Thursday, February 17, 2011

Archangel Michael

Dear Michael has been making his presence very known the past week. He always makes his presence known, but I would liken this to a trumpet alarm constant flow of messages for the past week. He has appeared to me through many friends to assist me with my protection this past week, and he visited me in a dream last night to do the same. He appeared as a well known actor, though ironically I don't know the actor's name, but I've seen him in many movies.

Michael came and talked about many things with me.

The gist of them is healing, cutting cords and protection.

Michael's main interest is in my peace of mind, and therefore your peace of mind. His interest is to protect a path of service. At this point in life, our path of service is very important and Michael serves as a guide, coach, friend and warrior, fiercely standing guard against any energy which impedes my service and yours.

If you are noticing a block, a disturbance, a pain, a negative emotion or thought, call on Michael. Assistance is swift and effective.

So I offer this prayer, to honor his presence and service to us all.

Dear Archangel Michael,

Thank you for your commitment to serving me and those I serve. Thank you for your power, healing, clearing and removal of all harmful and unwanted energies in and around my field and spaces where I live and work. Thank you for bringing to me those in need of my service and those who are here to assist my higher calling. Thank you for removing all obstacles to my perfect path of service to humanity and helping me to create a clear road to and from heaven in all that I do today and everyday. Thank you for removing all of the past, assisting us all in healing and clearing all of which no longer serves our best and highest good. May the clarity of this full moon illuminate all which needs to be seen and healed, and may the energy of this full moon draw from us all impurity that may be impeding us from our higher calling. This power, this light, your sword and all of your might will see to our protection and assure us our success as God's servants. We thank you for your devotion to us and attentive care and assistance when we call upon your presence. We honor your strength and allow it to become our own. With many of God's blessings, we carry on in service, following direction, with purpose and clarity, with love and joy, to do all that we agreed to do in this lifetime.

And so it is.

Thank you and love, love, love.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


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