Saturday, June 30, 2012

Andria’s Statement on how the American public education system is hurting children and humanity:

Andria’s Statement on how the American public education system is hurting children and humanity: The American Public School System was created to prepare workers in America’s industries, to support the plan and protocol of a New World Order. This system that we see in place today is intended to dumb-down, limit the minds and creativity, and conform children into workers, not thinkers. Children are being labeled, drugged, bored out of their minds, abused, talked down to, disrespected and dishonored in our public school systems. Children know this and many are forced to attend by their parents, judges, and a general patriarchal system of government. Children today do not need schools such as this, nor do they necessarily need to attend colleges as we know it. Children need love, nature and educational freedom. Children should not be spending their days taking tests or learning how to. Children should not be forced to sit in desks all day. Children should not be forced to wake up at 6am unless they want to. Children should not be forced to eat school lunches filled with toxins. Children should not be exposed to cell phone towers and Wifi placed on and in schools. Children should be outdoors in the fresh air playing and learning. Children should have freedom of physical movement, emotional expression and thought throughout their day. Parents must realize that schools are not safe environments for children and come to the realization that adults have been using schools as babysitters, blindly following the status quo of American Society. This status quo is harming children and creating a society of blind followers who are today finding themselves powerless and broke. The American school system is broken, out of date, and harmful. It is time to take back our power and create new schools for our children.

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