Saturday, March 31, 2012


What children need:













Fresh natural foods



Children are so simple, yet parents so over-complicate them and their lives, schedules, routines, etc.

Give your kids a break, take them to nature, let them be, let them decide what they want to do.

We don't need to correct our children every second we're with them. Let them be, let them breathe, let yourself be and breathe too!

High strung stressed parents create high strung stressed kids. Don't over-control your children. They will not like you :-)

What's important, is to love your children, enjoy them, let them lead more than you. Listen to them more than you command them to listen to you.

Nature is not an activity, it is the the root of all sanity. We can not expect health to manifest in our bodies when we spend little to no time outdoors in nature.

Schooling must take place in nature. Children do not need tests and desks for learning. They need trees and love. Education is this simple.

When will everyone listen?


“How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being, otherwise, we will remain too frightened ”
- Hafiz-

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Snatam Kaur: Suni-Ai Celebration [HD-BS]

This song always plays in my head, it's such a gorgeous reminder of the bliss of listening.

Suniai sidh peer sur naath
Suniai dharat dhaval aakaas
Suniai deep loa paataal
Suniai pohe na sakay kaal
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap ka naas 
Listening, the siddhas (beings of spiritual perfection),
The spiritual teachers, the heroic warriors, the Yogic Masters.
Listening, the earth, it's support, and the akaashic ethers.
Listening, the oceans, lands, and peoples of the world,
And the nether regions of the underworld.
Listening, death cannot touch you.
O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.
Listening, pain and sin are erased.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Your Word is Your Wand"

Florence Scovel Shinn wrote, "Your Word is Your Wand." Don Miguel Ruiz wrote, "Be impeccable with your words."

We hear this a lot don't we? Watch what you think, watch what you say, think before you speak, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, love is silence, etc.

Thoughts and words create reactions in yourself and in others. They create a reality. They create results, whether you like them or not. Your thoughts and words have created each scenario you have complained about in the past week. Oops!!! :) Please note: If you can't see this with a sense of humor, you will likely have trouble changing it. Adding negative emotions to past words and thoughts is the same as thinking them again and again and creating more of the same undesired reality. So stop here. Do something distracting that makes you happy. Then start anew, with new thoughts and new words. Start where you are. No better place than here.

If we want to walk around and call ourselves holy beings, we better sound like them when we speak. :-) Yes, at times, humans do and say ignorant things. However, the truth is, we can all do better. If you want to be treated as divine, it's best to act divine all the time. It won't translate to your speech either if you're not thinking it. So if you truly want to be impeccable with your words, you must first be impeccable with your thoughts.

This requires purification, self-inquiry and healing, most of all: FORGIVENESS. Let yourself be, and you will have nicer thoughts about yourself and others.

Happy day to you!

With love always,

Want to feel cherished and respected?

Cherishing and Self-Respect

I’ve landed on two words or values this week to explore, both aspects of self-love worth examining.

Who doesn’t want to feel cherished and respected?

Yet, do you cherish and respect yourself?

Let’s examine definitions:


verb \ˈcher-ish, ˈche-rish\

a : to hold dear : feel or show affection for b : to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture
: to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely

Origin of CHERISH

Middle English cherisshen, from Anglo-French cheriss-, stem of cherir to cherish, from cher dear, from Latin carus — more at charity

To care for, to hold dear, to cherish, and to nurture, all meaning similar things. Truly love in action, all beautiful ideas, no? Practice makes perfect.

Definition of RESPECT

: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation
: an act of giving particular attention : consideration
a : high or special regard : esteemb : the quality or state of being esteemedc plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference
: particular, detail
— in respect of
chiefly British : with respect to : concerning

Origin of RESPECT

Middle English, from Latin respectus, literally, act of looking back, from respicere to look back, regard, from re- +specere to look — more at spy
First Known Use: 14th century

So for self- respect, having consideration for yourself, holding yourself in esteem or regard, to be concerned with yourself, to regard (meaning to look at, or consider).

Synonyms of Self-Respect: Self-Consideration, Self-Esteem, Self-Concern. Note: Nowhere here does it say selfishness. We know many Masters who esteem selfishness as a highly positive trait. Clearly if we have self-respect and are self-concerned, we don’t have time to project or worry too much about others, we spend much of our time taking care of ourselves. It’s a very wise position to hold in my experience. It reminds me of Byrons Katie’s “Work”, reminding us to mind our own business. If you have self-respect, you mind your own business.

