Sunday, June 10, 2012

A most timely and important message as we ground the Divine Feminine here on Earth. This is a blog post written by Sharon Sophia Golden Eagle and though I rarely share other people's writings on my blog, I felt this could not have been better said at this time. Grandmother Golden Eagle calling you with her piercing cry tonight.That sound which yanks you out of the playground or your dancing field, your office, your kitchen or whatever it is you are entranced with in your moment. That piercing call that reminds you of the Creator, where it is you come from before this world; it is a 'wake up' call that piercesthrough the illusions that you have become embroiled in, whether of your instigation or your commisuration or cooperation. Whatever it is you have been doing or not doing, wherever you are, or are not, is the choice of everysingle individual, whether painful or pleasant, the deepest hell or the highest heaven or any place in between. Wherever you are now and whatever you are involved with or doing, the Eagle Whistle says "STOP whatever you are doing. STAND STILL. Come to FULL ALERT, THE CREATOR is speaking to You." THIS IS THAT MOMENT ON EARTH WHEN GRANDMOTHER GOLDEN EAGLE, who comes from the CREATOR TO SPEAK to Humanity, says, "Oh peoples of the Earth! You are my Children. You all come from One Source, the First Creator. LISTEN. All Creation Comes from the Womb of the Mother. In Her Womb, She incubates, grows, births and sustains All Life, no matter what galaxy you are in, what Sun system your are from, or what planet, comet or moon you are living on or think you are living on or what you think, believe or don't think or believe anything at all. Without the Mother, there would be no Creation and no Life. The Mother is Love and She is SACRED. Here on this planet in this last cycle of time and experience, the cycle has been the remembrance of the Father of Creation, who is 'Thought'. What births a new creation? As above, so below. So here below, it is that the Maleinseminates the Womb of his mate with his sperm, which enters an egg and starts the process of individuation that is the beginning of the creation of an 'individual'. And so it is that humanity has experienced in this cycle of 'Time' to experience themselves, as an individuated egg of creation to be the individuals that they are, in separation from the whole and entirety of Creation. As the New Cycle of divine re-membrance is overlaying the old cycle, there are those that are remembering their unity and co-interdependance of one another, Mother Earth, who sustains and nourishes and provides for their physical bodies,and with the whole of Creation. In one of the main cultures at the beginning of this cycle, the 'One who Had theThought' of making himself, Thought, which is of the Mind to be King and Ruler of your planet said, "unless you give obesience to thought and thinking, understanding and believing, unless you listen and read what I have said, and bow to my desires and will, you will not live, you will not Thrive. And so it is that you got lead out of the Garden of Eve, the First Mother, that was eternal and primordial peace and bliss with all that Life required; and He made you query and feel ashamed of your primal purity and innocence and divinity. He Lorded over the Earth and ruled humanity through the fear and dominance, saying that unless you bow to me and sacrifice your lives unto me, you will not reap the benefits of my creation, the 'things' and 'glory' of this 'world' that I have created. 'Bow to me, serve me, forget your connection with the Mother and give no obesience to Her, for I have bound Her and taken Her power for my pleasure and self will. Bow to me and I will give you the pleasures of my world and the illusion of self will,and the feeling of power over Mother Earth and others.' And so it is, that he has required the blood of your first son, or 'fruits' of your labours and in his lust for power through blood and taking of life, has created through the promulagation of separate based consciousness of one country against the other, one belief system against the other, a culture of war. Awake! All ' belief systems' and all forms of governance that create separate countries or the thought that races orcultures are separate,are under his dominance so he can arouse person against person, country against country. All serve him in this world. All is for his power. All is for His Glory. He has told humankind that they can have all that they want, without thought for others or Mother Earth in this 'dog eat dog' to get ahead world. "Thought" and "Mind" and "Ego" became 'King' of this World, and most of human kind. Systematically did the King of Thought, do all in His power to separate humanity from their Hearts, from the connection with the Source of Life and the Mother of Creation. Each messenger from Source sent to remind the Children of Earth of their divine direct inner connection to the Source of All Creation, the Mother of All Life and that All is 'LOVE' were eradicated and their teachings put under the rulership of false ones who served him and bent the teachings to create dependance on heirarchies that taught that one had to go climb hundreds of stairs of the religious organizations, always worshipping the leader and beyond that the 'Father' or his Son, who would eventually 'save' your from the destruction (that was created by him and for him and his Glory. ) From the vast majority of humankind was this one able to eradicate even the knowlege of the Mother of Creation, orthe knowlege that one should respect life, least of all respect Mother Earth. It is 100 % evident in this day that results of the Rule of Thought ( Him, the Father) without Heart (Her, the Mother) care and compassion has lead to the dying off of the species of Mother Earth, the over use and pollution of her air, water, soil and minerals and massive disenchantment with 'the way things are'. Many are at the end of their 'ropes' and longing for the 'end of this world of illusion'. As the Era of World Wars and the use of atomic warfare, which ripped a hole in the tan tien of Mother Earth and rippled