Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To the Children

Dear Children of America,
I am sorry that the collective American Society has harmed you and is taking no responsibility. I am sorry that when tragedies occur, they sit around playing the same blame game of the past how many centuries. I am sorry your parents and teachers ignore your pleas for love. I am sorry all the neighbors and other community members also ignore your needs and your pleas for love.
The adults of America forget that they are responsible to the WHOLE. We are one heart, one mind, one world, and one American community. There are but a few adults who understand their responsibility to all of you as one collective group of human beings who need more love. You need nature, you need love, you need schools without walls, you need validation, you need someone who recognizes your suffering with compassion, you need respect, and attention.
While adults sit in blame game mode this week, we pray that the adults focus on real honest solutions as to what we can do to support the needs of every child in America. And if you are in the presence of one child in suffering, that you understand your responsibility to that child, as a witness, as a fellow human being, as a soul with a heart.
I am sorry you go unnoticed and ignored. I am sorry that so many adults can spend their days caring more about their jobs, making money and about coffee than about you. They are wrong. I want to make it very clear to the children of America: You chose to be born into a failing system of ignorance which is harming your souls. Adults must fix this. Not in a week, month or year. Right now. Children need something vastly different than what they are begin given. If you think your child is okay, if you think you are absolved from doing nothing, you are gravely mistaken.
Wars must end, violence must end, and children need adults and schools which surround them with pure love, joy, peace, and happiness. This is the only way. How many more lessons are needed?
To the parents, as a parent: I am sorry, but everyone can do better. Everyone.
I am sorry this society is so sick and insane. I am sorry the children pay the price. I am sorry that the adults still don’t pay attention. If the adults could hear the cries of their own soul, they would be deafened by the cries of the souls of the children in this country.
Sit in prayer and ask what you can do. Pay attention to the children who cross your path each day. Do not hesitate to speak the truth when you feel called. Do not hesitate to step in. This is what the children want.
I am so sorry, this needn’t happen anymore. I wish the adults would notice and change their lives for your sake. I wish the President would put aside his agendas and actually do something right. I wish everyone would stop Twittering and Facebooking and go out and hug someone. I wish everyone would learn to look in each other’s eyes and breathe, and check in with their soul to see how they are really doing today. I wish people cared, I wish people could heal their own suffering so they could then serve the needs of the children and the next seven generations.
I am sorry that adults have no excuses. I am sorry that society has no excuses. The truth is that this doesn’t have to happen. Yet it seems Americans are slow to wake up and act. For that, I am sorry.
We are all responsible for correcting and healing this country. We are all responsible for each other. Look inside yourself and see what you need to do to heal yourself, and then you can pay better attention to those around you when they cry for help.
Compassion. We must have compassion for everyone. Everyone.
And we also must back up our words with actions. Stop discussing the problem. This has been done for too long, and it doesn’t work, does it? Discuss what you are going to do differently.
What do children really need to be happy and healthy? Ask this and provide it.
Children don’t need better schools. They need love, they need time spent outdoors in nature, they need to learn their own power and explore their own creativity. Children don’t need more tests and standards.
Society needs to understand basic human needs for love, air, sun, and creative flow. Is it not yet clear what happens when they don’t get their needs met? Have we learned from the past yet? Or will adults keep blindly making the same mistakes of non-action?
Our collective pill-popping depressed psychotic culture feels hopeless and powerless. This is why things do not change. When adults choose to wake up out of their drugged slumber, they will change, and they will change the lives of those they touch.
To all the children who are crying for help and love: I hope someone sees you today. I hope someone changes your world today. I hope someone loves themselves enough to love you too.
The children need leaders who are paying attention. The children need leaders who are selfless. The children need protection and love.
I am sorry. I am sorry this keeps happening dear children.

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