Oh, some songs are so perfect, the energy, the collaboration, the layers of sounds, instruments, layers of voices, just magical.
Anya Aliza Rose is a Home Birthing Mother of 4, living in Northern California, she is an Oracle, Healer and Guide for the Rainbow Generation and all those seeking Self-Realization. She specializes in education: Natural Birthing, Holistic Healing, Shamanism, Reiki, Nutrition (is a Medical Intuitive) and used to be a French Teacher. She enjoys gardening and meditating.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
More on children....
"Children are closer to Source energy than adults. Children act from purity of heart more easily than adults. Children are more in touch with their nature, spirit and soul's desires than adults. Adults must re-learn these things by observing children. For the world to function in peace, these aspects of being in the heart must be re-learned by the masses. Children are the answer, they always have been. Only now, we must listen for our survival." ~ Andria
The Dreams of Children
Messages of love, peace and hope for children:
When I was a child, I always drew the same picture. A family, together. A house. The sun, trees, flowers, and a rainbow. I think I knew then what all children want: Unity, family, nature, beauty, peace and love. My dream was not special, my dream is every child’s dream.
Children want harmony, order, and balance. They want to be a part of all we adults do. Children don’t incarnate to be placed all day away from their parents. Families don’t come together to become separate.
There are times when life becomes so disorderly, that one has to ask, “God, I have this vision, but I don’t know how to make it happen. It seems whatever I do, it doesn’t happen.”
God often responds with simple words: “Have trust, faith, patience and love what is.” In this process of of loving what is, we have moments where we review our vision, our dreams, and our purpose. We look to our hearts, our souls and to God, and back again to the children. Are these dreams all not in alignment? They are. All dreams founded in our hearts and souls, with the children, with the intention of unity, are all universal dreams for love and peace. This is what will drive the force of humanity back to abundant love and order. What is in your heart is the template for all you wish to create. Your soul’s desires, your dreams, and your visions are all one in the heart of God.
So what do we do when it appears there are no results? What do when do when we feel that progress is not happening? It’s like we are watching a very young tree come to fruition. Some fruit trees take a longer amount of time to bear many fruits.
The answer then is to keep watering and feeding the tree. Water, sunlight, love, and nutrients are what the trees need, and it is what we need to nurture our Spirits and our dreams. Don’t place an X on your dream because it hasn’t come to pass. Instead, feed more love into it. Clarify your visions, purify your heart, connect to nature to feed your soul, and continue to breathe love into your creations. Remember in truth, that we’re all children, and we all want the same things.
Plant your seeds in the Earth and watch them grow. Water them and feed them love. Breathe and tend to your gardens. Create beauty in all that you do. Take time to be alone and craft your creations. There is nothing more important than what your heart wishes to create and hold. We are all aspects of one another. We are all climbing the proverbial ladder together.
When you feel that something is amiss, go back to the soil and tend to your garden. Plant new seeds, weed your weeds, water and feed your new seedlings. This is how growth and creation continues. Remember we are the Earth herself, keep in touch with the moon cycles and seasonal rhythms, many answers to our questions are there, simply in the observation of nature.
Slow down, breathe, notice there is more than enough time for everything today. Rushing is out of order. Stress is out of order. Cultivate peace by staying with your breath, body movements and mindfulness practices. Pay careful attention to each thing you do. This will foster presence, and will help you realize when you need to tend to your garden.
Bring natural elements into your home, such as flowers, plants, crystals, soil, greenery, and have a pet if you feel so inclined. Allow life to flourish in your own home. Maintain a balance between the inside of your home and nature. Use a water fountain, for example, to keep energy moving inside. Place bowls of sea salt water around the house to collect stale energy, empty every three days or so. Take a sea salt bath or shower regularly. Drink freshly made juices and plenty of water. Keep your body and home pure. This will keep your creations pure, what you desire will grow more quickly if you keep in harmony with the laws of nature, balance, and love.
