New School Facilitator Training for Light Workers
A Two-Day Seminar March 24-25th, 2012
To prepare adult Light Workers to serve as a cohesive world community for the higher good of all children on the planet. Together we are going to re-design the world of education in the United States and for the world. With the assistance of the Star Children, we will create the foundation for a worldwide online network of Facilitators who can help all parents and children. From this foundation, the world will learn about the needs of Star Children. We will work together as one world community to teach the world how to honor the divinity in children. We will create new schools for the children and the world will learn to listen to children, as we take the lead of how all children are to be treated.
In this training, we will unify the group, in intention, focus and purpose under the guidance of the Star Children and Archangel Michael. Topics to be covered:
• Spiritual Communication
• Sensitivity Training
• Integration of children
• Navigating so-called disorders
• Self-care
• Love in Action
• Discernment
• Self-Healing
• Healing Arts
The goal of this training is to lay a foundation where all Light Workers are ready and able to assist the world community of Star Children by guiding them and their parents to a better alignment with Source, so their needs are met. We want parents to know how to find us, so they can learn how to better support and help their children.
At the end of these two days you will have more confidence in your ability to function in your worldwide role to assist the Star Children, so we can together create a more peaceful Earth. Your name will be listed under our online worldwide directory of New School Facilitators so parents can more easily find help for their children. You will be the leaders of the forefront of a movement to create the New Earth. Through Andria, the Star Children will make certain that adults are prepared to handle the work that lies ahead. We will serve humanity through a unified world heart of love and peace.
All coursework taught by Andria Wagner, mother of 3 boys and CEO of the Angel Peace Center and School in the Bay Area, CA. For more information, go to
Cost of program $300 tuition only (we hope to offer scholarships in time) Email Andria at to register
Location: Bay Area CA, depends on group size, most likely a private residence, contact Andria if you can offer your space.
Date and Time: Sat/Sun March 24/25 10am-4pm each day. Bring water and a bag lunch/snacks, pillow
Anya Aliza Rose is a Home Birthing Mother of 4, living in Northern California, she is an Oracle, Healer and Guide for the Rainbow Generation and all those seeking Self-Realization. She specializes in education: Natural Birthing, Holistic Healing, Shamanism, Reiki, Nutrition (is a Medical Intuitive) and used to be a French Teacher. She enjoys gardening and meditating.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
To the Children
Dear Children of America,
I am sorry that the collective American Society has harmed you and is taking no responsibility. I am sorry that when tragedies occur, they sit around playing the same blame game of the past how many centuries. I am sorry your parents and teachers ignore your pleas for love. I am sorry all the neighbors and other community members also ignore your needs and your pleas for love.
The adults of America forget that they are responsible to the WHOLE. We are one heart, one mind, one world, and one American community. There are but a few adults who understand their responsibility to all of you as one collective group of human beings who need more love. You need nature, you need love, you need schools without walls, you need validation, you need someone who recognizes your suffering with compassion, you need respect, and attention.
While adults sit in blame game mode this week, we pray that the adults focus on real honest solutions as to what we can do to support the needs of every child in America. And if you are in the presence of one child in suffering, that you understand your responsibility to that child, as a witness, as a fellow human being, as a soul with a heart.
I am sorry you go unnoticed and ignored. I am sorry that so many adults can spend their days caring more about their jobs, making money and about coffee than about you. They are wrong. I want to make it very clear to the children of America: You chose to be born into a failing system of ignorance which is harming your souls. Adults must fix this. Not in a week, month or year. Right now. Children need something vastly different than what they are begin given. If you think your child is okay, if you think you are absolved from doing nothing, you are gravely mistaken.
Wars must end, violence must end, and children need adults and schools which surround them with pure love, joy, peace, and happiness. This is the only way. How many more lessons are needed?
To the parents, as a parent: I am sorry, but everyone can do better. Everyone.
