My son and I are cleansing and purifying the home this morning with Palo Santo. Love this smell, if you aren't sure where to get it locally, Firefly Willows in Los Altos has some great large sticks of it for sale individually.
This is great stuff. I find it works differently than sage, and it's purpose is highly beneficial for post-healing clearing of released energies from your aura and space.
Anya Aliza Rose is a Home Birthing Mother of 4, living in Northern California, she is an Oracle, Healer and Guide for the Rainbow Generation and all those seeking Self-Realization. She specializes in education: Natural Birthing, Holistic Healing, Shamanism, Reiki, Nutrition (is a Medical Intuitive) and used to be a French Teacher. She enjoys gardening and meditating.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
The King's Speech
Today, my Father guided me to a movie through a series of synchronistic events, my day shifted from one path to another, and I was guided to this movie, The King's Speech. I don't want to share the point of the movie, as the reason why I was guided to it is personal, but it's ironic sometimes, how much power my Father has, and how he never fails at making sure that I'm at the right place at the right time. I always say to him, "You have me where you want me." It's kind of a personal inside joke, the level of surrender and commitment it takes to stay there is quite baffling to me tonight.
Anyhow, I do recommend the movie, that is perhaps my only point in writing this.
With love,
Anyhow, I do recommend the movie, that is perhaps my only point in writing this.
With love,
I just had an epiphany. My nails are drastically growing faster. This is said to be a side effect of taking E3 LIVE. I was told by my spirit guide that I could fast easily on E3 LIVE and water. I believe this is true. E3 Live contains 63 important and powerful nutrients. I've actually noticed that I've adjusted to the E3 Live and it's effects are not as noticeable now that I've been taking it for 10 days. I do crave it when I forget to take it several times a day. So I feel it is working, but when you start to eat a certain way, your body adjusts and you don't notice the energetic boost as much as you did when you first started taking it. What I do notice however, is how much solid foods are not processing well and my body seems to be adjusting more and more to liquids. I say this only because raw foodists often report a progression in shifting of foods they can tolerate the longer they are raw. They often go from eating heavy elaborate raw food meals to eating single foods or juices only. This appears to be happening and while a large meal of rice, lentils and tofu tastes really good, it seems to throw an energetic wrench into my system, whereas drinking a green juice keeps my body humming along at a faster rate. Now someone should tell my ego to adjust... :-) All in time...I should add I'm incredibly emotionally attached to food. My guide makes fun of me in this way. I'm sure he'll be telling me to eat fish tomorrow, or something unpredictable to throw me off my rocker. Divine guidance and diet is an interesting topic to discuss, this will probably be in discussion more in the coming weeks as I prepare to teach my class at East/West on April first and second on Spiritual Cleansing and Detoxification.
Tune In Tuesday
This Tuesday morning I will be on the Seeing Beyond radio program speaking with Bonnie Colleen at 8am on 1450AM. This show will feature John Carosella, owner and shaman at Firefly Willows in Los Altos, California. Also appearing will be Hi-C Luttmers, a gifted fellow intuitive from Firefly Willows. The topic of this program will surely be varied and lots of fun, we hope you will tune in and share with others.
Quan Yin
Tonight, I had a pronounced and long visit with Quan Yin in my living room while in the company of a very gifted soul friend. While we spent time clearing and working on various "things," Quan Yin's presence came very close and reminded me of the lesson of mercy. Mercy, granting mercy. Sometimes in life, those closest to us, such as our children or loved ones do things that are outrageously and seemingly unforgivable or inexcusable. So tonight, as I experienced a quality of correction occurring in the ethers, I was guided into granting mercy. The essence of mercy, as felt through Quan Yin's presence was beyond words. In that presence, no amount of discord could exist. And whatever seemed to be beyond acceptable was somehow instantly showered with mercy.