If you cherish yourself, you respect yourself and vice versa. You look after yourself, you hold yourself dear. Sometimes, the words self-love are overused to the point where we lose the meaning of them. I am finding that exploring the words cherish and self-respect to be a way of exploring aspects of self-love which are meaningful, clear, detailed, which provides ample examples of what it means.

I think we all understand what it feels like to be cherished, and it’s something that all humans want. However, many Masters would say that they don’t want to be held in higher esteem than others. This is not what I mean. I come from a self-cherishing point of view. We are mostly discussing self-love, to cherish the self and to respect the self. These are all necessary to cultivate one’s power (to love) and one’s happiness and health. We sometimes find it easy to cherish pets, children, and those we are in love with. It’s much harder to cherish ourselves or to cherish those we have known for a while or perhaps have begun to take for granted. The truth is that if we continue to cherish and respect ourselves, it’s impossible to not do that for others.

We have all been hearing how important it is to cultivate feeling good. One way to feel good is to cherish and respect ourselves. This feeling vibrates as love, gratitude and appreciation.

If we all walked around cherishing and respecting ourselves, we would hold a state of high honor towards ourselves and our divinity, therefore directing that energy outwardly, creating love and peace on the planet.

So what does cherishing and respecting yourself look like to you? If you cherished yourself the way you want to be cherished by others, how would you treat yourself? If you respect yourself the way you wish to be respected, what would this look like?

Then we can cherish and respect all of life. Then we can create beauty on Earth. Then peace will flourish. Then we’ll walk the Earth with honor and reverence. We will relax and smile more. We will be present to each other. Then we will cherish and respect the next 7 generations and fulfill our obligation to leave behind an even greater legacy before we return to our full Spirit form. Then we not only talk about self-love and love, we actually create it with our actions.

May we all practice a deep commitment to honoring, cherishing and respecting ourselves in our actions, so we can project the same. May we expand our self-nurturing ways, so we can nurture all of life. May we all feel worthy and deserving of feeling cherished and respected. May we choose the choice of cherishing and respecting the Self. May we all learn to enjoy feeling good, while we continue to cultivate sustained positive feelings towards ourselves first.

Metta Meditation practices cultivate this loving-kindness: May I be happy, May I be healthy, May I live at ease, May I be safe.

And so it is.

Love and blessings in this new moon, new year, and new cycle of growth.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Courage vs. Cowardice

Words are here to remind us of who we are and who we want to be.

cour·age   [kur-ij, kuhr-] Show IPA
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
Obsolete . the heart as the source of emotion.

Courage stems from the French word - COEUR - THE HEART. To have courage means to stem from the heart. Courage is a willingness to love despite any other obstacle.

cow·ard·ice   [kou-er-dis] Show IPA
lack of courage to face danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word coward came into English from the Old French word coart (modern French couard), a combination of the word for "tail" (Modern French queue, Latin cauda) and an agent noun suffix. It would therefore have meant "one with a tail" — perhaps from the habit of animals displaying their tails in flight ("turning tail"), or from a dog's habit of putting its tail between its legs when it is afraid.[citation needed]. Like many other English words of French origin, this word was introduced in the English language by the French-speaking Normans, after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.[1]

We have a choice: We can have heart, or we can stick our tail between our legs and stay in fear. Courage or Cowardice?

If you aren't sure how to have courage, ask Archangel Michael for assistance. He will help you. Fear is a human response, yet in the age of Aquarius, we must learn how to stay in our hearts despite this antiquated automatic response of the ego. As we give in less and less to our egos, the fear will subside and we will embody love more easily. There is nothing to fear. The light of God will take care of that. Breathe and let fear dispel. Breathe again and fill your body with light, love and courage. This is our duty. This is our obligation. This was our commitment to Self and God. If we can't do this now, what were all of those past lives full of training for? We worked hard for those lessons to be learned. Stay with the knowledge that you have learned how to have courage before, and you can and will do it again. How can you not?

Courage is the strength to love despite the pull of fear/mind/ego. Love is our strength. Courage is the only way to be. Be fearless, be in your power, be in your strength, be in your heart and command the fullness of your love to express itself now. Holding back love serves no one. When you're afraid to love, love more. Be burned by the fire. We've burned many times, what's the problem? You can't tell me you're afraid to burn this time, for that is not real, nor is it possible. If you say, "I am afraid," I will reply, "I don't believe you." For your fear is not real and how can I possibly believe what cannot be true. I will not buy into another's illusion. This is a beautiful mantra in times where the ego rears it's ugly head.