I am sorry this society is so sick and insane. I am sorry the children pay the price. I am sorry that the adults still don’t pay attention. If the adults could hear the cries of their own soul, they would be deafened by the cries of the souls of the children in this country.
Sit in prayer and ask what you can do. Pay attention to the children who cross your path each day. Do not hesitate to speak the truth when you feel called. Do not hesitate to step in. This is what the children want.
I am so sorry, this needn’t happen anymore. I wish the adults would notice and change their lives for your sake. I wish the President would put aside his agendas and actually do something right. I wish everyone would stop Twittering and Facebooking and go out and hug someone. I wish everyone would learn to look in each other’s eyes and breathe, and check in with their soul to see how they are really doing today. I wish people cared, I wish people could heal their own suffering so they could then serve the needs of the children and the next seven generations.
I am sorry that adults have no excuses. I am sorry that society has no excuses. The truth is that this doesn’t have to happen. Yet it seems Americans are slow to wake up and act. For that, I am sorry.
We are all responsible for correcting and healing this country. We are all responsible for each other. Look inside yourself and see what you need to do to heal yourself, and then you can pay better attention to those around you when they cry for help.
Compassion. We must have compassion for everyone. Everyone.
And we also must back up our words with actions. Stop discussing the problem. This has been done for too long, and it doesn’t work, does it? Discuss what you are going to do differently.
What do children really need to be happy and healthy? Ask this and provide it.
Children don’t need better schools. They need love, they need time spent outdoors in nature, they need to learn their own power and explore their own creativity. Children don’t need more tests and standards.
Society needs to understand basic human needs for love, air, sun, and creative flow. Is it not yet clear what happens when they don’t get their needs met? Have we learned from the past yet? Or will adults keep blindly making the same mistakes of non-action?
Our collective pill-popping depressed psychotic culture feels hopeless and powerless. This is why things do not change. When adults choose to wake up out of their drugged slumber, they will change, and they will change the lives of those they touch.
To all the children who are crying for help and love: I hope someone sees you today. I hope someone changes your world today. I hope someone loves themselves enough to love you too.
The children need leaders who are paying attention. The children need leaders who are selfless. The children need protection and love.
I am sorry. I am sorry this keeps happening dear children.
I am sorry that the collective American Society has harmed you and is taking no responsibility. I am sorry that when tragedies occur, they sit around playing the same blame game of the past how many centuries. I am sorry your parents and teachers ignore your pleas for love. I am sorry all the neighbors and other community members also ignore your needs and your pleas for love.
The adults of America forget that they are responsible to the WHOLE. We are one heart, one mind, one world, and one American community. There are but a few adults who understand their responsibility to all of you as one collective group of human beings who need more love. You need nature, you need love, you need schools without walls, you need validation, you need someone who recognizes your suffering with compassion, you need respect, and attention.
While adults sit in blame game mode this week, we pray that the adults focus on real honest solutions as to what we can do to support the needs of every child in America. And if you are in the presence of one child in suffering, that you understand your responsibility to that child, as a witness, as a fellow human being, as a soul with a heart.
I am sorry you go unnoticed and ignored. I am sorry that so many adults can spend their days caring more about their jobs, making money and about coffee than about you. They are wrong. I want to make it very clear to the children of America: You chose to be born into a failing system of ignorance which is harming your souls. Adults must fix this. Not in a week, month or year. Right now. Children need something vastly different than what they are begin given. If you think your child is okay, if you think you are absolved from doing nothing, you are gravely mistaken.
Wars must end, violence must end, and children need adults and schools which surround them with pure love, joy, peace, and happiness. This is the only way. How many more lessons are needed?
To the parents, as a parent: I am sorry, but everyone can do better. Everyone.
I am sorry this society is so sick and insane. I am sorry the children pay the price. I am sorry that the adults still don’t pay attention. If the adults could hear the cries of their own soul, they would be deafened by the cries of the souls of the children in this country.