So my experiences with Quan Yin up to this point have been mostly regarding forgiveness, love and compassion, but tonight, I was shown a level of mercy that I had yet to experience and it reminds me of how we are often guided to show compassion and unconditional love to others, not to excuse or condone misguided behaviors or lack of integrity, but simply to rise above the wrongs of the ego and transform them with love, compassion and mercy. Actions are not forgotten, but forgiveness comes and so does mercy. Erasing the memory is not as easy and simple as embodying love, forgiveness and mercy. We can breathe, allow, let be, but actions do continue to speak louder than words, and while all the mercy in the world is beautiful, actions do continue to speak louder. We can grant mercy and forgiveness, but people's actions may remain the same, this is true. So mercy isn't necessarily offered to change the outcome, but to simply shift one's own perception of such actions. This brings a deeper level of peace within one's own being. The opportunity to spend that amount of time with the energy of divine mercy was unexpected and very very comforting.
So my experiences with Quan Yin up to this point have been mostly regarding forgiveness, love and compassion, but tonight, I was shown a level of mercy that I had yet to experience and it reminds me of how we are often guided to show compassion and unconditional love to others, not to excuse or condone misguided behaviors or lack of integrity, but simply to rise above the wrongs of the ego and transform them with love, compassion and mercy. Actions are not forgotten, but forgiveness comes and so does mercy. Erasing the memory is not as easy and simple as embodying love, forgiveness and mercy. We can breathe, allow, let be, but actions do continue to speak louder than words, and while all the mercy in the world is beautiful, actions do continue to speak louder. We can grant mercy and forgiveness, but people's actions may remain the same, this is true. So mercy isn't necessarily offered to change the outcome, but to simply shift one's own perception of such actions. This brings a deeper level of peace within one's own being. The opportunity to spend that amount of time with the energy of divine mercy was unexpected and very very comforting.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
On Sweetness
On Divine Presence and the sweetness that unfolds.
With great ease and simplicity we create peace and love in this moment, as the pink and green fills and completes the space between. As the loads of laundry get done in between, as the Angels fill the space, healing and guiding us back to love with each breath, each song, each word shared, we breathe, give, receive, love and share more of this pink and green color. And as we breathe, the orange fills the space with His presence, His presence which can remain nameless for now, but His presence that fills my body, my life, my work, all of that which I do, speak and share. His presence is the one you meet in me. His presence is the one you think is me. His presence is the one you seek in me. His presence is the one allowed to spread across all of time and space to create peace and harmony here on Earth. I am His portal, through me you will find this presence, not me. The "I" that was, has become His. The "I" that you knew, has been hi-jacked by love. The "I" that remains is the "I" that serves His cause, which is love and truth. This "I" is very clear on that mission. This "I" is blessed.
With great ease and simplicity we create peace and love in this moment, as the pink and green fills and completes the space between. As the loads of laundry get done in between, as the Angels fill the space, healing and guiding us back to love with each breath, each song, each word shared, we breathe, give, receive, love and share more of this pink and green color. And as we breathe, the orange fills the space with His presence, His presence which can remain nameless for now, but His presence that fills my body, my life, my work, all of that which I do, speak and share. His presence is the one you meet in me. His presence is the one you think is me. His presence is the one you seek in me. His presence is the one allowed to spread across all of time and space to create peace and harmony here on Earth. I am His portal, through me you will find this presence, not me. The "I" that was, has become His. The "I" that you knew, has been hi-jacked by love. The "I" that remains is the "I" that serves His cause, which is love and truth. This "I" is very clear on that mission. This "I" is blessed.
Snatam Kaur Suni-ai
Suniai sidh peer sur naath
Suniai dharat dhaval aakaas
Suniai deep loa paataal
Suniai pohe na sakay kaal
Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas
Suniai dookh paap ka naas (8)
Listening, the siddhas (beings of spiritual perfection),
The spiritual teachers, the heroic warriors, the Yogic Masters.
Listening, the earth, it's support, and the akaashic ethers.
Listening, the oceans, lands, and peoples of the world,
And the nether regions of the underworld.
Listening, death cannot touch you.
O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.
Listening, pain and sin are erased. (8)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
With the energies of purification and cleansing around us, we are reminded that what we consume, ingest, think, feel becomes a part of our creations.
Toxins ingested become part of our new creations.
Clarity, purity, and harmony in the body and mind begin with how we treat the body.
Finding steadiness and peace in the emotional body is helped by ingesting peace and steadiness.
Essentially, we know when we are supposed to stop ingesting something in particular. Most of us know, we want to stop eating this, stop drinking that, stop smoking this and that, etc. Our thoughts and feelings too need correction.
