Last week, I realized we have Happiness Angels, a whole group or legion of Angels whose purpose is to help us stay happy when life gets us down.
So as I invoked the happiness Angels, I started laughing. We could also call them Laughter Angels or Tickle-Me Elmo Angels, I see them coming to tickle our cheeks, our tummies and anywhere that will make us laugh. They help us see the sunlight when the world is feeling a little too insane for us.
So as we approach this week's full moon, and continue as sensitives to notice the energies out there, I offer you this invocation of these Happiness and Laughter Angels, which by the way, could also include your fairy and elemental friends.
Dear God, I ask that you please send me extra happiness and laughter Angels along with extra fairy and elemental friends to help me lighten up, laugh more, play more, and enjoy life more.
Here's my personal prayer: Dear God, please help me remember to laugh when my son is throwing his next temper tantrum. :-)
This works! Try it.
Much love, and a sense of French purple man humor to go along with it, a breath full of divine love and trust that you are all where you're supposed to be, all is well.
Hugs and kisses, and fairy tickles all over.
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