Sunday, March 4, 2012

“Kundalini Rising and Sexual Oppression in Women: For teachers and students of spiritual topics”

“Kundalini Rising and Sexual Oppression in Women: For teachers and students of spiritual topics” by Andria Wagner.

This article topic was just given to me by Spirit to discuss to help women achieve a healthy, balanced state of personal expression and power. The information also serves as a warning to spiritual teachers.

Many who embark on a journey of spiritual discovery soon discover sexual energy, prana, Shakti, kundalini rising experiences and a heightened sex drive.
Many also do not understand or know the depth of the oppression in their ancestral feminine history. For this, we must examine history and the past several thousand years of human existence. The level of oppression that women have faced and the fact that their bodies were used only for sexual purposes for so many centuries gives women a tremendous amount of work to do to clear or heal the ancestral lines. It’s as if you have knots in a phone cord that extends for thousands of miles. You have to clear each knot. This is not easy and many women go through great discord in their lives because they do not know or understand the depth of ancestral trauma that they are working through.

Clearing sexual energies is not a one-time event. It can take a minimum of six months to several years. We must understand that when we heal ourselves, we are not only healing one person, but we are healing everyone that we are energetically and physically connected to.

A warning to spiritual teachers, especially teachers of Kundalini yoga, tantra or channeling: I have watched several teachers in my area over the past four years. None of them have addressed what I am addressing. To me, this is a major concern because I often receive their students afterwards and then we begin healing the can of worms that was unconsciously opened. It is important to address the issues that may arise as a result of a kundalini activating or rising experience, especially in women or in those that have experienced sexual trauma or those who come from a recent culture of ancestral sexual or female oppression.

A word of advice to teachers: Get to know your students personal history before teaching them anything that will activate their sexual energies. Discuss the negative and positive side effects of working with Kundalini energy(if you know them). If you don’t know them, I would advise more study or perhaps teaching a different set of coursework. What happens can be very damaging not just to the person you have in class, but to their whole family. The common problem is that most become irresponsibly and overly sexually active very quickly, which brings harm to themselves and those they know. Also the quick awakening can put a person in an acute or traumatized state experiencing emotions that are very severe or imbalanced. At this point, healing is needed. The student must be given time to adjust and heal before raising the sexual energies further. A lot of attention to detail needs to be given as well as time to understanding what can happen to a person after becoming more awakened. If you don’t have experience in understanding or healing sexual trauma, I also do not advise working in this area. At least one-third (and that is a conservative number) of women have been sexually abused. Even if they are not abused, they are highly repressed in this area much of the time.

For students learning channeling, tantra or other spiritual topics which relate to the activation of sexual energies: Talk to the teacher beforehand about any trauma you may have went through and proceed with caution since most teachers are not paying attention to this aspect. What may result during your learning process may require the help of an energy healing practitioner who can help you process what arises during the course of your awakening. Many students have memories or recall trauma once their spiritual journey begins. If you are experiencing this, please seek the assistance of teachers and guides who specialize in this area. For women, I advise very strongly that you work only with female teachers, at least until you know that you have achieved a state of balance and discernment to know and read the energy of others. This however, doesn’t mean that all female teachers know what they are teaching, again, many do not, so please use caution.

We must learn and teach how to manage sexual energy before it is toyed with. There is preparatory work involved when you are handling this subject. The proverbial “can of worms” can be very damaging once opened. It helps to have worked with these energies before in others as an energy healing practitioner before teaching anything having to do with tantra or channeling. Further, if you are not clairvoyant and you are a teacher, stop here. Do not teach these topics if you cannot see energy rising or other energies in your students. If you are failing to see or observe these energies, you are putting others at risk.

There is often trauma and repressed energy in each chakra. As a person’s Kundalini rises, those chakras are opened, activated and energy is released. Sometimes, this can be simple, but often it is not. Many go through days or weeks of crying, anger, or extreme promiscuity. The worst part of this is that they may not even know why they are feeling what they are feeling. The teacher never warned them this could happen. The teacher was not paying attention. This is highly irresponsible and dangerous.

It is a well-known adage in my world that if you don’t have the skills to bring a student through the healing and learning, do not open the can of worms. Send them to someone who can do it with care and knowledge.

For women and men who embark on this journey, I offer a word of caution: Spend six months exercising great care in physical sexual experiences once you begin to work with your Kundalini energy. I am not advising celibacy, though for many, not having a sexual partner may be the wisest choice you can make. Understand that you are activating an energy which activates healing in every way in your body, and it takes time to open up, to understand how your body works, and to recognize what is what and why it is happening. It is a great time to do a lot of writing or other artwork. Find a way to express your second chakra energies that will not bring any harm to you or another person. If you are not sure, wait. Seek a guide or teacher who can help you, or wait, slow down so you have time to adjust to your changing body/mind/emotions.

At the same time, some women need to have sexual relationships in order to open or move energy in the body. In this case, I recommend masturbation to women. A woman can and should spend an hour or more at a time masturbating, largely without orgasm to move her energies, breathing upward, healing the chakras and energy body, slowly, while speaking with her Spirit Guide(s). Again, a course on this subject needs to be taught. Simply put, it’s safer to play with your own sexual energies than it is to do it with other people. If you are in a sexual relationship, be very communicative about your needs. Again, most oppressed women don’t know their needs, nor do they feel safe in communicating them. If this is you, go back to being alone, and working with a teacher/guide/healer who can help you. Another article will come soon which expands on this topic.

For women who come from cultures where there are still currently extreme forms of oppression, whether you have personally suffered through this or not, give yourself years of time to process what will happen as you open your sexual energies. The way to your empowerment is through the activation and healing of them. Yet, do this with care and attention, otherwise it can wreak havoc in your life. Many people find they can barely function at work and at home. Going slowly is the only way, and choosing a guide who can help you. Spend a lot of time writing, exercising, taking baths, doing artwork, drumming and singing to move the energy that is releasing. Use meditation as a way of calming the energies and processing what is happening. Pay attention to the messages that come in your dreams.

We are in a beautiful time of awakening and healing. However, be aware that healing is not a quick process. So while we journey through this ascension process together, we are calling forth a greater awareness and sense of responsibility to those around us and to ourselves. Kundalini is a powerful force, which when used correctly and with knowledge will enhance every aspect of your life. Kundalini is a teacher. Keep an eye on your end goal, which is awakening and service. The end goal is to have an open heart, open third-eye, open crown and the ability to receive all of the soul, Self and God into the body. This is a process, and while it can happen overnight, for most it is best that it happens slowly, honoring the changes in the body/emotions, and with the help of a teacher or guide.

Women need to own, use, embody and understand their sexual energies for their own empowerment. Yet there is a healthy and an unhealthy way of doing this. For women who come from oppression or repression, the road to healthy expression takes time. In your healing however, you will discover great joy and freedom that has been kept from you and your family members for centuries. Fear was the main reason we were kept from our power. This time has ended. So with knowledge, grace and care, we will as women, teach and learn practices which empower us in a healthy and balanced way, so that we can love ourselves, our families, and those we are in service to.

This article is a very small piece of the puzzle. It is a meager beginning to a very large discussion. I will soon be offering classes in sexual healing for students and for teachers of sexual-based practices so they can become more aware of the pit-falls which exist when studying and teaching these topics. We want men and women to have a safe container for learning, expressing and experiencing all of what exists in the spiritual realms. We aim to do this in love, peace and harmony for everyone involved.

If you have personal questions about this topic, please email them to me at

Andria Wagner

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