Sit in prayer and ask what you can do. Pay attention to the children who cross your path each day. Do not hesitate to speak the truth when you feel called. Do not hesitate to step in. This is what the children want.
I am so sorry, this needn’t happen anymore. I wish the adults would notice and change their lives for your sake. I wish the President would put aside his agendas and actually do something right. I wish everyone would stop Twittering and Facebooking and go out and hug someone. I wish everyone would learn to look in each other’s eyes and breathe, and check in with their soul to see how they are really doing today. I wish people cared, I wish people could heal their own suffering so they could then serve the needs of the children and the next seven generations.
I am sorry that adults have no excuses. I am sorry that society has no excuses. The truth is that this doesn’t have to happen. Yet it seems Americans are slow to wake up and act. For that, I am sorry.
We are all responsible for correcting and healing this country. We are all responsible for each other. Look inside yourself and see what you need to do to heal yourself, and then you can pay better attention to those around you when they cry for help.
Compassion. We must have compassion for everyone. Everyone.
And we also must back up our words with actions. Stop discussing the problem. This has been done for too long, and it doesn’t work, does it? Discuss what you are going to do differently.
What do children really need to be happy and healthy? Ask this and provide it.
Children don’t need better schools. They need love, they need time spent outdoors in nature, they need to learn their own power and explore their own creativity. Children don’t need more tests and standards.
Society needs to understand basic human needs for love, air, sun, and creative flow. Is it not yet clear what happens when they don’t get their needs met? Have we learned from the past yet? Or will adults keep blindly making the same mistakes of non-action?
Our collective pill-popping depressed psychotic culture feels hopeless and powerless. This is why things do not change. When adults choose to wake up out of their drugged slumber, they will change, and they will change the lives of those they touch.
To all the children who are crying for help and love: I hope someone sees you today. I hope someone changes your world today. I hope someone loves themselves enough to love you too.
The children need leaders who are paying attention. The children need leaders who are selfless. The children need protection and love.
I am sorry. I am sorry this keeps happening dear children.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Dark Moon, Embracing
Dark moon, Dark womb
See through all darkness
Eyes wide, heart open
Live, forward, breathe, Hina
Goddess of the moon and womb,
Pele breath of fire,
Poliahu breath of God
Breathe us women
Into sight, in the dark light.
We enter our vision
Of power together
Fearless, strong, together
Women carry their young.
Together women pray and gather.
Together women build their dreams.
Now, dark women, step through
The flames of all past,
Women carry your head high.
Women take your torch and walk on.
Dark moon, dark womb.
Light and dark Goddess alike,
All of creation
Guide our steps now
We sing to our mother
The Goddess
See through all darkness
Eyes wide, heart open
Live, forward, breathe, Hina
Goddess of the moon and womb,
Pele breath of fire,
Poliahu breath of God
Breathe us women
Into sight, in the dark light.
We enter our vision
Of power together
Fearless, strong, together
Women carry their young.
Together women pray and gather.
Together women build their dreams.
Now, dark women, step through
The flames of all past,
Women carry your head high.
Women take your torch and walk on.
Dark moon, dark womb.
Light and dark Goddess alike,
All of creation
Guide our steps now
We sing to our mother
The Goddess
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Angels, Archangels, Love Part 1
It's always funny how you can spend so long talking about Angels and such and then need a reminder from your Angels, "Hey, we're over here, talk to us!"
A reminder of the law of free will, they will not likely intervene without our asking them.
At various times, the Archangels are assigned to us, are in service with us, and are letting us know that we can ask them for help.
This makes me ask, "Which one do I want to talk to right now?" Aha! Which one wants to talk to me? They all do. Which one speaks loudest? Usually Michael. Which one will speak if Michael stands to the side at my request? (We're playing now)
I'm hearing a combination of Jophiel and Raphael. They're discussing beauty, non-physical and physical. Raphael is the Archangel of Healing, but is also connected Tiferet, the sphere on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Beauty. Raphael is offering a sweetness, again a recurring theme this past week.