I am love, I am courage. Fear and cowardice are illusion. They do not exist in our reality. They are not of God, therefore they do not exist. We all must be reminded of this truth at times. We are human, yes. However, do not forget, you have been trained for eons for this time we are in. This time we are in is the Olympics of your lifetimes combined. This lifetime is your chance to use all of your power, all of your experiences, all of your aspects of Self, to magically weave love, healing and strength into the fabric of humanity. Do not waste another moment on thought or fear. Command that phase of your life to be over and complete. Thank it, bless it, forgive it and move on. This is your birthright: To live in love. This was your promise to God: To love. Do your job dear souls: Enter your bodies and fulfill your missions. This is why you are here. Now is why you came.

In the knowledge of why you came into human form again in this incarnation, we command the full power of love to enter, remain and expand in your body now. Breathe and allow it to be so.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Discernment and Vision

Discernment and Vision are earned, they are not given. Discernment and vision are cultivated when you listen to Divine Will. Thus, listening is a skill that needs to be cultivated. Until you listen, your discernment and vision will not develop. You must love yourself enough to listen to Divine Will. If your heart is closed, you cannot hear Divine speaking to you. If you fear love, you cannot hear God. Thus, you cannot listen, thus you cannot discern. If you cannot discern, vision is not given. Vision is earned through loving the Self and surrendering to God's plan.

Open the heart and the mind. Surrender your will. Surrender your thoughts. Surrender your resentments. Surrender your unforgiveness and complaints of others. Then you might hear God. Then you might listen. Then you might discern. Then you might see divine truth.

The choice is yours. The choice is always yours. God will not force you to surrender. Until you surrender, you will cycle through karmic lessons. Divine plan will wait patiently.

Pain is the result of choice, of not surrendering. Therefore pain is your choice. God will not make you surrender. You have to first be complete with your cycles of pain. Learning self-love is the way out of this. Forgiving the self and healing the self is the way out. Do not believe you have the discernment or vision until you have learned to love and forgive yourself.

May you forgive yourself. May you love yourself. May you love and forgive those you love. May you hold that love in your heart for longer periods of time, long enough to cultivate the listening, discernment and vision to hear and see Divine Truth and Will. And then, the Master in you will be revealed. Oh what a miracle that will be!

With love always,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Arcturian Group March 11 2012

Why the New Schools are needed, why children need a new paradigm of education

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Whale Chant 2012 by LIORA

Tune right into the core of your heart.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Jackie Bird- World Class Native American Singer- Phoenix 12-12-12

Sharing this beautiful woman's voice, smile and heart.  She will be presenting at both the Shasta and Phoenix events this year.  For more information go to,

Venus Transit, Early June

June 4th is a full moon, followed by a Venus Transit on June 5th and 6th, this will be a very powerful time for ceremony and connecting with others.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On God

For me, there is no greater love of God, than to love myself and those that God puts in my life to love. For me, being in service to God, means to love. God gives us many things, tasks, and makes requests of us. My responsibility to my soul, is to use this time in human form to utilize my human arms and heart to hold and love the souls God knows I have agreed to and wanted to love. This is the beauty of being human. Hugging my children, hugging those I love, serving God with them, supporting each other, this is the essence of spiritual family and divine union in service to God. For me, there is no greater purpose. When I love God above all else, I am choosing to love all that God gives me. If I do not, then I betray my own soul and God too. In my opinion, we didn't come here to be solitary creatures. We came to love and share that love with others.

Yes, God wants us to take time to love, nurture and be with ourselves. And so we do that inner work to keep our balance in human form. Relationships are God-given, they are gifts from the divine. The way to honor those gifts is to love them.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

04 - Fourth Chakra- Heart of the Earth

This is one of my favorite heart opening chants.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

“Kundalini Rising and Sexual Oppression in Women: For teachers and students of spiritual topics”

“Kundalini Rising and Sexual Oppression in Women: For teachers and students of spiritual topics” by Andria Wagner.

This article topic was just given to me by Spirit to discuss to help women achieve a healthy, balanced state of personal expression and power. The information also serves as a warning to spiritual teachers.

Many who embark on a journey of spiritual discovery soon discover sexual energy, prana, Shakti, kundalini rising experiences and a heightened sex drive.
Many also do not understand or know the depth of the oppression in their ancestral feminine history. For this, we must examine history and the past several thousand years of human existence. The level of oppression that women have faced and the fact that their bodies were used only for sexual purposes for so many centuries gives women a tremendous amount of work to do to clear or heal the ancestral lines. It’s as if you have knots in a phone cord that extends for thousands of miles. You have to clear each knot. This is not easy and many women go through great discord in their lives because they do not know or understand the depth of ancestral trauma that they are working through.

