Friday, November 18, 2011

Invisible Footprints

From Poliahu and Ancestors,

We walk with sacredness. Each step in gentleness and peace. So soft we do not even touch the ground. Each footstep is invisible and silent, our presence unknown to most, until time when you become still and silent, like the snow falling, when the wind stops and there is only the faint and slight dusting of white light blessing the Mauna, purifying, protecting and sanctifying God's and Goddess' sacred space, preserved for all to remember their true self, their divinity, their sacred spirit and connection to all that is. When you reach such silence within, only then will you hear us, hear yourself and hear your divine calling. We call you to protect and serve your sacred sites not for us, but for your own race, for you own souls, for your own remembrance, so all who walk after you may also remember. May you walk without stepping. May you fly without landing. May you dance and sing endlessly and may you realize the blessings and gratitude that we, your ancestors have for you, for you are the hope of these generations to come.

Your time, your service, and your hearts re-create the ways which all came to remember and follow. We honor your divinity. You are sacred beings following God's call, for that we bless you. Receive this abundance. Know your prayers are answered. Trust with complete faith that God's will is done through you now and know that your decisions and actions are blessed and carried forth guided by the holy councils of Great Ones who have walked and served since the creation of this great planet. You are no small being. Know your greatness. For in that realization all doubt will be erased. Your success in ceremony and prayer is already given. Step forward, pray, come together, continue and know we are guiding you each moment, with each word and each step, and trust that all who follow will do so in silence and with reverent footsteps.

Only love exists.
Only love prevails.
Truth, love and peace is all there is.
This is what we create.
This is what we praise.
This is what we teach.

Goddess hears each word, spoken or unspoken. You are heard, continue praying.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Divine Earth Messages

Around Midnight on 11/16/11

The guardians of the Earth, of her inhabitants and of the star family are urging all humans to stop all harmful actions on the planet. All actions that are affecting Mother Earth such as pollution, driving large vehicles when unnecessary, overusing Earth’s resources, buying foods in too much packaging, eating toxins, growing foods with toxins, thinking toxic thoughts and feeling negatively as well as putting garbage into the rivers and oceans will no longer be tolerated. Mother Earth begins a new cycle of cleansing and a large wave is coming to shore to cleanse areas of mass population and mass toxicity. We are standing firm next to you and next to our family as we watch you make the necessary changes, while you move, while you go through job changes, while you try to courageously alter your lives with the intention of coming into better alignment with the principles of peace and non-violence.

Violence will no longer be tolerated on this plane of existence, much protection of those in need has been put in place. Peace is of the utmost importance on all levels. No violence of thought, inner peace must take place first. This will to create peace in your lives is the first step. The realization of Earth’s urgent need for peace so her waters may calm, so her children may calm, so the air may clean itself, so freedom of all Earth’s children will come to pass. The freedom to exist without fear of harm, the freedom to exist in peace, in silence, in harmony, with all that is. This includes animals, how we treat animals, overeat animals or harm animals is justly no longer being tolerated. We have no right to take lives of others. Peace is now the only way. Peace, peace, peace. Do not harm another. Do not take from another. Love and bless each other. Now, now, now. We cannot wait longer. The time is now for action. Mother Earth has said enough. We urge you to examine all actions. We urge you to change all of your ways of interacting with nature and others. Become peace. Be still. Be silent. Be watchful. Be attentive. Await further directions. Peace, peace, peace. Shanti, shanti, shanti. Shalom, shalom, shalom.


From the Big Island, Hawai’I

Source of information: with Kuthumi, Archangel Ariel, the Arcturians, Whales and Dolphins, a collective of beings concerned for Mother Earth and all of her children.

Collective Galactic Earth Messages will continue with varied frequency in the coming week and you will see why.

The dolphins and whales are urging more messages be sent out into the world.

The message continues:

Every war must cease.
Every act of violence towards children must cease.
Exploitation of children must cease.
All violence and exploitation of women must cease.
All violence and exploitation of children must cease.

