Friday, March 2, 2012


The word Renaissance came to me yesterday as I was shown a vision of Leonardo Da Vinci and was then told to study Italian. I've been wanting to learn Italian again for years, and so I began yesterday, Japanese and Arabic are still way up on the list to do next.

Renaissance, for the non-French speaker, means Rebirth. The period of the Renaissance was a time of great beauty, art, innovation, and new ideas. We are in a time of similar energy, which is also reflected in current astrological aspects.

The emergence of the Divine Feminine will naturally bring about an increase in a focus on beauty, in many ways. And as more women take the lead in the world, there will again be a deeper focus on order, beauty, peace, love and harmony. Out of this creative flow will emerge many new innovations, solutions to problems we have been seeking, new styles of art of every form, new movement, political changes will follow, and old constructions will fall away. The charm and beauty of this cycle will be a nice distraction from the seeming negative aspects of these changes. Our perspective and vision will determine how we view these times.

The perfect part of this process is that we are encouraged and more able (with greater ease) to focus on creation and love. The choice is ours however. Some may choose to focus on the negative aspects of the death cycle that is in progress. Yet, if we place our eyes on the Rebirth which is beginning, we are elated at what we can do together here on Earth. There are so many possibilities in our creativity. There are many opportunities for collaboration and growth.

We are fueled by a Divine force (and God the baby is totally kicking to this post today) and that force is driving us into the New Earth that we have been waiting for. This is not just a Golden Era, it is a Diamond Era. It is an era of great love and beauty in every way. We are very excited to share this and know that we will be collaborating with many great souls to create new schools, texts and communities around the world. We are creating structures which will allow for a return to the opulence of the Ancient Civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, a time when we knew our power, a time when we lived to our fullest potential as a society.

What a marvelous time we have ahead!

We can toast our green juices to health and love instead of champagne!

We can dance our ecstatic dances or do ballroom!

We can live in yurts or castles, it doesn't matter!

We can fly to Roma or just stay home!

Freedom, liberty, choice, possibility, no rules, except to love and be kind.

One of Florence Scovel Shinn's great quotes from, "Your Word is Your Wand":
"God cannot fail, so I cannot fail. "The warrior within me" has already won."

Happiness to all!

With love,

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