The Angels are trying to help everyone hold this vision of sweetness and beauty in life, as many are going through challenging times, it's important to focus on that which we want to see, so we can draw more of it into our daily reality.
As I speak, another Archangel popped in, Tzaphkiel. When I was first visited by this Archangel, I was absolutely shocked by his scope, energy presence and size. Having been channeling the Archangels for years, having been accustomed to Michael's strength and tone, Tzaphkiel was way more than I imagined. In all truth, he will not necessarily come when called. You can't hop into Binah and ask him to come. I mention him only here to point out a few things. First, the connection between certain Archangels and Spheres of the Tree of Life. This is a reminder to examine this source of wisdom in your life if you feel so inclined. And well, this is a timely reminder of Tzaphkiel's presence. He is telling me that he is the protector of the Divine Feminine. As I sit, a deep silence overtakes me, even in this loud cafe and I watch his light fill up the entire room. No further words are necessary, once invoked, he will protect. He points back to Michael for guidance, Michael is typically more verbose and will take the floor now if I let him, but I'm asking him to wait a moment as I type these messages.
The second reason is that the Archangels in general, for the past few weeks have been repeatedly asking me to call on them for assistance and to remind others to do the same. It's as if we stepped over a basic step here in our prayers. The Archangels are in service to God, just like we are. Their devotion to God is an example to live by.
Michael is offering assistance in focusing your energies for your life's purpose and service while Tzaphkiel is guarding the auric field from above. You will notice a direct column of light reaching down anchoring into you through the back of your heart, breathe in deeply to connect. They are both clearing the auric field to prepare you for receiving guidance.
This will establish clarity of mind, and very clear vision.
Breathe and feel, watch and wait.
Ground the energies through the bottom of your feet while they continue streaming light in and throughy you.
When you begin to feel any tension throughout the day, for any reason, call on Michael to do this clearing on you.
Exhale fear out of the heart chakra. Whatever you might be feeling in the form of psychic attack, collective density or your own, exhale and let it go.
We have to move locations, so we will continue with part 2 as soon as we can.
A reminder of the law of free will, they will not likely intervene without our asking them.
At various times, the Archangels are assigned to us, are in service with us, and are letting us know that we can ask them for help.
This makes me ask, "Which one do I want to talk to right now?" Aha! Which one wants to talk to me? They all do. Which one speaks loudest? Usually Michael. Which one will speak if Michael stands to the side at my request? (We're playing now)
I'm hearing a combination of Jophiel and Raphael. They're discussing beauty, non-physical and physical. Raphael is the Archangel of Healing, but is also connected Tiferet, the sphere on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Beauty. Raphael is offering a sweetness, again a recurring theme this past week.
The Angels are trying to help everyone hold this vision of sweetness and beauty in life, as many are going through challenging times, it's important to focus on that which we want to see, so we can draw more of it into our daily reality.
As I speak, another Archangel popped in, Tzaphkiel. When I was first visited by this Archangel, I was absolutely shocked by his scope, energy presence and size. Having been channeling the Archangels for years, having been accustomed to Michael's strength and tone, Tzaphkiel was way more than I imagined. In all truth, he will not necessarily come when called. You can't hop into Binah and ask him to come. I mention him only here to point out a few things. First, the connection between certain Archangels and Spheres of the Tree of Life. This is a reminder to examine this source of wisdom in your life if you feel so inclined. And well, this is a timely reminder of Tzaphkiel's presence. He is telling me that he is the protector of the Divine Feminine. As I sit, a deep silence overtakes me, even in this loud cafe and I watch his light fill up the entire room. No further words are necessary, once invoked, he will protect. He points back to Michael for guidance, Michael is typically more verbose and will take the floor now if I let him, but I'm asking him to wait a moment as I type these messages.