However, most of us cannot control thoughts and emotions by relying on addictions for very long. Eventually our tolerance increases and we begin to need more of this or that to create the same calming effect we used to once get.
Now, to create peace in the mind and body, we are guided to detoxify as completely as we can.
Examine your habits. Examine what you use to numb your feelings. Examine and study your actions. Then ask for guidance about how to quit your addiction or habit.
The result after a 5 day detox will be great clarity and peace you have not seen in a long time. Then you will have achieved a level of purity of thought, action and emotions that you have perhaps been seeking for quite some time.
We all have vices. We all have unhealthy habits to heal. Call on the assistance of Archangel Michael and Raphael to cut all cords to all negative habits and addictions so you may experience more energy, more freedom and more love in your heart.
Toxins ingested become part of our new creations.
Clarity, purity, and harmony in the body and mind begin with how we treat the body.
Finding steadiness and peace in the emotional body is helped by ingesting peace and steadiness.
Essentially, we know when we are supposed to stop ingesting something in particular. Most of us know, we want to stop eating this, stop drinking that, stop smoking this and that, etc. Our thoughts and feelings too need correction.
However, most of us cannot control thoughts and emotions by relying on addictions for very long. Eventually our tolerance increases and we begin to need more of this or that to create the same calming effect we used to once get.
Now, to create peace in the mind and body, we are guided to detoxify as completely as we can.
Examine your habits. Examine what you use to numb your feelings. Examine and study your actions. Then ask for guidance about how to quit your addiction or habit.
The result after a 5 day detox will be great clarity and peace you have not seen in a long time. Then you will have achieved a level of purity of thought, action and emotions that you have perhaps been seeking for quite some time.
We all have vices. We all have unhealthy habits to heal. Call on the assistance of Archangel Michael and Raphael to cut all cords to all negative habits and addictions so you may experience more energy, more freedom and more love in your heart.
Archangel Michael
Dear Michael has been making his presence very known the past week. He always makes his presence known, but I would liken this to a trumpet alarm constant flow of messages for the past week. He has appeared to me through many friends to assist me with my protection this past week, and he visited me in a dream last night to do the same. He appeared as a well known actor, though ironically I don't know the actor's name, but I've seen him in many movies.
Michael came and talked about many things with me.
The gist of them is healing, cutting cords and protection.
Michael's main interest is in my peace of mind, and therefore your peace of mind. His interest is to protect a path of service. At this point in life, our path of service is very important and Michael serves as a guide, coach, friend and warrior, fiercely standing guard against any energy which impedes my service and yours.
If you are noticing a block, a disturbance, a pain, a negative emotion or thought, call on Michael. Assistance is swift and effective.
So I offer this prayer, to honor his presence and service to us all.
Dear Archangel Michael,
Thank you for your commitment to serving me and those I serve. Thank you for your power, healing, clearing and removal of all harmful and unwanted energies in and around my field and spaces where I live and work. Thank you for bringing to me those in need of my service and those who are here to assist my higher calling. Thank you for removing all obstacles to my perfect path of service to humanity and helping me to create a clear road to and from heaven in all that I do today and everyday. Thank you for removing all of the past, assisting us all in healing and clearing all of which no longer serves our best and highest good. May the clarity of this full moon illuminate all which needs to be seen and healed, and may the energy of this full moon draw from us all impurity that may be impeding us from our higher calling. This power, this light, your sword and all of your might will see to our protection and assure us our success as God's servants. We thank you for your devotion to us and attentive care and assistance when we call upon your presence. We honor your strength and allow it to become our own. With many of God's blessings, we carry on in service, following direction, with purpose and clarity, with love and joy, to do all that we agreed to do in this lifetime.
And so it is.
Thank you and love, love, love.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Michael came and talked about many things with me.
The gist of them is healing, cutting cords and protection.
Michael's main interest is in my peace of mind, and therefore your peace of mind. His interest is to protect a path of service. At this point in life, our path of service is very important and Michael serves as a guide, coach, friend and warrior, fiercely standing guard against any energy which impedes my service and yours.
If you are noticing a block, a disturbance, a pain, a negative emotion or thought, call on Michael. Assistance is swift and effective.
So I offer this prayer, to honor his presence and service to us all.
