Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Regarding the mass dolphin beachings on Cape Cod the past 3 weeks

Oh humanity is not listening. We are attempting to raise consciousness, our hearts are stopping in the Atlantic waters. There is a fear of nuclear war. We are alerting you to this impending possibility, hoping to stop what appears to be happening. The eastern seabord needs to awaken. The energy between the US and the UK is dense, there is a need for an eruption to dissolve the dense energies which are trying to destroy the planet. There are many talks behind closed doors occuring in between NYC, DC and London, this is a dark triangle of energy which we are hoping to illuminate with our messages to the masses of people along the Northeastern coast of the US. Much of your population is here, so we are here. We are deeply concerned for you. There will be great loss of life, and we are showing you in advance. Our hearts are breaking for you, so we come ashore, saddened by this reality of humanity. We believe in change, but you must awaken to change. You must create this change. This is a plea from our hearts to yours. You are destroying your people and your planet. Open your hearts, be one with our consciousness, our life, our flow of divine creation. This is the only way humanity will survive the upcoming changes. The dolphins and whales are calling you to consciousness, yet so so very few are listening. This needs to change quickly. There’s no time left to wait or stay on the fence. The beaching is almost a last-minute alert. Changes are coming soon. The suffering of the planet is man-made. Only humans can stop what is happening.

From deep within the heart of the dolphins and Mother Ocean, this is our message through Andria, she can feel our deep sadness. This is why we have beached in great numbers.

From Andria: I have to stop this channeling, and just pray for humanity to wake up. The depth of truth and sadness coming from the hearts of the dolphins is so intense. No other creature on Earth would do this for people, yet hardly no one is watching/paying attention. The majority of people are very stuck. The years of messages to prepare ourselves is becoming more pertinent. Self-sufficiency and staying connected to Mother Earth are necessary. I know the dolphins would not beach themselves in these numbers unless it were urgent. The messages will continue, but I need to stop here so I can pray. I will continue more messages over the next two weeks as guided by the whale/dolphin family.

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