Friday, April 13, 2012

Changing Schools

Whether you want to home school, un-school or create your own school for children, here is a list of reasons why we as parents, adults and educators need to do things differently for the children of the world. As a public school teacher, I speak from personal experience as well as my remembrances of being bored to tears in high school learning subjects I instinctively knew I did not need to learn. Why schools don't work: 1)Kids don't learn by sitting in desks 2)Kids don't learn by being forced to learn certain subjects 3)Kids don't learn in one way, through direct learning from a teacher 4)Kids know better, kids know what they need to learn 5)Schools don't listen to kids, they stifle them 6)Kids need time outdoors in nature 7)Schools are unhealthy/toxic physical environments and the food/water quality is poor 8)Kids don't learn from taking tests and meeting "standards" 9)Kids need creative self-expression to be healthy and happy 10)Teachers don't like being cooped up in a classroom either, the environment is generally very un-inspiring 11)Schools today are a waste of time 12)Current school schedules do not honor bio-rhythms, need for sleep, rest, free time, etc. Everyone has a different cycle and needs regarding rest, exercise, eating, working, etc. More freedom is needed in this area. 13)All people find their flow with freedom - current schools don't allow for personal freedom 14)Kids need more physical activity to be healthy and happy 15)Kids are way smarter than we give them credit for 16)Kids are bored, not dis-ordered (In other words, stop labeling children with disorders because they don't fit in a box you can't label) 17)Kids are intuitive and naturally spiritual (in other words, they know most adults around them are full of crap, and they are waiting for the right adults to notice their gifts) I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. The current system is beyond antiquated. I have written one book called, The Book for Parents - How to Honor Your Child's Soul, which outlines why we need a change. I am writing the second book, called, The New Curriculum which describes what the New School Concept looks and feels like. It is innovative, new, spiritually inspired by children and cutting edge. It rocks the conventional boat so to speak. Which is what the world needs, yes? I have a plan ready to begin the school here in the Santa Cruz Mountains or wherever you happen to be in the world. There are a few examples of schools similar to the one I am designing. For example, there is one in Russia, where there is no curriculum and the kids build everything. The students are earning Masters Degrees by age 17. I support home schooling parents, un-schools, free schools and alternative schools that are heart-centered and nature-based. Education is simple. It's about letting the kids decide for themselves what to study and master. This breeds innovation, creativity and joy. High energy, peace and service to humanity are the end result. It's what the world needs. The children have the answers. The smart adults know this. With love,

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