The second reason is that the Archangels in general, for the past few weeks have been repeatedly asking me to call on them for assistance and to remind others to do the same. It's as if we stepped over a basic step here in our prayers. The Archangels are in service to God, just like we are. Their devotion to God is an example to live by.
Michael is offering assistance in focusing your energies for your life's purpose and service while Tzaphkiel is guarding the auric field from above. You will notice a direct column of light reaching down anchoring into you through the back of your heart, breathe in deeply to connect. They are both clearing the auric field to prepare you for receiving guidance.
This will establish clarity of mind, and very clear vision.
Breathe and feel, watch and wait.
Ground the energies through the bottom of your feet while they continue streaming light in and throughy you.
When you begin to feel any tension throughout the day, for any reason, call on Michael to do this clearing on you.
Exhale fear out of the heart chakra. Whatever you might be feeling in the form of psychic attack, collective density or your own, exhale and let it go.
We have to move locations, so we will continue with part 2 as soon as we can.
Monday, February 20, 2012
New Moon, New Cycle, New Life
I have come to deeply appreciate the New Moon phase. As I observed today's last moments of the waning full moon, I was prompted with a two word command from Spirit: Purge and Focus. I sat perplexed for a moment, thinking, "Purge, oh no!" The guidance to purge was an alert, that now hours later is making sense. Today happened as God willed, both the purge and the focus happened and on my drive home, I saw two bright eyes peering at me from the forest. I stopped the car as I approached a lone deer. A lone deer stared at me for a moment. I have been visited 3 times this week by deer, first time a pair, second time a pair, third time, just one. Animals always communicate directly and symbolically. This third visit from this lone deer was a response to a prayer for love. The deer is a symbol of innocence, sweetness and gentleness. I cannot live another way. My heart cannot and will not close, and the deer helps us to soften, be gentle, despite the sometimes harsh interactions we may have. I am grateful for the reminder and will be gentle with myself, despite how others treat me. Self-love always remains the lesson of my life.
So as tomorrow we enter the new phase, we can take sweet love with us and leave behind the harsh purge, if we have done our work. Tuesday is a day to focus on creation. What do you wish to create?
It is also the perfect time for a vision quest. A time to call forth vision, focus, and clarity for that which you wish to create during the next 14 days. As my dear friend prepares to birth her son any day, I am thrilled to know another great soul will walk this Earth in service with us. And I am so excited that my son and her son will one day know each other again, in this lifetime, it's absolutely beautiful to know these two boys will become men who love and teach love. It reminds me to be grateful of the opportunity to raise 3 sons, to love.
And on that note, this new moon marks the beginning of a center and school, a conception of a project that has been waiting to hatch. A slow process, yet the new moon will yield many abundant blessings if we allow all that is good to come our way.
Focus and vision will bloom this week. Love will blossom. We will prepare the garden for Spring planting. The seeds are talking loudly: Prepare the beds of your creations. Prepare for Spring. Prepare for action. The year of the dragon is that energy of soft ferocity.
New life is on it's way. In so many ways. Tomorrow is an open door to your dreams to materialize. Let Abundance and Beauty flow. We will step forward with confidence, the Divine Feminine is at the helm.
With great love always, the Mother holds her heart open, loving endlessly. Dream and nurture your creations with this love. Draw on the essence and beauty of Mother Earth for the energy, wisdom and inspiration that you need. The nature of Mother Earth is true abundance.
She loves you. She feeds you. She holds you. She created you. She will guide you. When you honor the Earth Mother, you will thrive, this is her promise to you. This is the true nature of giving and receiving.
Thank you to this great Source of love and beauty, thank you.
So as tomorrow we enter the new phase, we can take sweet love with us and leave behind the harsh purge, if we have done our work. Tuesday is a day to focus on creation. What do you wish to create?