Create a garden in your mind, in your body, in your home and outside of your home. Make everything you do beautiful. Stay with your breath, keep it simple. Do not over-burden the mind with stress or feelings of needing or having to do something. Relax and breathe. You are where you need to be and you are doing what you need to be doing. You will not get anywhere faster by stressing over it. Trees do not get stressed out about how fast they grow. The grass does not say, “I’m too short, I’m not good enough.” The flowers do not say, “I must bloom faster.”
Our dreams are coming to fruition. When? Only God knows. How? Only God knows. Our journey is to cultivate patience and love, nurturing ourselves and what is in our daily environment. Presence will yield the changes we wish to see. Baby steps, all steps forward are good steps. Breathe gracefully and patiently. What is yours by divine right is already yours. There’s no need to reach, cling or grasp. Open the breath, heart and receive. Align with nature, God/Goddess and what you need will already be there.
Keep drawing your visions and dreams. Keep loving what you love. Have trust, faith and conviction in your soul’s desires, that they are of God. God is holding all of our visions and dreams. He knows what’s in our hearts. Love is simple.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Kaleohano "Live" Israel Kamakawiwo'ole "Iz"
Yes, Ohana, let's take care of our children...
My mom sent me this video :)
My mom sent me this video :)
Loving instead of Educating
The Dalai Lama says, "It is vital then when educating our children's brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts."
When I taught French, this was always a dilemma. I was expected to teach French, but I knew my student's hearts needed way more from me than that. Those five years of teaching French in a public Middle School was the beginning of my new life, of having my own children and beginning my real purpose here on Earth. I knew I couldn't help those children in that setting to the degree that I was capable of. The setting was too limiting, too much pressure from parents, administrators and state standards. I knew I would have to step outside of the public school system to create something that will serve the needs of all children, hence where I am today.
The truth is that we don't even need to educate the hearts of children, rather, we need to nurture the hearts of children. We need to honor their souls. Children's brains and hearts come with everything they need. They need protection, support, trust, love and respect. If we place children in a proper or natural environment, they are able to educate themselves. In addition, nature and Spirit, as one energy becomes the teacher. The child himself is the teacher. The adult is the facilitator, playing a supporting role.
The current state of schools do not meet the needs of children, this is clear. Are there some schools that do a satisfactory job? Yes, some, however how many children in the world today really have access to a Waldorf School or Montessori School? And I will further point out the flaws of these two schools of thought, although they are heads above the public school systems in teaching modalities, child behavior modification and curriculum.
Freedom is one of our main needs as humans. A school with a rigid curriculum does not offer a child enough freedom. Creative expression is also a need of humans. Schools with a set curriculum, even a Waldorf and Montessori school, limits both freedom and creative expression. Time spent in nature is also another major basic human need. Most schools, public or private, do not meet this need. When parents have a greater understanding of their own basic needs, they will have an understanding of their children's.
So, if the Dalai Lama is right, that we need to educate hearts, not minds, what are we to do? It is clear that current education worldwide is failing to meet one basic need of children: Love. Play, peace, time in nature, freedom and creative expression come next.
Then where do we begin? We have a major system in the world that is fundamentally flawed.
We need to educate adult hearts and minds to better meet their own needs and then therefore the needs of the children. If adults do not awaken to the fact that the children need and deserve better, we will continue to play into the failing system of domination and fear. It is time for a major collective change or shift. We know this, and we see it happening. However, as most of the world focuses on job loss and financial strain, the children are being forgotten.
If we reversed our focus and instead put our energy into changing how we raise and educate children, we would see faster progress in the world because the children hold many of the solutions to our world's problems. Listening to children becomes necessary for our survival and well being. If we knew this, we could not dis-honor their needs as it is currently happening.
While we must address many layers of society at once at this time, it is my repeated guidance from Spirit, that the answers are with the children and if we look to them to learn from them, we will have what we need.