All must be done to create this cessation. All will be done to create peace. All awaken, all change. We are one family.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Transmutation of Old Energies

As we begin to enter the portal date of 11/11/11, Spirit is guiding us to transmute old (negative) residual energies in the body. These are for example, stored emotions, past-lives we haven't healed, this life's traumas, old relationships that need healing or clearing and also relationships with our parents.

After you surround yourself with a pillar of white light, asking the protection of Archangel Michael, ask Spirit to show you where in your body you are still storing this energy and then invoke The Violet Flame to transmute and clear all energy that is no longer serving you. You may recite the decree, "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires." This decree is powerful when chanted rhythmically for 7 minutes.
Call on the assistance of Master St. Germain to assist you with any messages, guidance or the use of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is simple, however using it will intensify rapid growth in all areas of your life.

Now is a time to let go of everything that has ever held you back in your life. Re-examine, once again, where you are holding back. Where are you not yet taking risks? Where are you repeating old patterns you thought you let go of? Where is there not love in your body, being, or mind? Uproot it all with the Violet Flame.

Breathe deeply while you do this healing.

Pray to your Spirit Guides to assist you with transmuting any other toxic energies you are still holding onto.

Say, "I forgive myself for......" and list all of the things you know you need to still forgive yourself for. Repeat this list, with feeling, and with the knowing that it is being lifted from you. Spend at least 10 minutes on this.

Next, go look in a mirror for five minutes and say aloud, "I love you."

Repeat, "I am full of love" 11 times aloud.




Force laughter if laughter is not coming, make yourself laugh. If you can't do this, go back to the beginning of this blog post and start the process again. :-)

This process will help you get squeaky clean to receive new energies on 11/11/11.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Friday, November 4, 2011

On the Divine Feminine

There are many perspectives of the Divine Feminine which circulate through the airwaves, media and writings of many teachers.

There are many missing truths to these materials, holes and gaps of knowledge, coming from a lack of personal experience, rather, these are channels speaking of what they hear, not of what has been for certain, real or experienced.

We, the collective feminine are not an outside entity. We are the ALL of creation. This ALL that we are, that we have always been is being resurrected each day and in that resurrection, we erupt like volcanoes, burning around us that which is no longer sufficient, kind, peaceful, loving or balanced. The way of the Mother, the way of the Divine Feminine is to create love and harmony and to transform that which is out of balance. This is the way of the great feminine energies who many speak of today. So without naming those divine energies, we simply will call the ALL who they are, which is that of the Feminine nature and the virtues of the Goddess that all women possess whether they know it or not.

The Goddess who has long been abused, desecrated, dis-empowered, oppressed and shamed is coming into the light. This resurrection of the Goddess is not being spoken of. The women who have sacrificed their bodies, silently, many lifetimes over, while no one paid attention, while most turned their heads and for what glory? Certainly, no glory came of these sacrifices. But this is the nature of women, we offer ourselves with no need for fame or glory. This is the way of women. We teach in silence. And that silence was abused for thousands of years. God and Goddess watched as the masculine abused their power, and women were time after time, brought to their knees. What women have taken on collectively is paramount to their strength. If you don’t understand a woman’s strength all you need to do is look at what women have historically endured for thousands of years. And women are wounded. Yes. Women are wounded, angry, guilty, dis-empowered and much more. Yet, the feminine is being resurrected today which is why we have a new wave of women who are coming into their right power.

However, there is a need for instruction. There is a need for forgiveness. There is a need for balancing the new feminine. So women take heed, there is more work to do in order to forgive and balance our energies so that our full expression of divine power may surface and flow through our hearts to the entire world for the healing of humanity. There are several divine feminine entities who I need not mention who are embodiments of this energy. Women who were desecrated who became nonetheless all-loving, all-forgiving creators on Earth. This is our gift as women, the gift of empathy, understanding and compassion are our gifts from God which will re-balance all of humanity for when we forgive the wrongs of others, we are able to return to peace with everyone we know. When we forgive the masculine who took advantage of their power again and again, we understand today why things are the way they are. We understand why men and women are to this day still angry at each other, and not angry at what is happening in the moment, but understand the anger is old, very very old. Most do not realize the words they speak, where they come from, and that the emotions being expressed are a part of the old, collective feminine who feels helpless and afraid still.

