Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Our World

Our world is changing ever-swiftly. We as Angels observe panic in your society, and great fear, even hoarding, nervousness and anxiety over what will happen in the coming days and months. We have not left your sides for an instant and in the times ahead, we remind you again that we are devoted to serving God, to be at your sides, as you walk forward in these challenging times on Earth. While there is great beauty occurring, in these changes, there is also great strife on your planet. Your purpose Dear Light Bearers is to ease the strife of others with a caring heart, a gentle reassuring touch and a smile, or look of compassion upon others. Do not waste these precious moments of connection where it is easy to share a heart space with another human for this is the reason you incarnated on Earth. The capacity of the human heart to share love and compassion is the reason for your existence. On this Day of the Dead, we watch humans celebrate with joy, the fun of laughter and the intention of having no fear, despite the darkness which can loom on this day. Tomorrow, with the birth of a new month in your time, and with the calendar holiday of All Soul's Day, we celebrate the many great ones who have graced your Earth, and recognize their existence was to share an example of being with humanity. Look to your role models as examples of being, not doing. Look to your role models as inspiration for love, not materialism or success. How can we measure success in love? What barometer is there for measuring how much a person loves? Is it not in their smile? Is it not in the compassion in their eyes? Do not waste moments to give compassion. Make the most of your heart, your smile, your eyes. Let them grace your friends and loved ones, neighbors and all with love. Let your hearts connect, if even for a moment, for those moments added up are worth vaults of treasures. Our hearts connect with yours, and shower great love to you, and these golden strands of love keep us strong, they keep the heart centered in God and trust that all is well, that Divine Order is here. Let go and relax into that knowing, that God is here and Divine Order is to be trusted. Take a deep breath, rest in that knowing. Make time for those you encounter, reach out, care deeply, feel deeply, love, smile, and connect to hearts. Only this will bring humanity the peace and happiness they seek. In love and light,

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