throughout the Universe, sent a terrible stench of death and an 'alarm bell' all the way to the Home of the Creator, the Mother began sending Her Daughters of Love, Peace and Compassion to remember the ways of the Heart and Love and interconnectedness with all Life. Over the centuries always She would send messengers. Her daughters would be crucified, vilified, and their teachings bent to serve the King or the Males of this World. BeLoveds, one of Her Daughters, whom you know, honor and respect and follow the teachings of almost to the letter of the Law, the White Buffalo Calf Woman, came many centuries ago. You have taken the teachings given to you by a Woman, a messenger of the Mother of Creation, that She gave to remind the peoples, mainly the male of the peoples. to honor and respect the women,the mothers, the young girls, the babies, all species and Mother Earth. Of the Nations of Turtle Island and indigenous peoples of the Earth, the respect of Mother Earth was kept inspite of the massive rape of the industrialized nations. But I, Grand Mother Golden Eagle speak to you this evening, each one who follows the teachings given to you by my Sacred Daughter. You have remembered her well, and her teachings. But you fall very short on honoring the womenkind. Even those amongst you who say you do, who give gifts to the Grandmothers and even 'feast' them, who try to be 'respectful' of the sacred women. Grandmother Golden Eagle blows her Eagle Whistle and says: My Sons, harken! You say you honor my sacred daughters. You do the ceremonies that one of my daughters gave you to learn respect for your women. Some of you do the ceremonies, walk out of the ceremonies and continue to abuse my daughters. You do these ceremonies year after year and the story continues. They ARE the ceremonies. Respect them, the women, not just the ceremonies. My Sons, you love the women. You love their power, the feminine power. Look at what you do to get that Essence from the women around you, the women of your life. Where is the respect when you do medicines or use your powers to take her power or to control her with yours to increase your powers, your status, your knowlege? Where is your respect when you abuse a woman in any way? The medicine gifts were brought to this planet by the Woman folk, these ceremonies that were brought to this world to keep Life on Earth in balance, to communicate with Spirit, to bring healing to the People and Mother Earth and her kin-doms, the Medicine Wheels, symbollic of the Mother of Creation and Mother Earth, the sacred Drum, all the Shamanic practices. All of the Ceremonies came from the Mother.They were all given to Her Daughters to use to keep Life going on Mother Earth in a good way. When they were given to the Male of the species to use, they were given to teach the males to honor and respect the women and all Life.Take a look at what you have done with these gifts. When the women starting picking up the Drum, you said she could not, but the women heard the Call and stopped listening to the whining men. When the women started leading the sacred lodges, symbollic of the Womb of the Mother, you sent bad medicine. Just whose medicine' do you think this belongs to? And no. the White Buffalo Calf Woman did not bring the lodge. This ceremony has been used by most of the people of Turtle Island and many other cultures including the Celtic Cultures, whom you despise. The pipe is used for prayer all across the face of Mother Earth. Brothers,All the sacred ceremonies all were originally brought to Mother Earth by the Medicine Women and Shamanka. In the last twenty years you have started letting women back into their own ceremonies to use their own medicines. You are starting to let the women speak. You say you honor the women, but how many of you are willing, if You, a man of medicines are present are man enough to stand aside and let the women run the ceremony?   This time the Mother has sent the whole of Her Heavenly Hosts. They have incarnated and served assiduously and have been besmerched and denigrated, used and abused. Where are their defenders? Where are their helpers. They are here to bring Life back into balance on Mother Earth. They are here to bring Heaven back to Mother Earth. Tonight, Grandmother Golden Eagle calling you with her piercing cry tonite.That sound which yanks you out of the playground or your dancing field, your office, your kitchen or whatever it is you are entranced with in your moment. That piercing call that reminds you of the Creator, where it is you come from before this world; it is a 'wake up' call that pierces through the illusions that you have become embroiled in, whether of your instigation or your commisuration or cooperation. Whatever it is you have been doing or not doing, wherever you are, or are not, is the choice of everysingle individual, whether painful or pleasant, the deepest hell or the highest heaven or any place in between. Wherever you are now and whatever you are involved with or doing, the Eagle Whistle says: "STOP whatever you are doing. STAND STILL. Come to FULL ALERT, THE CREATOR is speaking to You." The tossing of the Medicine Ball is giving the Medicine back to the Women to Carry. All the Medicines. And to honor and respect the women who do the medicines as you respected the Male Elders from whom you learned the medicines. Defend your Sisters from those who still do not honor the Women and their power, and who send bad medicine when they are doing their ceremonies, or use the women for their ego and selfish purposes. The Power is going back to the Women who do not give their power away to men. The power is going back to the Mother, to those who Love, honor and respect the bearers of life and All Life. Truly respect All Life. I Am Grandmother Golden Eagle. I came to Earth directly from the Home of the Great Spirit which is beyond the Realms of the First Father and First Mother to bring Heaven back to Mother Earth. I have spoken and I have blown my Eagle Whistle tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Powerful Truth! With your permission I would be grateful to share this with my circle of womb-in folk.
