Anya Aliza Rose is a Home Birthing Mother of 4, living in Northern California, she is an Oracle, Healer and Guide for the Rainbow Generation and all those seeking Self-Realization. She specializes in education: Natural Birthing, Holistic Healing, Shamanism, Reiki, Nutrition (is a Medical Intuitive) and used to be a French Teacher. She enjoys gardening and meditating.
Friday, July 13, 2012
fo·cus (fks)
n. pl. fo·cus·es or fo·ci (-s, -k)
a. A point at which rays of light or other radiation converge or from which they appear to diverge, as after refraction or reflection in an optical system: the focus of a lens. Also called focal point.
b. See focal length.
a. The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.
b. The state of maximum distinctness or clarity of such an image: in focus; out of focus.
c. An apparatus used to adjust the focal length of an optical system in order to make an image distinct or clear: a camera with automatic focus.
3. A center of interest or activity. See Synonyms at center.
4. Close or narrow attention; concentration: "He was forever taken aback by [New York's] pervasive atmosphere of purposefulnessthe tight focus of its drivers, the brisk intensity of its pedestrians" (Anne Tyler).
Learning and Remembering to FOCUS.
Archangel Michael and Ascended Master Kuthumi will speak to the need to maintain focus at this time.
We each have a mission, purpose and focus in our lifetimes here on Earth. There are many constant distractions, some real, and some presented as tests which we must learn to master. There are many steps you can take in your daily life to maintain focus so that you can attain your personal goals, keep your peace, and so forth.
We will list here a general guideline for action steps you can take on a daily basis to maintain your focus, vision, clarity and purpose.
To eliminate distractions:
1)Turn off your phone
2)Say no to Facebook, emails, calls, visitors, excessive runs to the kitchen to eat, etc
3)Breathe deeply for 5 minutes so your energy can be adjusted to what you need to focus on.
4)Yoga, exercise, and energy healing will help you prepare yourself daily to focus. Spend 1-3 hours a day doing this so your body can relax into being focused.
5)Lighten your diet (heavy foods make you sleepy and make it hard to work).
6)Eliminate toxins from your diet (drugs, alcohol, meat, cigarettes, caffeine, and in general anything you over-use)
7)Meditate (meditate at least twice a day, 20 min. each time, the type you choose is up to you)
8)Steadfastly ignore what is happening around you, don't engage in drama, the past, discussions of the past, thoughts of the past, and don't engage with others who attempt to snare your ego into control dramas.
9)Choose where you put your attention consciously. If you leave your mind room to wander, it will. It's like leaving a puppy in the living room all day, it will pee all over. Your mind will do the same if you don't give it a task. Choose a mantra, sing a positive song, do incantations, anything that focuses the mind when there is free time.
10)Make a list of what you need to do, try not to prioritize more than 5 items at a time. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
11)Be into yourself, be into what you are doing. Stop giving attention to what others are doing. If you want to progress in any way, you must become more self-invested, self-focused.
Service to God and Humanity requires focus. If you allow for too many distractions, it takes much longer to accomplish your goals and mission. While we are always on some level, available to those in need, it's imperative that you keep balanced, healthy, focused and free from drama or distractions.
Your ability to focus is completely within the scope of your control. It is one aspect of life that you can be responsible for, which will have a positive impact on so many other parts of your life. You will learn to value your time, energy and power, thus others will respond in kind. When you honor God's time, God will honor yours. We realize humans need reminders. We realize the mind requires mastery.
Learning to focus is one of the most important aspects to you accomplishing your mission in this lifetime. Pay attention and give yourself the focusing time you need, so you can stay balanced, fresh, happy, and able to fulfill your role on this planet at this time.
Don't feel guilty for saying no to others, don't feel guilty for taking time away from loved ones, trust that you are doing what you need to be doing. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our personal desires to make progress in certain areas of life. This is character building and these are times when you will make the most progress in your life. Letting others judge and distract you are simply more ego games that you must learn to ignore. Others will always have a thought or two about what you should be doing.
Self-mastery is learning to listen to the Source within, trusting that you are correctly hearing that voice and listening with focus, clarity and confidence that you are doing the right thing. Do not allow others to dissuade you from your truth, your focus and your knowledge.
If you feel off-balance, breathe, do yoga, chant, sing, dance, be in nature and re-align with the God/Goddess within to reclaim your focus. This may need to occur several times throughout the day, at a minimum. Do not be surprised by the number of distractions that are heading your way. Anticipate them and remember what to do.
With love always,
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