My first book, "The Book for Parents: How To Honor Your Child's Soul" discusses the many premises which I will be sharing as we create our Outreach Program, The Peaceful School Program and as we begin a more in-depth planning phase of the New School.
Funny but true....
"A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband."
Michel de Montaigne.
In case you didn't know, Michel de Montaigne is a well known philosopher who also spoke directly about the need for children to be schooled in nature. It is said that Michel de Montaigne was also the Comte de Saint Germain. I have to say, the energies and teachings have always matched up.
The New Schools
Creation of the New School is underway. I will be speaking and teaching locally about the needs of children, Star Children specifically, and what we can all be doing to create new schools for them. At the moment we are building resources, materials, and re-organizing, before beginning Outreach. We are looking for funding to assist with the creation of our materials. Please contact me if you feel guided to.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Nonviolent Communication - San Francisco Lecture / Workshop - Marshall R...
A friend reminded me of this today. I wish I had watched this 10 years ago. It's a "must" for educational curriculum. Not sure how to make this a "must" for every adult and parent. I used to use puppets when I taught French and makes me realize I must get two new puppets to use with my kids and perhaps others so we can practice and role play. This is also so funny, God has a sense of humor. I want to review this and study it because listening once is not sufficient for me, it takes practice to undo childhood conditioning. With love always,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Deva Premal - 38 min - Moola Mantra - Part I II III
I bought this CD in 2006, chanting it for 2 years before moving to CA, and so much since then.
What it has created in my life is beyond explanation. Let's just say it works. I'm very grateful this long of a video is offered on YouTube.
What it has created in my life is beyond explanation. Let's just say it works. I'm very grateful this long of a video is offered on YouTube.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Changing Schools
Whether you want to home school, un-school or create your own school for children, here is a list of reasons why we as parents, adults and educators need to do things differently for the children of the world. As a public school teacher, I speak from personal experience as well as my remembrances of being bored to tears in high school learning subjects I instinctively knew I did not need to learn.
Why schools don't work:
1)Kids don't learn by sitting in desks
2)Kids don't learn by being forced to learn certain subjects
3)Kids don't learn in one way, through direct learning from a teacher
4)Kids know better, kids know what they need to learn
5)Schools don't listen to kids, they stifle them
6)Kids need time outdoors in nature
7)Schools are unhealthy/toxic physical environments and the food/water quality is poor
8)Kids don't learn from taking tests and meeting "standards"
9)Kids need creative self-expression to be healthy and happy
10)Teachers don't like being cooped up in a classroom either, the environment is generally very un-inspiring
11)Schools today are a waste of time
12)Current school schedules do not honor bio-rhythms, need for sleep, rest, free time, etc. Everyone has a different cycle and needs regarding rest, exercise, eating, working, etc. More freedom is needed in this area.
13)All people find their flow with freedom - current schools don't allow for personal freedom
14)Kids need more physical activity to be healthy and happy
15)Kids are way smarter than we give them credit for
16)Kids are bored, not dis-ordered (In other words, stop labeling children with disorders because they don't fit in a box you can't label)
17)Kids are intuitive and naturally spiritual (in other words, they know most adults around them are full of crap, and they are waiting for the right adults to notice their gifts)
I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. The current system is beyond antiquated. I have written one book called, The Book for Parents - How to Honor Your Child's Soul, which outlines why we need a change. I am writing the second book, called, The New Curriculum which describes what the New School Concept looks and feels like. It is innovative, new, spiritually inspired by children and cutting edge. It rocks the conventional boat so to speak. Which is what the world needs, yes?
I have a plan ready to begin the school here in the Santa Cruz Mountains or wherever you happen to be in the world.
There are a few examples of schools similar to the one I am designing. For example, there is one in Russia, where there is no curriculum and the kids build everything. The students are earning Masters Degrees by age 17.
I support home schooling parents, un-schools, free schools and alternative schools that are heart-centered and nature-based.