The greatest teaching one can offer here is that there is no blame, dear God, there is no blame. There today can be no blame, for if we blame, we miss the point altogether. What is occurring today is old news. These are old feelings, no matter what the circumstances, so if we are to step back, step away from the current situation completely and begin to read backwards in time to feel and see where the emotions and thoughts are coming from we find that they are indeed from childhood or past lives. Most certainly we as women need healing and when we heal ourselves of our anger and hurt, men will do the same, and in fact, we can help the men with this once we have healed ourselves. Women will then heal the entire family. Women will open their hearts and keep them open, holding the hearth of every home together again, taking the role of holding this heart open for all to love and heal despite what anger and hurts have transpired throughout the ages.

Women have this great power to love and to forgive. Yet, how many do? How many women are still in an imbalanced state of anger or abuse of power themselves? How many women learned to act like men, to be strong, dominate, be providers in the home and do it all? Women went from one extreme to another in the past five hundred years. We went from slaves and prostitutes to dominatrixes and business executives. We switched roles completely in order to claim power. However, the power we claimed was not our own innate power of love, forgiveness and harmony. What women claimed was men’s power. And this is a grave mistake on the part of women, nonetheless it is a part of our evolution back to our right power. It is understandable to go from one extreme to the other and then to find balance.

Today on Earth, most women are still embodying an imbalanced state of power, acting like men, removed from their home and children, trying to fill too many roles at once, and not succeeding as we see the divorce rate at plus 60%. Women know this is not okay. Women know that this way is not working. There is no harmony and balance in the home and in the lives of most women living on Mother Earth and the reason for that is that women have been removed and have removed themselves from the cradle of Mother Earth herself. Women have removed themselves from Nature, from the Goddess, from their own creative power and life force. Women continue to give their creative and divine life force to men, to anger, to power, to money, to Western ways and culture which harm themselves, their children and the planet. Sacrifice is not that. Sacrifice is not giving your power away. Sacrifice is choosing to live the Ancient Ways that women know how to live but are often too afraid to make the change to return to. Women, your role and your hearts are simple. Your desires are simple. You desire connection to Spirit, to land, to children and to men. Yet your actions, your egoic desires to continue living in a material world are killing you and your families. Your souls die, each day you remain living in an old masculine way which is removed from the land, and the Goddess. Your power is lying with the Earth herself, and when you walk outside, plant a garden, swim in the ocean, connect with animals and nature, you remember why you are here, you remember what you were meant to do here. Yet what do women today do? They stay busy, working, raising children, entertaining others rather than building their own communities from the ground up. We cannot build on top of what exists. We must go around to the side and build anew. There is a new creation that wants to take place. There is a new humanity which wishes to surface and in that new humanity are souls willing to take their place and their roles in love next to one another to give and receive new (yet Ancient) ways of living together.

We are in a turnover period of time right now. We are in the time between the beginning of the crumbling of the old world and the emergence of the new world. In this time, some of us feel lost and unsure. We want the new, but experience resistance in building it because the old is still coming down. We ask you for your patience. As women, your hearts can be filled with love, and your eyes can be filled with hope and vision for what is coming into creation is what we have dreamt of since Eve left the garden of Eden. This is a part of our power we wish to reclaim. Our power of the Goddess and all that she is, without apology. Our beauty and our sacred sexuality is a part of our divine essence and creative life force which shall be the energy we use to re-create a new world. So as women, we are called to protect and harness our sacred energies for ourselves and for our creations and become extremely discerning of how we choose to use that power and those energies. More often than not, we are to guard those energies for ourselves. Protect what you have, because this is what the Earth needs from us in order to rebuild ourselves, our families, our communities, our schools, and our land.

More to come...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mother Earth and Higher Consciousness = Responsibility

The land is sacred.
The trees are sacred.
The animals are sacred.
What we take must be returned.

If we are to eat animals, we must pray and do ceremony.

The Ancient Ways of this land were about respect of life and each living creature and plant.