Clearing sexual energies is not a one-time event. It can take a minimum of six months to several years. We must understand that when we heal ourselves, we are not only healing one person, but we are healing everyone that we are energetically and physically connected to.

A warning to spiritual teachers, especially teachers of Kundalini yoga, tantra or channeling: I have watched several teachers in my area over the past four years. None of them have addressed what I am addressing. To me, this is a major concern because I often receive their students afterwards and then we begin healing the can of worms that was unconsciously opened. It is important to address the issues that may arise as a result of a kundalini activating or rising experience, especially in women or in those that have experienced sexual trauma or those who come from a recent culture of ancestral sexual or female oppression.

A word of advice to teachers: Get to know your students personal history before teaching them anything that will activate their sexual energies. Discuss the negative and positive side effects of working with Kundalini energy(if you know them). If you don’t know them, I would advise more study or perhaps teaching a different set of coursework. What happens can be very damaging not just to the person you have in class, but to their whole family. The common problem is that most become irresponsibly and overly sexually active very quickly, which brings harm to themselves and those they know. Also the quick awakening can put a person in an acute or traumatized state experiencing emotions that are very severe or imbalanced. At this point, healing is needed. The student must be given time to adjust and heal before raising the sexual energies further. A lot of attention to detail needs to be given as well as time to understanding what can happen to a person after becoming more awakened. If you don’t have experience in understanding or healing sexual trauma, I also do not advise working in this area. At least one-third (and that is a conservative number) of women have been sexually abused. Even if they are not abused, they are highly repressed in this area much of the time.

For students learning channeling, tantra or other spiritual topics which relate to the activation of sexual energies: Talk to the teacher beforehand about any trauma you may have went through and proceed with caution since most teachers are not paying attention to this aspect. What may result during your learning process may require the help of an energy healing practitioner who can help you process what arises during the course of your awakening. Many students have memories or recall trauma once their spiritual journey begins. If you are experiencing this, please seek the assistance of teachers and guides who specialize in this area. For women, I advise very strongly that you work only with female teachers, at least until you know that you have achieved a state of balance and discernment to know and read the energy of others. This however, doesn’t mean that all female teachers know what they are teaching, again, many do not, so please use caution.

We must learn and teach how to manage sexual energy before it is toyed with. There is preparatory work involved when you are handling this subject. The proverbial “can of worms” can be very damaging once opened. It helps to have worked with these energies before in others as an energy healing practitioner before teaching anything having to do with tantra or channeling. Further, if you are not clairvoyant and you are a teacher, stop here. Do not teach these topics if you cannot see energy rising or other energies in your students. If you are failing to see or observe these energies, you are putting others at risk.

There is often trauma and repressed energy in each chakra. As a person’s Kundalini rises, those chakras are opened, activated and energy is released. Sometimes, this can be simple, but often it is not. Many go through days or weeks of crying, anger, or extreme promiscuity. The worst part of this is that they may not even know why they are feeling what they are feeling. The teacher never warned them this could happen. The teacher was not paying attention. This is highly irresponsible and dangerous.

It is a well-known adage in my world that if you don’t have the skills to bring a student through the healing and learning, do not open the can of worms. Send them to someone who can do it with care and knowledge.

For women and men who embark on this journey, I offer a word of caution: Spend six months exercising great care in physical sexual experiences once you begin to work with your Kundalini energy. I am not advising celibacy, though for many, not having a sexual partner may be the wisest choice you can make. Understand that you are activating an energy which activates healing in every way in your body, and it takes time to open up, to understand how your body works, and to recognize what is what and why it is happening. It is a great time to do a lot of writing or other artwork. Find a way to express your second chakra energies that will not bring any harm to you or another person. If you are not sure, wait. Seek a guide or teacher who can help you, or wait, slow down so you have time to adjust to your changing body/mind/emotions.

At the same time, some women need to have sexual relationships in order to open or move energy in the body. In this case, I recommend masturbation to women. A woman can and should spend an hour or more at a time masturbating, largely without orgasm to move her energies, breathing upward, healing the chakras and energy body, slowly, while speaking with her Spirit Guide(s). Again, a course on this subject needs to be taught. Simply put, it’s safer to play with your own sexual energies than it is to do it with other people. If you are in a sexual relationship, be very communicative about your needs. Again, most oppressed women don’t know their needs, nor do they feel safe in communicating them. If this is you, go back to being alone, and working with a teacher/guide/healer who can help you. Another article will come soon which expands on this topic.