Dear Archangel Michael,
Thank you for your commitment to serving me and those I serve. Thank you for your power, healing, clearing and removal of all harmful and unwanted energies in and around my field and spaces where I live and work. Thank you for bringing to me those in need of my service and those who are here to assist my higher calling. Thank you for removing all obstacles to my perfect path of service to humanity and helping me to create a clear road to and from heaven in all that I do today and everyday. Thank you for removing all of the past, assisting us all in healing and clearing all of which no longer serves our best and highest good. May the clarity of this full moon illuminate all which needs to be seen and healed, and may the energy of this full moon draw from us all impurity that may be impeding us from our higher calling. This power, this light, your sword and all of your might will see to our protection and assure us our success as God's servants. We thank you for your devotion to us and attentive care and assistance when we call upon your presence. We honor your strength and allow it to become our own. With many of God's blessings, we carry on in service, following direction, with purpose and clarity, with love and joy, to do all that we agreed to do in this lifetime.
And so it is.
Thank you and love, love, love.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Silence has become the way of peace. Silence has become the safety and security most people are searching for. Silence is simply the space we all think we need when we tell others to leave us alone. Silence holds perfection and keeps it safe. Silence is the higher road. Silence is the path of ease and grace. Silence is beauty. Silence is clarity. Silence is stillness. Silence is golden. And that is God. Words confuse and separate. Words harm and destroy. Silence builds love. Silence holds space for love. Silence is the creator and creatrice of all we seek to build. Our silence is our most precious gift, aside from our hearts.
Power is in silence. Self is in silence. Trust is in silence. Integrity is in silence. Harmony is in silence. Truth is found in silence. The games and tricks of the ego will not survive in silence.
Be with silence. Learn in silence. Grow in silence. Breathe in silence. Rest in silence. That is perfectly enough.
Power is in silence. Self is in silence. Trust is in silence. Integrity is in silence. Harmony is in silence. Truth is found in silence. The games and tricks of the ego will not survive in silence.
Be with silence. Learn in silence. Grow in silence. Breathe in silence. Rest in silence. That is perfectly enough.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
E3 Live is an edible algae that you order online, it arrives frozen and you consume 1-4T per day depending on your tastes and desires. It is by far one of nature's supreme superfoods and after taking two servings today, I noticed that a) I can't sleep b) my mood is drastically improved and c) I am bouncing around getting things done with more energy than I have in the past two weeks. Is this only the E3 Live? I'm not sure, I kind of think so. I will update this tomorrow or the next day with more reports as I intend to take a higher quantity of dosages this upcoming week.
As I have experimented over the past four years with various types of raw superfoods, supplements, juice fasts, cleanses, etc, I have found this product to be one of the best, most effective energy enhancers.
More to come.....
As I have experimented over the past four years with various types of raw superfoods, supplements, juice fasts, cleanses, etc, I have found this product to be one of the best, most effective energy enhancers.
More to come.....
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Kale Salad (mostly raw:-)
A yummy recipe, brought to me by Prem Siri Kaur, owner of Trinity Yoga and Wellness Spa, with a few personal adjustments from moi, yours truly.
1 Bunch of Kale chopped small
1/4 red onion diced
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 package firm tofu diced
1 package cherry tomatoes halved
1/4C feta cheese
Vegenaise, olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice: mix and toss.
1 Bunch of Kale chopped small
1/4 red onion diced
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 package firm tofu diced
1 package cherry tomatoes halved
1/4C feta cheese
Vegenaise, olive oil, sea salt, lemon juice: mix and toss.
Today's Messages
Today in meditation, the angels made it clear the simplicity of how we can receive all that we want by simply breathing. Every request made to God, every desire, every need, every thing we want is first received through the breath. With each breath, the new arrives, as we exhale more of the stale, old energy can exit the body. With each in breath, we receive all we are asking for. We have it all in our breath. How simple, no? How many complain of not yet having x, y, or z, yet how easy to overlook the breath? The only thing standing between where we are and where we want to be or what we want to have is a good inhalation...or three or four. :-)
Breathe, receive, breathe, receive, breathe, receive....continue the cycle. It is simple and it works.
Breathe, receive, breathe, receive, breathe, receive....continue the cycle. It is simple and it works.
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