Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Angels, Archangels, Love Part 1

It's always funny how you can spend so long talking about Angels and such and then need a reminder from your Angels, "Hey, we're over here, talk to us!"

A reminder of the law of free will, they will not likely intervene without our asking them.

At various times, the Archangels are assigned to us, are in service with us, and are letting us know that we can ask them for help.

This makes me ask, "Which one do I want to talk to right now?" Aha! Which one wants to talk to me? They all do. Which one speaks loudest? Usually Michael. Which one will speak if Michael stands to the side at my request? (We're playing now)

I'm hearing a combination of Jophiel and Raphael. They're discussing beauty, non-physical and physical. Raphael is the Archangel of Healing, but is also connected Tiferet, the sphere on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Beauty. Raphael is offering a sweetness, again a recurring theme this past week.

The Angels are trying to help everyone hold this vision of sweetness and beauty in life, as many are going through challenging times, it's important to focus on that which we want to see, so we can draw more of it into our daily reality.

As I speak, another Archangel popped in, Tzaphkiel. When I was first visited by this Archangel, I was absolutely shocked by his scope, energy presence and size. Having been channeling the Archangels for years, having been accustomed to Michael's strength and tone, Tzaphkiel was way more than I imagined. In all truth, he will not necessarily come when called. You can't hop into Binah and ask him to come. I mention him only here to point out a few things. First, the connection between certain Archangels and Spheres of the Tree of Life. This is a reminder to examine this source of wisdom in your life if you feel so inclined. And well, this is a timely reminder of Tzaphkiel's presence. He is telling me that he is the protector of the Divine Feminine. As I sit, a deep silence overtakes me, even in this loud cafe and I watch his light fill up the entire room. No further words are necessary, once invoked, he will protect. He points back to Michael for guidance, Michael is typically more verbose and will take the floor now if I let him, but I'm asking him to wait a moment as I type these messages.

The second reason is that the Archangels in general, for the past few weeks have been repeatedly asking me to call on them for assistance and to remind others to do the same. It's as if we stepped over a basic step here in our prayers. The Archangels are in service to God, just like we are. Their devotion to God is an example to live by.

Michael is offering assistance in focusing your energies for your life's purpose and service while Tzaphkiel is guarding the auric field from above. You will notice a direct column of light reaching down anchoring into you through the back of your heart, breathe in deeply to connect. They are both clearing the auric field to prepare you for receiving guidance.

This will establish clarity of mind, and very clear vision.

Breathe and feel, watch and wait.

Ground the energies through the bottom of your feet while they continue streaming light in and throughy you.

When you begin to feel any tension throughout the day, for any reason, call on Michael to do this clearing on you.

Exhale fear out of the heart chakra. Whatever you might be feeling in the form of psychic attack, collective density or your own, exhale and let it go.

We have to move locations, so we will continue with part 2 as soon as we can.


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