What we take is sacred and therefore out of respect we must give back.

If we cut one tree, we must plant another.

If we eat one fruit, we must plant the seeds.

If we take the life of a creature, we must have its permission.

Yet, is this what is done?

Is the collective consumption sacred?

We know it is not.

We know we consume more than we need to survive. We know we consume things that not only make us sick and kill us, but which also kills others and depletes the land, polluting the air and water. We must examine how our actions not only affect our local surroundings, but how they impact the whole world. Our daily actions have a much greater impact than we realize. It is imperative that everyone awakens to this reality and the truth of the consequences to those actions be they tomorrow, twenty years from now or two-hundred years from now.

We have taken too much from the land. Where is our reverence for all of life? Where is our conscience? When does greed and gluttony end? We pray that love, light and peace prevail so all of life is honored and respected. This begins with our own actions. This begins with our own beliefs. Why is one form of life more important than another? Who decided that a human is more sacred than an animal? Animals live in balance with nature. Humans do not.

In this day and age of technology and resources, we have the knowledge to understand that it takes very little to sustain a human body naturally. Yet human consumption of everything including animals is beyond excessive. Even the ancestors of this land watch the rampant growth of disease during the past century and are deeply concerned for the people. Abundance is the way of life. Yet what we consume in abundance matters. It matters to our bodies and to our land. It's important for each one to pray and examine their habits, their ways, their body, their diet and decide to wholeheartedly learn, grow and change. This change is what the Goddess is calling for. This change is what Mother Earth is asking of us.

Therefore, we examine our Self honestly in all ways and learn new ways of being and sustaining ourselves. These ways are the ancient ways of nature and natural abundance which is so prevalent here. The land and animals ask me to speak on their behalf. Give back to the Earth more than you consume. For each thing you consume, give back. Pray before you choose what to consume. Ask if it is right or necessary. Then pray again for deeper clarity and gratitude. Conscious action is now the way of being. All unconscious action must cease, we have no excuse. There is no excuse for our irreverent actions.

With each breath we ask forgiveness. With each breath we ask permission. with each breath we ask for a balanced and loving action to follow. From there we proceed in love and in consciousness. From there we remain keepers of this sacred and beautiful land. She sustains us and gives us all. Therefore we pray and give back. We pray to protect what has been given. We take our vows to this land seriously and we honor our own divine presence when we remember our sacred vows to this land.

When we realize the union between our Self, the land and animals, our actions will change. This is inevitable. Our responsibility is to awaken and sustain all life with love and respect. Anything less is not enough.

Look around at what we have been given; the beauty, abundance, life, air, wind, soil, water, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, and animals. Nature is our family. Nature is in each one of us. There is no separation. How do we treat our Self, our family and our land? Let us examine our Self first, with non-judgment, with open eyes and hearts, truth, and discernment. Finally, we observe and shift all of our actions towards love and higher consciousness.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


With each breath, I bless you.

With each embrace, I bless you.

With each word, I bless you.

With each feeling of love, I bless you.

With each action I take, I bless you.

We watch the world struggle in turmoil. This struggle is a choice.

We watch the so-called problems of the world each day. Our view of them as such is a choice.

We can choose to buy into each negative perspective, or we can choose the higher road above of love, where we simply turn our eyes to what we wish to create.

What do we wish to create except for love?

This is the only thing we came to do. we came to be love. We came to speak love. The battle is not ours, yours or mine. The battle is what we are trying to transmute. Lightworkers are here to step beyond the struggle, battle and conflict. If we continue creating conflict in our lives we are holding ourselves back from the greater work of love and service.

For each time you anger, say, "I'm sorry."

For each time you forget to love, say, "Please forgive me."

For each time you get wrapped up in the petty things people say or do, remember, "I love you."

And each time we nitpick or get annoyed, we call forth gratitude and say, "Thank you."

I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. These blessed words of Ho'oponopono are all we have and need sometimes. We offer ourselves forgiveness first. If conflict is still finding you, you are still hanging on to your past. Let your past go, and step into your full expression of love.

I love you,