Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coping with Earth Energy for Sensitives

I'm writing this piece for the many very sensitive and psychic men and women out there to remind of us a few pointers when dealing with collective mass consciousness or earth energy build-ups. During a meditation yesterday, I heard, "Earthquake today." I dismissed it. I get these messages a lot, and I guess have become mildly de-sensitized to them, but I should not. I know by how my body feels if the quake will be local or far away. I wasn't getting any major symptoms, other than what I will describe below, so I put the thought out of my mind. It should have been noted at the time too that my roommate and I both awoke with an unusually high degree of discord and irritability. I have been observing my actions and moods prior to large earthquakes for about 3-4 years when I realized that I tend to express and move Earth energy through my body. I become the Earth herself and I unfortunately tend to completely dismiss it at times, instead thinking that I am "off" or crazy or whatever, and then realizing the next day, that I wasn't. So yesterday as I dismissed this warning message, I went about my day, uncomfortable, edgy, cagey, irritable, neurotic, and I even spoke these words aloud to my Spirit Guides, as if to ask, "What is wrong with me today?" I am pregnant too so it's not uncommon for me to blame myself for being an emotional woman or being pregnant. On Sunday, I went to Santa Cruz with a friend. We looked up and saw a large rainbow ring around the sun in a clear sky. This was a very unusual event and we sat and sun-gazed for an hour, speaking with the whales, talking about them, and taking in the energy and messages. We both knew the ring around the sun was very significant. Since the Japan earthquakes, I was informed by my Spirit Guides that the next largely damaging quake would be in Mexico and then Indonesia, but no timeline was given. The two very large quakes that were just off the coast yesterday in Sumatra were indeed potential tsunamis. This energy was diverted and cleared and the quakes happened in just the right way to avoid damage to human life, allowing Mother Earth to release, but not destroy. It's important to take notice of how our positive energy and prayers are working. The damage when it does occur, IS Karmic. So, on that note, I share this, to remind us to keep doing our prayers and energy healing/clearing, and also to not dismiss our feelings, intuitions and messages. Women are often blamed for being emotional. And extremely clairsentient intuitives are also uniquely blessed with acute abilities, but the way in which they are open creates a mental/emotional body that is difficult to manage at times. The Angels remind me to honor my sensitivity levels even if those around me don't. This can be challenging. There are days I wish I could numb myself and be "normal." This however is not possible. The main message I received the past two days were to engage in creative work, namely artwork, drawing. It seemed to be a healthy and easy way of channeling the energy. I normally chant and dance, but my energy was too "wacky" for me to do that, which was very strange for me. The energy in my body felt unusually erratic. I also offer this message to parents, because I know a child who had 5 seizures right before 5 large earthquakes. We have children on the planet who act as divine vehicles and are extremely sensitive in the ways I am describing here. These messages are important to remember if you have sensitive or very aware children. Don't dismiss your behavior or your child's as insignificant when it is unusually "off". Know there is a good reason for it. Manage it with fresh air, nature, artwork, calming music and baths. Bodywork and meditation are good, but even I was not settled enough to meditate much yesterday. Again, this was very strange for me because I can meditate in any situation, but my body was not settled at all yesterday except for during my nap, from which I awoke shaking, for no apparent reason, again this should have alerted me to the larger earthquakes coming. My body was tremoring after my nap yesterday for no apparent reason. I didn't feel fear, but I felt shaky. The good news is that we are able to transmute a lot of Earth energy through our bodies to avoid major destruction from occurring on the planet when it is aligned with Divine Will. The message I am receiving right now is that destruction in Sumatra was not willed, for it is not in the Karma of those in that region to cope with another large Tsunami. This is not true however for other parts of the world. For me, in my spiritual practice, yesterday serves as a warning to not dismiss what I am hearing or feeling, for any reason and to share this experience to help others, especially parents and children. With love and blessings,

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