Thursday, July 12, 2012

Star Kids and Utopia

We just spent a fun week discussing plans for an eco-community, school and center with a group of children, planning and designing. There is nothing more correct than letting these happy kids design their own life. If you want divine design, ask the kids, they know what they're doing. Someone asked me why I felt the community needs to be vegetarian (at least mostly) and I was reminded by the Star Kids, that they are mostly vegetarian and prefer to be. I was reminded again, that these are not my plans, they are their plans. The Star Children are in charge of what I am creating, I'm just a vessel for it to manifest through on the physical plane. The children, who are embodying all light, have within the teachings that humanity needs. It will become ever more important for adults to realize now that the children are the teachers and it's wise to let them do their thing. We are being colloquial in our language, probably a bit of Hawaiian energy coming through right now for various reasons, which is much less formal and pretentious in nature. The scope and design of this center, school and community is being revealed to me to be much larger than what I thought and working with the children is confirming this, because they are not limited by lack or scarcity mentality that modern adults struggle with today. One child told me that the community needs to be 10 miles x 10 miles and that it would then become a state. At first the statement seemed lofty, but in truth, all the patriarchal ancestors and masters knew their power and knew the grandness of who they are. When you really know who you are and what you can do, you think bigger, and you dream bigger. It's not about ego, it's about the New Earth being that which we know it can be. We may build pyramids again, castles, temples and maybe yurts and earthships too. If we take the best of Ancient Civilizations (Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Telos, Agartha, Mayan, etc.) we understand the possibilities of what we can create again on Earth. It is time. We go up, in our vision, our mind, our chakras, to bring down the information, and we connect with the Star Children who are holding the vision, tools, and plans for this Earth. We are designing Utopia. We are designing a peaceful planet. In fact, it has been designed, we're just realigning humanity now. And we are welcoming a new generation of children who know what this Earth is meant to be like. A school bumper sticker will be: Get out of the way, the kids are in charge! Most people keep asking me about the curriculum, wondering what it is, and while I've written a book on it, to sum it up in short: The kids are in charge. They learn what they want. Why will this work well? The children are Masters. They know what they're doing. They know who they are. They are incredibly tuned into Source. Rainbow Hawaiian Star swirls to all! We're moving into a beautiful vortex of energy, otherwise known as a birth canal, a portal, whatever you'd like to call it. The whale energy is loud and clear right now, keep your hearts tuned to the dolphins and whales, we currently have a huge number of blue whales in the Monterey Bay as I type. They are feasting on krill and very happy.

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