Monday, October 12, 2009

Spicy green curry soup

Wowsers, so I needed something warm tonight...when it gets cold and damp (acupuncturists can't stand raw foodists LOL). So here's a soup to warm you up and if you have a Vita-Mix, let it run for a minute or two, your soup will be warm, and still raw.

Meat of 1 thai coconut
1 cup carrots chopped
handful of parsley
1 jalepeno
1 clove garlic
dash of olive oil
dash of raw agave nectar
dash of salt
dash or a few dashes of nama shoyu
as much curry spice as you wish

For non raw foodies, I think this soup would be great if it was cooked too. But for raw folks, this is a good one, very spicy and heating for this cool weather and for all the purification that needs to continue.

With love,


  1. Note: This soup is **Spicy**. This made enough for one person. I probably put in more than 1C of carrots, but once again, I don't measure :-)

    I probably put in 1T of curry. 2T nama shoyu...1-2T olive oil...hey ya know, alchemists don't measure. Or wait, is that..witches don't measure. Haha!

  2. Hey, that was good, nice little snack (accidentally typed snake, no mistake there) for this hour. Blended foods are easily digested, good stuff for a detox or cleanse. Parsley has a lot of nutrients as well. Hehe!
