Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Being a live food fan is an up and down lifestyle for food addicts like myself. Since many of my friends are not live food only fans, it can be challenging to stick to my intention to stay eating only live foods. I share this because it is a challenge for anyone who wants to stick to a plan of eating healthy foods only. If the intention is to feed the body live, nutritious foods, you would think that would be easy. Alas, in our world today, food, especially cooked food has great sentimental value especially in social settings. So today, my thoughts are around how one can stay inspired to eat only live, nutrient dense foods all the time. For me, the biggest step is to make sure my kitchen is stocked of fresh, organic produce from the farmer's market. I tend to go twice a week and when I don't, my discipline suffers. Why, you ask? Live food tastes best when it's organic and fresh-picked. I find that fresh organic produce is at least ten times tastier than store-bought produce. If you've ever had a vegetable garden, you know what I mean. The other inspiration is to spend time with those who eat this way. We can give each other ideas and support. Another idea is meditation and dream recall as my Spirit Guides and dreams often tell me, remind me, encourage me to eat what my body needs in that moment. This helps me stay on track. When I first became a raw vegan in 2007, my motivation was weight loss and energy, as well as spiritual/psychic development. I know how much weight you can lose, how much energy you can have, and how much it improves your effectiveness in this field of work. However, at times those motivations fail to inspire me and I find myself needing more inspiration to do what is best for my body. On that note, meditation on intention, self-love and writing are all ways to enhance one's ability to stay the course when forgiving and healing an addiction or habit. Raw foods don't have to be complicated or take time, just a simple large glass of organic orange juice can make a person very very happy. What inspires you to eat what your body needs versus what your body wants?

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