It is also the perfect time for a vision quest. A time to call forth vision, focus, and clarity for that which you wish to create during the next 14 days. As my dear friend prepares to birth her son any day, I am thrilled to know another great soul will walk this Earth in service with us. And I am so excited that my son and her son will one day know each other again, in this lifetime, it's absolutely beautiful to know these two boys will become men who love and teach love. It reminds me to be grateful of the opportunity to raise 3 sons, to love.
And on that note, this new moon marks the beginning of a center and school, a conception of a project that has been waiting to hatch. A slow process, yet the new moon will yield many abundant blessings if we allow all that is good to come our way.
Focus and vision will bloom this week. Love will blossom. We will prepare the garden for Spring planting. The seeds are talking loudly: Prepare the beds of your creations. Prepare for Spring. Prepare for action. The year of the dragon is that energy of soft ferocity.
New life is on it's way. In so many ways. Tomorrow is an open door to your dreams to materialize. Let Abundance and Beauty flow. We will step forward with confidence, the Divine Feminine is at the helm.
With great love always, the Mother holds her heart open, loving endlessly. Dream and nurture your creations with this love. Draw on the essence and beauty of Mother Earth for the energy, wisdom and inspiration that you need. The nature of Mother Earth is true abundance.
She loves you. She feeds you. She holds you. She created you. She will guide you. When you honor the Earth Mother, you will thrive, this is her promise to you. This is the true nature of giving and receiving.
Thank you to this great Source of love and beauty, thank you.
Teleconference Series with the Divine Feminine
Teleconference Series with Andria Wagner
3 – 1hr Meditations for Mother Earth and Her Children
Thursdays 7-8pm PST, 2/23, 3/1, and 3/8
$33 for all 3 calls, pay via Paypal at, there is a button to press, or pay via PayPal to When Andria receives payment she will email you the phone number and password to call in to.
Andria is offering 3 calls to assist humanity in connecting with the Divine Feminine to collaborate in the creation of the New Earth, the New School and to support the mission of the Star Children or New Children.
If you are guided to work with children or already do, these calls will support your mission.
If you need support in focusing your action towards your spiritual practice or work, these calls will help you.
If you would like to improve your connection to the Divine Feminine within yourself, call in.
If you would like to deepen your connection with Mother Earth, Nature Spirits and Devas, these calls are for you.
We are going to build a serene, loving and harmonious New Earth together. We are calling lightworkers to come together to build community and new projects which assist children worldwide.
These meditations will focus on love, peace and harmony and will improve your well-being on many levels. Love is the key to our creations, first fall in love with the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, and Mother Earth and she will support your dreams and goals.
For more information about Andria, go to
Andria will be giving local live talks in the Bay Area, CA very soon, stay tuned for updates.
3 – 1hr Meditations for Mother Earth and Her Children
Thursdays 7-8pm PST, 2/23, 3/1, and 3/8
$33 for all 3 calls, pay via Paypal at, there is a button to press, or pay via PayPal to When Andria receives payment she will email you the phone number and password to call in to.
Andria is offering 3 calls to assist humanity in connecting with the Divine Feminine to collaborate in the creation of the New Earth, the New School and to support the mission of the Star Children or New Children.
If you are guided to work with children or already do, these calls will support your mission.
If you need support in focusing your action towards your spiritual practice or work, these calls will help you.
If you would like to improve your connection to the Divine Feminine within yourself, call in.
If you would like to deepen your connection with Mother Earth, Nature Spirits and Devas, these calls are for you.
We are going to build a serene, loving and harmonious New Earth together. We are calling lightworkers to come together to build community and new projects which assist children worldwide.
These meditations will focus on love, peace and harmony and will improve your well-being on many levels. Love is the key to our creations, first fall in love with the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, and Mother Earth and she will support your dreams and goals.
For more information about Andria, go to
Andria will be giving local live talks in the Bay Area, CA very soon, stay tuned for updates.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Well
The well of creation has sprung open, deeper and deeper into this cavern of Earth below.
