal instinctual forces which not only heal and ground us, but also keep us in tune with any messages we need for our survival as humans. The natives of this land knew how to do this and spent a great deal of time outdoors.

What is sorely lacking in our culture is this connection to nature. We are urged to shift this reality and make time for family and nature, whatever that looks like and means to you.

Archangel Ariel comes with great love, pink quartz energy and a reminder, to stay close to the cradle of Mother Earth and the animal kingdom. All is well. All is very well.

With love,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Uptight? Emotional?

Today, I had a moment where I said to someone as she was complaining about how uptight everyone else was today, that when people are uptight it's because they are not being honest with how they are feeling, they are bottling up their emotions and they need to burst a bit so they can relax.

A little loving words for March/Pisces energies: Emotional roller coasters and volcanoes are okay. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just say to each other as needed, "Hey, I need to cry for a minute, I'll be right back." Then we could just stop, honor our emotions and get real, instead of spreading more frustration and tension, and then go back to what we need to be doing.

Most people don't know how to cry at the drop of a hat when needed. This is a learned practice. I once read the book Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. This book taught me to delve into deep emotions, feel them and move through them. So I do this now with greater and greater ease and while some people are surprised by how much emotional release I have to do, I find that it's nice to not get so stuck in one feeling, but to recognize that they are all passing.

I have been blessed to be a highly sensitive and emotional creature, this is what makes me who I am, to do what I am here to do, it also means that I am sometimes emotional in a way that few people understand. So if you are in need of emotional guidance or support, I can likely assist you in this area.

A few easy tips just in case you want to create a space for healing your emotions and help yourself move through them more easily...

1)take a sea salt bath
2)use essential oils to calm down
3)use flower essences, these all can go in the bath too
4)have a cup of chamomile tea
5)get some bodywork done, a massage with a good healer works wonders
7)call a friend
8)write, paint, sing, draw
9)each large quantities of raw mint chocolate ice cream, comfort food without the guilt...LOL!

Much love....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hahahahahahaha!!! The She-Wolf is Hungry!!!

I awoke abruptly this morning to a very clear dream message from my visitor the gray wolf. She is usually white, but today my wolf was gray and she was quite angry that I have been feeding her orange juice and garlic. I guess the beetle cycle is over!! So my wolf wanted turkey, I guess it's what's available in the fridge, the dream was very clear.

So friends, sometimes (and well often for people like me) our dreams and guides tell us EXACTLY what we need to eat. And while I love raw foods and love being squeaky clean in and out, sometimes, guidance says, EAT MEAT! And well, they are right, who am I to argue with my She-Wolf, she was so hungry she was about to tear me to shreds and eat me for lunch if I hadn't fed her the proper food.

My raw foods disclaimer: While I teach cleansing and detoxification, I would never attempt to tell a person to eat a certain way. However, having lost 100 pounds, having healed myself through many conditions, I am certain of how others can be helped in a similar fashion, but I will always guide a person to first listen to their own guides about what to eat before listening to me.

With love always,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Self Love, Nurturing and Healing

Tonight on this new moon, I was guided to take a break from everything and just focus on myself. So, with that, I grabbed 3 angel card decks, a massive piece of paper, my kids scented markers and some ocean music. What began as nothing, with no plan, with no ideas, became fertile ground for the next month ahead, not to mention, the true foundation of all that is to be built in the future....right on top of the title of this thread, Self-Love, Nurturing and Healing. Without those three things, nothing else can happen.

As I have written on self-love for many years, I am still re-learning what it is, perhaps integrating it more fully into daily life, into each minute rather, instead of just sparsely here or there throughout the week or month.

Self-Love minutes would be something such as: Lighting a candle, taking a short walk, a minute of deep breathing, drinking a tall glass of water, laying down for a minute, calling a friend, reading a page from a favorite book, etc.

I love very simple, quiet, alone time, whether it's resting, running, drawing, anything....

So on that note, I'm off to read for a bit....will maybe add more later.

In love,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Super Orange Drink

Juice 2-3 oranges
juice 1 lemon (you can add 1 lime if you like)

add juice to blender
add 4-5 garlic cloves
add 1-2 inch chuck of ginger
add 4-5T cold-pressed olive oil

Blend and drink

Note: This is a liver/gall bladder flush drink. It is advised to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning upon waking. Juice or have smoothies a few hours later.

I did these for a week during a 5 day liver cleanse, but liked it so much, am finding it continuously energizing and clearing. The orange juice has lots of nutrients. The olive oil is good for us lightworkers who burn our nervous systems. And the garlic and ginger is good for the immune system after all this rain and cool weather.

A great Spring Time cleanse!!

If you'd like more info. on cleansing, send me a message.

With love,