For women who come from cultures where there are still currently extreme forms of oppression, whether you have personally suffered through this or not, give yourself years of time to process what will happen as you open your sexual energies. The way to your empowerment is through the activation and healing of them. Yet, do this with care and attention, otherwise it can wreak havoc in your life. Many people find they can barely function at work and at home. Going slowly is the only way, and choosing a guide who can help you. Spend a lot of time writing, exercising, taking baths, doing artwork, drumming and singing to move the energy that is releasing. Use meditation as a way of calming the energies and processing what is happening. Pay attention to the messages that come in your dreams.

We are in a beautiful time of awakening and healing. However, be aware that healing is not a quick process. So while we journey through this ascension process together, we are calling forth a greater awareness and sense of responsibility to those around us and to ourselves. Kundalini is a powerful force, which when used correctly and with knowledge will enhance every aspect of your life. Kundalini is a teacher. Keep an eye on your end goal, which is awakening and service. The end goal is to have an open heart, open third-eye, open crown and the ability to receive all of the soul, Self and God into the body. This is a process, and while it can happen overnight, for most it is best that it happens slowly, honoring the changes in the body/emotions, and with the help of a teacher or guide.

Women need to own, use, embody and understand their sexual energies for their own empowerment. Yet there is a healthy and an unhealthy way of doing this. For women who come from oppression or repression, the road to healthy expression takes time. In your healing however, you will discover great joy and freedom that has been kept from you and your family members for centuries. Fear was the main reason we were kept from our power. This time has ended. So with knowledge, grace and care, we will as women, teach and learn practices which empower us in a healthy and balanced way, so that we can love ourselves, our families, and those we are in service to.

This article is a very small piece of the puzzle. It is a meager beginning to a very large discussion. I will soon be offering classes in sexual healing for students and for teachers of sexual-based practices so they can become more aware of the pit-falls which exist when studying and teaching these topics. We want men and women to have a safe container for learning, expressing and experiencing all of what exists in the spiritual realms. We aim to do this in love, peace and harmony for everyone involved.

If you have personal questions about this topic, please email them to me at

Andria Wagner

Friday, March 2, 2012

Waimea 'Ukulele & Slack Key Guitar - "Waimea Roughriders"

Aloha! Happy Friday to my loved ones!


The word Renaissance came to me yesterday as I was shown a vision of Leonardo Da Vinci and was then told to study Italian. I've been wanting to learn Italian again for years, and so I began yesterday, Japanese and Arabic are still way up on the list to do next.

Renaissance, for the non-French speaker, means Rebirth. The period of the Renaissance was a time of great beauty, art, innovation, and new ideas. We are in a time of similar energy, which is also reflected in current astrological aspects.

The emergence of the Divine Feminine will naturally bring about an increase in a focus on beauty, in many ways. And as more women take the lead in the world, there will again be a deeper focus on order, beauty, peace, love and harmony. Out of this creative flow will emerge many new innovations, solutions to problems we have been seeking, new styles of art of every form, new movement, political changes will follow, and old constructions will fall away. The charm and beauty of this cycle will be a nice distraction from the seeming negative aspects of these changes. Our perspective and vision will determine how we view these times.

The perfect part of this process is that we are encouraged and more able (with greater ease) to focus on creation and love. The choice is ours however. Some may choose to focus on the negative aspects of the death cycle that is in progress. Yet, if we place our eyes on the Rebirth which is beginning, we are elated at what we can do together here on Earth. There are so many possibilities in our creativity. There are many opportunities for collaboration and growth.

We are fueled by a Divine force (and God the baby is totally kicking to this post today) and that force is driving us into the New Earth that we have been waiting for. This is not just a Golden Era, it is a Diamond Era. It is an era of great love and beauty in every way. We are very excited to share this and know that we will be collaborating with many great souls to create new schools, texts and communities around the world. We are creating structures which will allow for a return to the opulence of the Ancient Civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, a time when we knew our power, a time when we lived to our fullest potential as a society.

What a marvelous time we have ahead!

We can toast our green juices to health and love instead of champagne!

We can dance our ecstatic dances or do ballroom!

We can live in yurts or castles, it doesn't matter!

We can fly to Roma or just stay home!

Freedom, liberty, choice, possibility, no rules, except to love and be kind.

One of Florence Scovel Shinn's great quotes from, "Your Word is Your Wand":
"God cannot fail, so I cannot fail. "The warrior within me" has already won."

Happiness to all!

With love,