We dive into her, the divine mother, we swim, we love, and melt into her.
We are enveloped by love, watery sensations which blissfully caress us.
If you let go into her, you feel your skin removed, you feel the dirt excavated from your body.
She cleanses you with her life waters, leaving you as fresh as a newborn baby.
Our Earth Mother, Our Goddess, Our All, this is what she is doing, preparing for immense rebirth and cleansing of herself, the Earth, and of all men, all women.
If we are brave enough to dive deep into her waters, we find the ecstasy of divine love that we have been searching for.
It’s a return to the womb, to heal and become new again just in time for Spring.
She will nurture you and love you in her waters, you will be nourished and fed in all ways.
Fear not her depth, for in her depth you will find the greatest peace and comfort of existence. Her depth is the beauty of all creation.
Nature becomes the canvas of your life, grab your brush, wet it in her waters and paint your life.
We move in circles, deeper into her waters, spinning and diving, playing joyously like dolphins. She smiles as you do.
Feel the freedom of those waters.
Yes, sometimes we fear jumping in them, but once we feel the exhilaration of fluidity and movement around us, of levity, of buoyancy, we recover our resilience in life and we feel alive.
Our bodies open to receive like hers, we contain the Universe within, and we spin outward into our Earth space, a web of love, Goddess’ new creation of abundant life swirling all around us.
Here in her well are the keys to the New Earth.
Immerse yourself in her waters and you will be shown the new path of beauty and power within yourself.
Love this well as she loves having you within her, this is divine union. Breathe and surrender, you will be carried by the waters of life.
We dive into her, the divine mother, we swim, we love, and melt into her.
We are enveloped by love, watery sensations which blissfully caress us.
If you let go into her, you feel your skin removed, you feel the dirt excavated from your body.
She cleanses you with her life waters, leaving you as fresh as a newborn baby.
Our Earth Mother, Our Goddess, Our All, this is what she is doing, preparing for immense rebirth and cleansing of herself, the Earth, and of all men, all women.
If we are brave enough to dive deep into her waters, we find the ecstasy of divine love that we have been searching for.
It’s a return to the womb, to heal and become new again just in time for Spring.
She will nurture you and love you in her waters, you will be nourished and fed in all ways.
Fear not her depth, for in her depth you will find the greatest peace and comfort of existence. Her depth is the beauty of all creation.
Nature becomes the canvas of your life, grab your brush, wet it in her waters and paint your life.
We move in circles, deeper into her waters, spinning and diving, playing joyously like dolphins. She smiles as you do.
Feel the freedom of those waters.
Yes, sometimes we fear jumping in them, but once we feel the exhilaration of fluidity and movement around us, of levity, of buoyancy, we recover our resilience in life and we feel alive.
Our bodies open to receive like hers, we contain the Universe within, and we spin outward into our Earth space, a web of love, Goddess’ new creation of abundant life swirling all around us.
Here in her well are the keys to the New Earth.
Immerse yourself in her waters and you will be shown the new path of beauty and power within yourself.
Love this well as she loves having you within her, this is divine union. Breathe and surrender, you will be carried by the waters of life.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Thank you
To my audience, thank you. To my loved ones, thank you. I write tonight from the mountain of cats in Northern California. I write for you tonight. I have been absorbing the trees, fresh rain and moments of sun here in this blessed cabin as I write my second book titled, "The New School, The New Curriculum. As I write a second draft of a business plan for the Angel Peace Center and School I am sending out a request for private investors. From there, I will establish non-profit status and begin the grant-writing process to build this beloved school for the next 7 generations and beyond. If you want to know why we need this school, read my first book, "The Book For Parents - How to Honor Your Child's Soul" available on Amazon or
If you want to know about the school itself, I will self-publish the second book soon. These works are organic, grass roots and in progress. This will become a massive collective effort. My teaching schedule in the Bay Area will resume after completing the 2nd book. We will begin 2-day workshops training New School Facilitators. I have thrown out the word teacher. The students are the teachers, whereas the adults will be called Facilitators. The children will have a voice in this creation. The children are who I am in service to. Those wishing to join me in this endeavor are welcome. We are now brainstorming, planning and actualizing the very beginning steps of this creation. We seek community input, guidance and support. My vision is clear. I am looking for physical sites to build a New School for the world to see.