Education is simple. It's about letting the kids decide for themselves what to study and master. This breeds innovation, creativity and joy. High energy, peace and service to humanity are the end result. It's what the world needs. The children have the answers. The smart adults know this.
With love,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Oh, if I didn't have this redwood tree in the park down the street right now, I think my energy would be crazy. I am in love with this tree. I realize trees do more for me than anything. I saw the Lorax with my boys a few weeks ago, and I kind of feel like that girl in the Lorax, sometimes I feel as though I'm the only person in San Jose noticing the trees. And I'm noticing the trees as if my life depends on it, which literally, it does. I know there's more of you out there that appreciate trees like I do, but sometimes, the squirrels and I have these really in depth conversations about life, trees, nuts, and whatnot.
Resting in the aura of a tree, I become more myself. To me, being near a tree is so much more natural than being inside. It makes me want to go live in the forest. Which is what I'm planning anyway, but really, when Earth energies are really unsettled as they have been the past 2-3 days, it really makes me want to be living in the forest.
I read the first Anastasia book a few years ago, and was revisited by the topic yesterday by the author Vladimir Megre who will be in the Bay Area presenting in May. It reminded me of my intentions to create a nature school for children. It reminded me of this part of me that really is meant to be living that way.
There are days when I don't understand people, but I feel incredibly connected to trees and animals. Humans have gotten so far away from nature and balance. It can be disconcerting for me to watch. So I connect with the trees to tune back into the right channels for me. Life is so simple, if we let it be. I wish I could build a home around a tree or two. Then I can hang out with my tree friends whenever I want to. I feel this way is way more balanced than the way we are all living. Tree houses, nature, silence, ahhh....makes me very happy.
So my take on today, if you need anything at all, snuggle up to a tree, it works really well for pretty much anything that ails you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Coping with Earth Energy for Sensitives
I'm writing this piece for the many very sensitive and psychic men and women out there to remind of us a few pointers when dealing with collective mass consciousness or earth energy build-ups.
During a meditation yesterday, I heard, "Earthquake today." I dismissed it. I get these messages a lot, and I guess have become mildly de-sensitized to them, but I should not. I know by how my body feels if the quake will be local or far away. I wasn't getting any major symptoms, other than what I will describe below, so I put the thought out of my mind. It should have been noted at the time too that my roommate and I both awoke with an unusually high degree of discord and irritability.
I have been observing my actions and moods prior to large earthquakes for about 3-4 years when I realized that I tend to express and move Earth energy through my body. I become the Earth herself and I unfortunately tend to completely dismiss it at times, instead thinking that I am "off" or crazy or whatever, and then realizing the next day, that I wasn't.
So yesterday as I dismissed this warning message, I went about my day, uncomfortable, edgy, cagey, irritable, neurotic, and I even spoke these words aloud to my Spirit Guides, as if to ask, "What is wrong with me today?" I am pregnant too so it's not uncommon for me to blame myself for being an emotional woman or being pregnant.
On Sunday, I went to Santa Cruz with a friend. We looked up and saw a large rainbow ring around the sun in a clear sky. This was a very unusual event and we sat and sun-gazed for an hour, speaking with the whales, talking about them, and taking in the energy and messages. We both knew the ring around the sun was very significant.
Since the Japan earthquakes, I was informed by my Spirit Guides that the next largely damaging quake would be in Mexico and then Indonesia, but no timeline was given. The two very large quakes that were just off the coast yesterday in Sumatra were indeed potential tsunamis. This energy was diverted and cleared and the quakes happened in just the right way to avoid damage to human life, allowing Mother Earth to release, but not destroy. It's important to take notice of how our positive energy and prayers are working. The damage when it does occur, IS Karmic. So, on that note, I share this, to remind us to keep doing our prayers and energy healing/clearing, and also to not dismiss our feelings, intuitions and messages.