Blessings to you as the many transitions and changes continue. Steady yourself with nature and your breath.
Love, Andria
If you want to know about the school itself, I will self-publish the second book soon. These works are organic, grass roots and in progress. This will become a massive collective effort. My teaching schedule in the Bay Area will resume after completing the 2nd book. We will begin 2-day workshops training New School Facilitators. I have thrown out the word teacher. The students are the teachers, whereas the adults will be called Facilitators. The children will have a voice in this creation. The children are who I am in service to. Those wishing to join me in this endeavor are welcome. We are now brainstorming, planning and actualizing the very beginning steps of this creation. We seek community input, guidance and support. My vision is clear. I am looking for physical sites to build a New School for the world to see.
Blessings to you as the many transitions and changes continue. Steady yourself with nature and your breath.
Love, Andria
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Regarding the mass dolphin beachings on Cape Cod the past 3 weeks
Oh humanity is not listening. We are attempting to raise consciousness, our hearts are stopping in the Atlantic waters. There is a fear of nuclear war. We are alerting you to this impending possibility, hoping to stop what appears to be happening. The eastern seabord needs to awaken. The energy between the US and the UK is dense, there is a need for an eruption to dissolve the dense energies which are trying to destroy the planet. There are many talks behind closed doors occuring in between NYC, DC and London, this is a dark triangle of energy which we are hoping to illuminate with our messages to the masses of people along the Northeastern coast of the US. Much of your population is here, so we are here. We are deeply concerned for you. There will be great loss of life, and we are showing you in advance. Our hearts are breaking for you, so we come ashore, saddened by this reality of humanity. We believe in change, but you must awaken to change. You must create this change. This is a plea from our hearts to yours. You are destroying your people and your planet. Open your hearts, be one with our consciousness, our life, our flow of divine creation. This is the only way humanity will survive the upcoming changes. The dolphins and whales are calling you to consciousness, yet so so very few are listening. This needs to change quickly. There’s no time left to wait or stay on the fence. The beaching is almost a last-minute alert. Changes are coming soon. The suffering of the planet is man-made. Only humans can stop what is happening.
From deep within the heart of the dolphins and Mother Ocean, this is our message through Andria, she can feel our deep sadness. This is why we have beached in great numbers.
From Andria: I have to stop this channeling, and just pray for humanity to wake up. The depth of truth and sadness coming from the hearts of the dolphins is so intense. No other creature on Earth would do this for people, yet hardly no one is watching/paying attention. The majority of people are very stuck. The years of messages to prepare ourselves is becoming more pertinent. Self-sufficiency and staying connected to Mother Earth are necessary. I know the dolphins would not beach themselves in these numbers unless it were urgent. The messages will continue, but I need to stop here so I can pray. I will continue more messages over the next two weeks as guided by the whale/dolphin family.
From deep within the heart of the dolphins and Mother Ocean, this is our message through Andria, she can feel our deep sadness. This is why we have beached in great numbers.
From Andria: I have to stop this channeling, and just pray for humanity to wake up. The depth of truth and sadness coming from the hearts of the dolphins is so intense. No other creature on Earth would do this for people, yet hardly no one is watching/paying attention. The majority of people are very stuck. The years of messages to prepare ourselves is becoming more pertinent. Self-sufficiency and staying connected to Mother Earth are necessary. I know the dolphins would not beach themselves in these numbers unless it were urgent. The messages will continue, but I need to stop here so I can pray. I will continue more messages over the next two weeks as guided by the whale/dolphin family.
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