Women are often blamed for being emotional. And extremely clairsentient intuitives are also uniquely blessed with acute abilities, but the way in which they are open creates a mental/emotional body that is difficult to manage at times. The Angels remind me to honor my sensitivity levels even if those around me don't. This can be challenging. There are days I wish I could numb myself and be "normal." This however is not possible.
The main message I received the past two days were to engage in creative work, namely artwork, drawing. It seemed to be a healthy and easy way of channeling the energy. I normally chant and dance, but my energy was too "wacky" for me to do that, which was very strange for me. The energy in my body felt unusually erratic.
I also offer this message to parents, because I know a child who had 5 seizures right before 5 large earthquakes. We have children on the planet who act as divine vehicles and are extremely sensitive in the ways I am describing here. These messages are important to remember if you have sensitive or very aware children.
Don't dismiss your behavior or your child's as insignificant when it is unusually "off". Know there is a good reason for it. Manage it with fresh air, nature, artwork, calming music and baths. Bodywork and meditation are good, but even I was not settled enough to meditate much yesterday. Again, this was very strange for me because I can meditate in any situation, but my body was not settled at all yesterday except for during my nap, from which I awoke shaking, for no apparent reason, again this should have alerted me to the larger earthquakes coming. My body was tremoring after my nap yesterday for no apparent reason. I didn't feel fear, but I felt shaky.
The good news is that we are able to transmute a lot of Earth energy through our bodies to avoid major destruction from occurring on the planet when it is aligned with Divine Will. The message I am receiving right now is that destruction in Sumatra was not willed, for it is not in the Karma of those in that region to cope with another large Tsunami. This is not true however for other parts of the world. For me, in my spiritual practice, yesterday serves as a warning to not dismiss what I am hearing or feeling, for any reason and to share this experience to help others, especially parents and children.
With love and blessings,
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Dolphin Celebration! Life Beneath the Surface a DVD by Matisha ("New Ear...
I dare you to hold on to your grievances and be love at the same time. Beings of light don't
hold onto grievances and resentments. Swim with the dolphins for a few minutes of light-heartedness.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Matisha (the dolphin swimmer who made this video) in Mount Shasta 3 years ago while with a dear friend. I then ran into him in Kona, and then again in Shasta.
His work keeps finding me. I should say, the dolphins keep finding me.
The children are wanting to connect with dolphin energy, if you have children, or know children,
expose them (and yourself too!) to dolphin and whale sounds to clear the energy body, it especially
clears the heart center.
Make time to keep your heart wide open today.
Love those you hold dear. Life is too short my friends.
hold onto grievances and resentments. Swim with the dolphins for a few minutes of light-heartedness.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Matisha (the dolphin swimmer who made this video) in Mount Shasta 3 years ago while with a dear friend. I then ran into him in Kona, and then again in Shasta.
His work keeps finding me. I should say, the dolphins keep finding me.
The children are wanting to connect with dolphin energy, if you have children, or know children,
expose them (and yourself too!) to dolphin and whale sounds to clear the energy body, it especially
clears the heart center.
Make time to keep your heart wide open today.
Love those you hold dear. Life is too short my friends.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Staying Clear
Collective density is quite high at this time, if you live in more populated areas. It is wise to clear and shield yourself from lower energies, watch your diet, keep it light, drink more water, keep up your exercise, meditation and contemplative routine through Sunday. This will be a more intense week, high energy, very exciting, but also very heavy for those that haven't reached the higher dimensions and us more sensitive ones will feel the pull into the collective drama or emotions. Keep aware, and keep clear. Don't engage in discussion of negative subjects, fear-based thoughts and collective emotions. Keep your eyes on God, not on the news.
Find time to be in nature to keep your vibration higher. Meditate, take salt baths, etc. Do ceremony and pray a lot.
This is a time to practice what you preach and walk your talk. A reminder for us all. We all know what our "practice" is, it's a good week to do that well.
Love and light,
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